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  #201   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

Dave Liquorice wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 14:08:02 +0000, dennis@home wrote:
Not that vegetarians are picky.

Seems that meat eaters are if they are getting upset about a bit of dead
horse on their plate. What is the difference between killing and eating a
pig, goat, cow, sheep or WHY and killing an eating a horse?

None at all IMO, except that for some reason, the British people get all
sentimental about horses and other animals that have names. Morally and
practically, any slaughter of an animal (Including fish) is killing
another animal so you can survive a bit longer in the fashion to which
you are accustomed. Could I personally kill an animal so that I could
eat? I don't know, the situation's never come up for me.

One reason for humans eating meat historically has been that some
herbivores can survive and produce edible protein from land which cannot
be used for growing edible (To humans) crops. In historical times, this
made the difference between tribal survival and extinction.

To use one example in this thread, camels can survive and thrive on
vegetation which is inedible by humans, and humans have learnt to use
them as transport and food over the millennia. Camel's milk cheese has
an interesting flavour, and will keep for ages without refrigeration.

Tciao for Now!

  #202   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

Bob Eager wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 19:43:15 +0000, Dave Liquorice wrote:

(abuse deleted)

Seems that meat eaters are if they are getting upset about a bit of dead
horse on their plate. What is the difference between killing and eating
a pig, goat, cow, sheep or WHY and killing an eating a horse?

a) It's not what they were told they were getting.
b) By definition, its source was uncontrolled, and it may be adulterated/
drugged whatever.

Which are the only reasons for an omnivorous person to avoid the
products in question.

Tciao for Now!

  #203   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

Dave Liquorice wrote:
On 10 Feb 2013 20:02:52 GMT, Bob Eager wrote:

Seems that meat eaters are if they are getting upset about a bit of
dead horse on their plate. What is the difference between killing and
eating a pig, goat, cow, sheep or WHY and killing an eating a horse?

a) It's not what they were told they were getting.

This bit of the thread had wandered off into omnivore, vegitarian and
vegan diets BWTH. Yes it wasn't correctly labled but that doesn't make
the food inedible.

It does, however make it a more risky proposition. If the makers and
vendors don't know and apparently can't control what's in it, how can
they *prove* it's safe for me to eat? If the meat had been labelled as
containing horse, then there are rules that should be followed, and it
would have been cheaper to substitute pork for beef. As most of the
flavour and texture of meat is in the fat, then adding cheap pork or
even poultry, and increasing the amount of beef fat in the product
leaves lean beef for sale at a premium while saving money, and it would
be hard for the end user to spot the difference in the mince used in the
problematical products.

I don't buy budget food products for this reason. There's too much
chance of random stuff getting into the chain, as quality control costs
money and the budget is too low at the cheap end to allow proper

Tciao for Now!

  #204   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 10/02/2013 22:25, John Williamson wrote:
Bob Eager wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 19:43:15 +0000, Dave Liquorice wrote:

(abuse deleted)

Seems that meat eaters are if they are getting upset about a bit of dead
horse on their plate. What is the difference between killing and eating
a pig, goat, cow, sheep or WHY and killing an eating a horse?

a) It's not what they were told they were getting.
b) By definition, its source was uncontrolled, and it may be adulterated/
drugged whatever.

Which are the only reasons for an omnivorous person to avoid the
products in question.

Also Horse Meat Allergy. Which could be very serious if a person with
HMA consumes horse meat.

  #205   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

In message , DrTeeth
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 20:34:46 +0000, just as I was about to take a
herb, Tim Lamb disturbed my reverie and

There are a number of industry promoted
*assurance* schemes where farmers agree to abide by specific rules and
are inspected annually on compliance.

An annual inspection is hardly rigorous. I'd say four unannounced
inspections a year at a minimum would be more the ticket.


These inspections can only be superficial as it would take a battery of
lab tests to check on crop spray residues.

Is the paper work correct?
Has the sprayer got its annual test certificate?
Can birds/vermin get in the grain store?
Is the sprayer operators membership current?
Are all the chemicals currently in stock on the approved list?
Have the spray recommendations come from an approved source?
Are the treatment records up to date?
Does the loader bucket cleaning link to the grain lorry dockets?

etc. and it is a long list.

The paper trail is not fraud proof but it exists. Samples of each lorry
load leaving the farm must be kept for 12 months. The mill also take,
test and keep a sample of each delivery.

Tim Lamb

  #206   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 10/02/2013 5:35 a.m., Arfa Daily wrote:

My missus insists that KFC stands for Kan't ****in' Cook ... :-)


Ken **** 'e Tried

  #207   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 10/02/2013 22:35, John Williamson wrote:

I don't buy budget food products for this reason. There's too much
chance of random stuff getting into the chain, as quality control costs
money and the budget is too low at the cheap end to allow proper

And there is the old butchers trick of taking mince with lots of fat
and mincing it again to give it more colour. It is then sold as premium
mince at a higher price. The same product sold in Aldi/Lidl, Tesco and
M&S will have different prices. At what price point does the product
cease to be a budget line?

  #208   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 22:24:16 +0000, John Williamson wrote:

Could I personally kill an animal so that I could eat? I don't know,
the situation's never come up for me.

Well having directly killed, I'm pretty sure that if it came down to
killing, skining and preparing an animal for food I could. I wouldn't
like it but if it's fluffy bunny or me, sorry fluffy bunny you are the
one in the pot (if I could catch said fluffy bunny...).

(*) OK it was a rat in the back of a kitchen cupboard but I literally
squashed the life out of it with a coffee jar. Cruel way to kill? Maybe,
but poison isn't very pleasant either. We had tried break back rat traps
but all that caught was the last couple of inches of a tail, yes ratty
gnawed through it's own tail to escape.


  #209   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

"John Williamson" wrote in message
Dave Liquorice wrote:
On 10 Feb 2013 20:02:52 GMT, Bob Eager wrote:

Seems that meat eaters are if they are getting upset about a bit of
dead horse on their plate. What is the difference between killing and
eating a pig, goat, cow, sheep or WHY and killing an eating a horse?
a) It's not what they were told they were getting.

This bit of the thread had wandered off into omnivore, vegitarian and
vegan diets BWTH. Yes it wasn't correctly labled but that doesn't make
the food inedible.

It does, however make it a more risky proposition. If the makers and
vendors don't know and apparently can't control what's in it, how can they
*prove* it's safe for me to eat? If the meat had been labelled as
containing horse, then there are rules that should be followed, and it
would have been cheaper to substitute pork for beef. As most of the
flavour and texture of meat is in the fat, then adding cheap pork or even
poultry, and increasing the amount of beef fat in the product leaves lean
beef for sale at a premium while saving money, and it would be hard for
the end user to spot the difference in the mince used in the problematical

I don't buy budget food products for this reason.

I'm not that silly.

There's too much chance of random stuff getting into the chain, as quality
control costs money and the budget is too low at the cheap end to allow
proper traceability.

It can get into the chain even with more expensive food products
that claim to have complete control over the entire chain anyway.

It wasn't just budget food products that ended up with BSE.

  #210   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

John Williamson wrote
Dave Liquorice wrote
dennis@home wrote

Not that vegetarians are picky.

Seems that meat eaters are if they are getting upset about a bit of dead
horse on their plate. What is the difference between killing and eating a
pig, goat, cow, sheep or WHY and killing an eating a horse?

None at all IMO, except that for some reason, the British people get all
sentimental about horses and other animals that have names. Morally and
practically, any slaughter of an animal (Including fish) is killing
another animal so you can survive a bit longer in the fashion to which you
are accustomed.

And its not just about survival anyway.

The absolute vast bulk of all the animals I eat only
got to live at all because they are eaten by humans.

The main obvious exception is fish etc.

Corse I prefer that they are killed humanely but
don't really care too much that the fish don't.

Could I personally kill an animal so that I could eat? I don't know, the
situation's never come up for me.

It has for me, and I don't give a damn.

One reason for humans eating meat historically has been that some
herbivores can survive and produce edible protein from land which cannot
be used for growing edible (To humans) crops. In historical times, this
made the difference between tribal survival and extinction.

The real reason for humans eating meat historically is because we
evolved that way.

To use one example in this thread, camels can survive and thrive on
vegetation which is inedible by humans,

That's true of most of the animals we eat.

and humans have learnt to use them as transport and food over the
millennia. Camel's milk cheese has an interesting flavour,

Never tried it.

and will keep for ages without refrigeration.

So do plenty of other cheeses.

  #211   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

"Rod Speed" wrote in message

"Arfa Daily" wrote in message

"Rod Speed" wrote in message

"Arfa Daily" wrote in message

"Rod Speed" wrote in message

"Tim Streater" wrote in message
In article ,
The Natural Philosopher wrote:

On 08/02/13 12:46, Dave Liquorice wrote:

What I find rather disturbing is that no one in the whole long
chain, from abattoir to retail outlet, appears to have been
testing that a batch of meat or product called "beef" really is

How would you know?

DNA testing is scarcely the sort of thing that people engage in

Company X decides that in practice people can barely tell horse from
cow, stars mixing in horse, and the frozen mince goes off to
McDonkeys suppliers, who use the sort of it in lasagne as well.

They undercut everyone else's prices, so guess who else start to

Soon, as with banks, 'everybody is doing it' throwing in the rats
squirrels, dogs, deer - anything that is or can reasonably be
described as 'edible meat' goes in one end. and death burgers come
out the other.

And you thought Ankh Morpork was fictional.

Rat on a stick, eh? Yum!

Mate of mine always called it Kentucky Fried Rat back in the 60s

Does tend to stick in your mind a bit.

My missus insists that KFC stands for Kan't ****in' Cook ... :-)

Dunno, some do like it.

And some breed rat like things to eat too, particularly in south

Funnily enough, I actually quite like KFC ...

Yeah, I dont mind it either, although on normally only
buy that sort of thing when on a decent trip in a car.

I also don't mind mickey D's,

Yeah, I dont either. I normally make my own tho when home.

which I suppose is odd considering we own a burger take away

Presumably you arent always home.

(which, incidentally, is spotlessly clean, and sells only very high
quality burgers).

Yeah, I normally buy the better burger pattys.

We also have a customer who is in every week with his family, and he owns
a burger van !

Is that coz the kids demand that ?

The people that we sold our cafe to are also customers of ours, and we
still go into their cafe ...

Tad incestuous. Just watch out for kids with two heads...

Probably is down to the kids, as we do around 30 flavours of milkshake, and
these are very popular with the kids. The burger patties that we use are
100% Aberdeen Angus beef, sourced from a local herd and made for us fresh
every week by a small independent butcher. They are cooked on a charcoal
flame grill, so not greasy at all. They take around 7 minutes to cook
through, but the customers don't mind waiting ...


  #212   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

"harry" wrote in message
On Feb 10, 3:04 am, "Arfa Daily" wrote:
"The Natural Philosopher" wrote in

On 09/02/13 18:21, djc wrote:
On 09/02/13 16:56, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

The only law that has been broken is mis representation on the

Assuming of course that the 'registered' Romanian slaughterhouse
actually conforms to EU regulations.

As horse would attract a premium over beef in places where it is
consumed as such, it seems improbable that the horse that found its
to Findus was such a quality product.

Is that Harry's car on the back?

Must be. I can see the bloody great solar panels on the roof ... :-)


Nah Nah. The solar panels are on my house roof.

Wot ! You ain't got not solar 'lectric car ???


  #213   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

"polygonum" wrote in message
On 10/02/2013 08:53, harry wrote:
On Feb 9, 7:30 pm, polygonum wrote:
On 09/02/2013 18:46, alan wrote: On 09/02/2013 15:27, Arfa Daily wrote:

Which is why the burgers that we use at our burger take-out cost a
trade. They come 100% from a fully traceable local herd of Aberdeen
Angus cattle,

But most of your customers will assume that you are selling Romanian
horse burger.

Now might be the time to make it abundantly clear that the burgers are
fully traceable. It is more than many outlets could do.

Only in certain countries.

Arfa is only in one country - don't think they are multi-national yet?
(Much as they might deserve to be!)

Crikey ! We're only in one town, even ... ! Thanks for the vote of
confidence in our wares - it's appreciated !


Or are you saying that only in certain countries could outlets make it
clear that they are fully traceable? Surely they can make it clear if it
is true, in any country?


  #214   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 9/02/2013 3:47 a.m., Tim Watts wrote:

Soylent Green.

Everybody thinks of Soylent Green, but I think of Anthony Burgess's The
Wanting Seed.
  #215   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 11/02/2013 2:12 p.m., Rod Speed wrote:
u are accustomed.

And its not just about survival anyway.

The absolute vast bulk of all the animals I eat only
got to live at all because they are eaten by humans.

Yes. I like to tease vegetarians with this question: Is a sheep's life
worth anything? They tend to think it is. I then point out that there
are about 40 million sheep in our country, and if we didn't eat sheep
there'd be a small fraction of this number. By eating sheep we are
giving life to millions of sheep. Are the sheep better or worse off
because we rear them? It's also worth mentioning what a good life these
sheep have, free from disease, free from predation, always getting
enough to eat. When you watch the lambs gamboling in the fields it's
pretty obvious that a sheep's life has value. It's better to have lived
and lost than never to have lived at all.

  #216   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 9/02/2013 10:08 a.m., DrTeeth wrote:
On Fri, 08 Feb 2013 17:52:30 +0000 (GMT), just as I was about to take
a herb, "Dave Liquorice" disturbed my
reverie and wrote:

They probably have but at least I can wash and/or peel most fruit and

How do you ever know if you have done enough?

The risks! They are everywhere. I think I'll kill myself now, to be safe.

  #217   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 9/02/2013 6:57 a.m., alan wrote:

Your local lovable rouge will tell you anything you want to hear

Hmmm... drag queen?

  #218   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 9/02/2013 3:06 a.m., Dave Plowman (News) wrote:
In article ,
The Natural Philosopher wrote:
Socialists. Who have forever confused being in charge with knowing how
to run things, who have confused the appearance of probity with genuine
conscience and self discipline, and have been stupid enough to elect
left wing governments for the last 50 years under the stupid impression
that they actually gave a **** about anyone but themselves and their
career paths.

Barclay's Bank is run by socialists? Chris Huhne is one? Do you even think
before you rant?

Ranting is more fun if you don't stop to think
  #219   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 21:10:26 +0000, DrTeeth

Apparently, the price of horse meat in Romania has plummeted since the
use of horse and carts on the highways was made illegal recently.

Only on the main roads, apparently.
Some Romanian woman was getting quite heated about it yesterday.
  #220   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Feb 10, 7:56*pm, geoff wrote:
In message
harry writes

On Feb 10, 12:58*am, (Windmill)
"Dave Liquorice" writes:
On Fri, 08 Feb 2013 11:24:15 +0000, Lobster wrote:
So whereas I expect Findus Horse Lasagane is perfectly normal safe and
OK in some places within the EU (ie, prepared to the same rules and
regs as any food shipped to the UK), it obviously ain't in Blighty; and
imagine it's a case of the wrong sort of meat going down the wrong
assemble line somewhere.
And have the wrong label applied? Beef Lasagne should be made from beef
not horse. If horse is a more expensive meat than beef it ain't going to
be your "prime cuts fit for human consumption" that has been used and
mislabeled either.
What I find rather disturbing is that no one in the whole long supply
chain, from abattoir to retail outlet, appears to have been routinely
testing that a batch of meat or product called "beef" really is 100%
Why was this only really picked up by random food testing by a small
countries government FSA?
I'm glad I stopped eating meat 20+ years ago...

But many legumes need to be cooked vigorously for a few minutes to
destroy natural toxins.
Who tests that this has been properly done (to kidney beans, as an
Who checks for pesticide residues? In coffee beans, for example, now
that they're having problems with something called coffee rust?

The ones that are picked out of monkey **** should be OK.
Or was it cat ****?

Its civets Harry

The monkey would have died, right?

So would you if you saw the price

Got some in the kitchen cabinet


Ahhhh. Riiight. Ferret ****.
So what's the benefit? Is is something you produce to impress visitors?

  #221   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Feb 10, 8:41*pm, "dennis@home"
On 10/02/2013 19:43, Dave Liquorice wrote:

Seems that meat eaters are if they are getting upset about a bit of dead
horse on their plate. What is the difference between killing and eating a
pig, goat, cow, sheep or WHY and killing an eating a horse?

Its not eat horse that's the problem, its not knowing what it is.
If the products had been labelled as horse meat there wouldn't be a problem.

Yes there would. Nobody would buy them in the UK.
  #222   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Feb 10, 9:03*pm, DrTeeth wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 05:03:33 +1100, just as I was about to take a
herb, "Rod Speed" disturbed my reverie and

than the animal being aware that its being killed.

So animals have an IQ higher than yours?

  #223   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 10 Feb 2013 22:06:06 GMT, Bob Eager wrote:

On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 21:19:51 +0000, DrTeeth wrote:

On Sat, 09 Feb 2013 23:28:44 +0000 (GMT), just as I was about to take a
herb, "Dave Liquorice" disturbed my
reverie and wrote:

I note it doesn't say
"chicken egg" just "egg" ... B-)

Exactly! Many people would see the word 'chicken' before the egg without
thinking of the type of egg. Alligator perhaps?

Sturgeon? .-)

Caviar or kaviar?
The gods will stay away
whilst religions hold sway
  #224   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Feb 10, 9:14*pm, DrTeeth wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 09:33:16 +0000, just as I was about to take a
herb, polygonum disturbed my reverie and

For as a baby he was very ill and was
given donkey milk - which, apparently, is about the closest to human
milk of all the reasonably common animals.

There is a tribe of nomadic Arabs who survive on camel's milk mixed
with camel's blood when crossing the desert.

They get the blood by nicking the veins in the neck.

No doubt 'Rod Slow' would approve as the camels would be fully aware
that they were not being killed LOL.

You got that wrong you half wit. Muslims don't eat blood.

It's the Maasai of East Africa. They plug the hole they make with a
bit of cow ****.
  #225   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 11/02/2013 05:51, Gib Bogle wrote:
On 11/02/2013 2:12 p.m., Rod Speed wrote:
u are accustomed.

And its not just about survival anyway.

The absolute vast bulk of all the animals I eat only
got to live at all because they are eaten by humans.

Yes. I like to tease vegetarians with this question: Is a sheep's life
worth anything? They tend to think it is. I then point out that there
are about 40 million sheep in our country, and if we didn't eat sheep
there'd be a small fraction of this number. By eating sheep we are
giving life to millions of sheep. Are the sheep better or worse off
because we rear them? It's also worth mentioning what a good life these
sheep have, free from disease, free from predation, always getting
enough to eat. When you watch the lambs gamboling in the fields it's
pretty obvious that a sheep's life has value. It's better to have lived
and lost than never to have lived at all.

Given the price farmers get for fleeces (that is, folks, sheep fleeces,
not polyester jackets :-) ), there certainly wouldn't be many sheep
kept for wool production here.


  #226   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Feb 11, 2:20*am, "Arfa Daily" wrote:
"harry" wrote in message


On Feb 10, 3:04 am, "Arfa Daily" wrote:
"The Natural Philosopher" wrote in

On 09/02/13 18:21, djc wrote:
On 09/02/13 16:56, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

The only law that has been broken is mis representation on the

Assuming of course that the 'registered' Romanian slaughterhouse
actually conforms to EU regulations.

As horse would attract a premium over beef in places where it is
consumed as such, it seems improbable that the horse that found its
to Findus was such a quality product.

Is that Harry's car on the back?

Must be. I can see the bloody great solar panels on the roof ... * * *:-)


Nah Nah. The solar panels are on my house roof.

Wot ! You ain't got not solar 'lectric car ???


Well I try to keep it solar electric if I can.
  #227   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

alan wrote:
On 10/02/2013 22:35, John Williamson wrote:

I don't buy budget food products for this reason. There's too much
chance of random stuff getting into the chain, as quality control costs
money and the budget is too low at the cheap end to allow proper

And there is the old butchers trick of taking mince with lots of fat and
mincing it again to give it more colour. It is then sold as premium
mince at a higher price. The same product sold in Aldi/Lidl, Tesco and
M&S will have different prices. At what price point does the product
cease to be a budget line?

Is it a an *identical* product being sold in all those places? I've
bought meat from all those sources in the past, and quality (Taste,
texture, fat content...) varies according to the retailer roughly in
proportion to the price paid.

On the other hand, if you're that worried about food standards, grow
your own and kill it yourself. Then you know exactly what's in it

Tciao for Now!

  #228   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Fri, 08 Feb 2013 16:05:27 GMT, Jethro_uk

On Fri, 08 Feb 2013 15:38:05 +0000, John Williamson wrote:

If there's unlabelled non-kosher or non-halal meat in an otherwise
kosher or halal meat product, then a *lot* of people are going to be
really annoyed about that.

On the one hand, this scandal just shows the weakness of trying to
provenance food in a global market - if halal, or kosher are important to
you, then you should perhaps be using a more locally based solution.

I doubt prisoners get much choice on where their food is procured.

However, if the kosherness or halalness of meant can't be guaranteed,
then there's no reason to believe anything else can either - including
whether it's fit for humans or not.

(\__/) M.
(='.'=) If a man stands in a forest and no woman is around
(")_(") is he still wrong?

  #229   Report Post  
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 00:41:10 -0800 (PST), just as I was about to take
a herb, harry disturbed my reverie and

You got that wrong you half wit. Muslims don't eat blood.

Not all Arabs are Muslims. Don't try to make Ron Speed the second
thickest person here ;-).


We may not be able to prevent the stormy times in
our lives; but we can always choose whether or not
to dance in the puddles (Jewish proverb).
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 22:24:16 +0000, just as I was about to take a
herb, John Williamson disturbed my
reverie and wrote:

Camel's milk cheese has
an interesting flavour, and will keep for ages without refrigeration

Because it probably tastes the same whether it is 'off' or not and
because nobody will eat it*.

*With apologies to the Red Dwarf 'bit' about dogs' milk.


We may not be able to prevent the stormy times in
our lives; but we can always choose whether or not
to dance in the puddles (Jewish proverb).

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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 22:38:56 +0000, just as I was about to take a
herb, polygonum disturbed my reverie and

Also Horse Meat Allergy. Which could be very serious if a person with
HMA consumes horse meat.

I doubt many people would know they had the allergy to avoid it. I
would wager that the vast majority of people who have eaten horse have
not been aware of it.

The other can one decide what their particular allergen
is when so many processed foods contains so many potential ones?


We may not be able to prevent the stormy times in
our lives; but we can always choose whether or not
to dance in the puddles (Jewish proverb).
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Feb 11, 8:36*am, harry wrote:
On Feb 10, 9:03*pm, DrTeeth wrote:

On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 05:03:33 +1100, just as I was about to take a
herb, "Rod Speed" disturbed my reverie and

than the animal being aware that its being killed.

So animals have an IQ higher than yours?


Very likely in the case of Wodders.

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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 18:53:02 +1300, just as I was about to take a
herb, Gib Bogle disturbed my reverie and

I think I'll kill myself now, to be safe.

Be careful, you might hurt yourself ;-).


We may not be able to prevent the stormy times in
our lives; but we can always choose whether or not
to dance in the puddles (Jewish proverb).
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 22:49:47 +0000, just as I was about to take a
herb, Tim Lamb disturbed my reverie and

etc. and it is a long list.

Vy good point, well made.


We may not be able to prevent the stormy times in
our lives; but we can always choose whether or not
to dance in the puddles (Jewish proverb).
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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 11/02/2013 10:54, DrTeeth wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 22:38:56 +0000, just as I was about to take a
herb, polygonum disturbed my reverie and

Also Horse Meat Allergy. Which could be very serious if a person with
HMA consumes horse meat.

I doubt many people would know they had the allergy to avoid it. I
would wager that the vast majority of people who have eaten horse have
not been aware of it.

The other can one decide what their particular allergen
is when so many processed foods contains so many potential ones?

True. But there are some who know.

My own father suffered anaphylactic shock from tetanus vaccine - not
sure what animal that was produced in, but there is a lot of mention of
horse surrounding the DPT combined vaccination.

I did not have an anti-tetanus vaccination until I was much older than
my peers because of concerns about this.


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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Friday, February 8, 2013 6:23:19 PM UTC, harry wrote:
On Feb 8, 2:44*pm, whisky-dave wrote:

I was thinking more along the lines of soylent green but who would eat green meat !!! pass the food colouring dear :-)

We buy our stuff from the local butcher.

But do you know where your local butcher sources from...
I've no idea about mine a truck pulls up and carcass come out the back.
Not used them for years as I've no idea where they get their meat.
Why should I trust them more than my local supermarket ?

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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

DrTeeth wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 22:24:16 +0000, just as I was about to take a
herb, John Williamson disturbed my
reverie and wrote:

Camel's milk cheese has
an interesting flavour, and will keep for ages without refrigeration

Because it probably tastes the same whether it is 'off' or not and
because nobody will eat it*.

Because the moisture levels in it are so low, and, possibly, it's so
acid that the bugs can't breed. What bugs there are have turned into
spores long before it leaves the makers.

The nearest I've seen and tasted from elsewhere are the hard "Grana"
type cheeses from Italy.
Tciao for Now!

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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Friday, February 8, 2013 11:04:39 AM UTC, David.WE.Roberts wrote:
....then how can we trust them when they say
"Of course, the horse meat is completely safe to eat."

Who are you quoting? I haven't heard anyone say that.


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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On 10/02/13 20:02, Bob Eager wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 19:43:15 +0000, Dave Liquorice wrote:

(abuse deleted)

Seems that meat eaters are if they are getting upset about a bit of dead
horse on their plate. What is the difference between killing and eating
a pig, goat, cow, sheep or WHY and killing an eating a horse?

a) It's not what they were told they were getting.

True, but even if it were pure beef, they probably would not be happy
knowing just what bits of the animal.

b) By definition, its source was uncontrolled, and it may be adulterated/
drugged whatever.

That is rather more to the point.


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Default TOT - if the lied about the beef being horse meat.......

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 08:42:22 +0000, polygonum

Given the price farmers get for fleeces (that is, folks, sheep fleeces,
not polyester jackets :-) ), there certainly wouldn't be many sheep
kept for wool production here.

Given the knockdown prices the farmers get for fleeces still, when you
buy sheepwool loft insulation it's fecking expensive stuff.
I put down six inches of it last year, but decided to do the rest in
Knaupf mineral wool at a third of the price.
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