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  #281   Report Post  
Santa Cruz Mike
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 00:43:04 GMT, Alan Moore

On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 17:34:41 -0700, Tim May

From some of the messages I got while I was gone the past day or so,
some people think I am making the stuff up about Gunner's wife, or
ex-wife, or live-in ex-wife, or whatever she is, and making stuff about
his past life choiced which seem plainly destructive.


You seem to be strangely fascinated by Gunner. Have you solved all the
problems in your own life, and those of your family, friends and
neighbors, and have decided to work on him next? Why not solve the
problems of someone from whose improvement we might all benefit, like
Osama bin Laden, or GW Bush?

Al Moore

Tim sure had to a long way down the food chain to find his match in a
****ing contest...

You would think someone so vocal or successful would have a more
worthy opponant then some beaten down loser on his last leg..

Just kidding Gunner.... but hope you get my point..


The Lord himself has spoken,
and he will not revoke these words:
"Before me every knee will bow;
by me every tongue will swear.
They will say of me, 'In the Lord alone
are righteousness and strength.'"

Even old Tim May is going to bend his fat ass over one day... and
make a little confession.... maybe even beg a little for
compasson... and we will all be there together.. watching him cry and
whine like a little **** dog.
  #282   Report Post  
Santa Cruz Mike
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 18:12:58 -0700, Tim May

In article , Santa Cruz
Mike wrote:

Tim are you after a restraining order.. or sliming around to get a
restraining order so gunner will have to get rid of his guns?

Restraining orders are easy to get .. but sure get messy when the
order was used for ulterior motives.. ask your smart ass lawyer about
cases where people "collected" information for restraining orders..
then were sued in civil court for damages after the facts were fully
discovered.... and the ulterior motives questioned

I would seek a TRO if and when I think Gunner plans to do what TROs are
designed to head off: someone lingering on or near another person's
property for threatening or harassment purposes. TROs are orders for
another to keep a reasonable distance, allowing arrest and prosecution
if they violate the TRO.

--Tim May

Stop running your mouth... Tim.. are you going to get a restraining
order because Gunner a threat.. or are you just pulling his chain
hoping to provoke.. get your orden and then have his guns taken away?
Which is it... Isn't that your sport? Isn't that your game? You so
rich.. so succesful..... and you **** yourlife away posting against
some dumb smuck whose words and actions have no empact on society good
or bad.. meanwhile.. you are smart.. you are strong willed.. you have
the contacts to change society and government for good.. but you are
so mentally unstable and bitter... that you **** your life away, horde
your finacial and mental abilities.. like a rabid dog in fear of be

YOU are worse the those on welfare... YOU are worse then those
homeless wackos in downtown Santa Cruz...

Cause you know better, you KNOW how to make a difference.. YOU can
bake a difference..

But you instead **** it all away... on nothing...

People who waste themselves and their so called abilities... should
share a cell in the debtors prisons..


  #284   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

I would seek a TRO if and when I think Gunner plans to do what TROs are
designed to head off: someone lingering on or near another person's
property for threatening or harassment purposes. TROs are orders for
another to keep a reasonable distance, allowing arrest and prosecution
if they violate the TRO.

--Tim May

Please, please, please. Can I go down to the courthouse or police station
with you when you ask them to put a TRO on a man that had heart surgery
within the last week.

It has been a long long time since I have laughed that hard, and I want to
be there when it happens.

Please, please, please?

Steve ......................... PLEASE?

  #285   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

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"Santa Cruz Mike" wrote in message
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 23:22:48 GMT, "Mysterion"

Remove "nospam" for e-mail
"Gunner" wrote in message
.. .
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 12:32:02 -0700, Tim May

In article , Gunner

Actually...not. A goodly portion of your spew so far has been of

own invention, and for purposes to harm and defame. Quite a

kettle of fish.

I took the material from your own long diatribes against her and her

The only thing I speculated on was drug use, which I strongly suspect
was the case, given that she was engaged in partying and sexual
experimentation with women and other men, from your own description,
beginning in 1976 and continuing for years. These were years when most
such partyers were ingesting various substances.

However, I will take you at your word that she never did cocaine,
crank, pot, etc. The smoking and boozing right after the taxpayers

her the full heart attack treatment is bad enough.

Its a bit late now for speculation, long after the fact you published
your claims not as speculation, but as hard cold factoids, and did so
deliberately. Sorry..your apology is not accepted. Damage to her
reputation and to mine has been irrevocably done. Your continued
efforts to hammer the same drum tune even after being notified of
your is also noted and filed.

I expect a thorough search of public records would find any drug-related
arrests of the persons in question.

And any damage to her reputation was done by YOU in your posts, same as

damage to your reputation.
Any such "damage" must be proved to have a detrimental and quantifiable
effect before you can start yelling about "libel".

And if its true, it isn't libel.

Keep up the threats. Details add to the file.

Threats? Which threats? Are you claiming that Im threatening

God forbid. Hummm isnt that libel?

A TRO (and what that implies) needs detailed threats. We're getting

So you are using the threat of a restraining order to curtail my day
to day postings? That sounds like you are indeed threatening me,

attempting to force me to your will. Intersting. Added to the


No, a TRO to make you arrestable if you show up on or near my

Big difference.

Up or near..interesting phrasology. Please define both. 100 yrds?
1000? So if I decide to go bird watching 1000 yds from your bunker,
Il be arrested, even on public lands or roadways? Interesting. Be
sure to make specific distances mentioned in the TRO. Just so I know
what the legal limit is..of course.

Keep spewing.
Any hungry lawyer already has enough to make your life hell, the only

saving you so far is your poverty.

Mystery man.. this isn't about anything... this the the stingy rich
white man who doesn't have a life Sport..

This is Sport To this kind of people

It certainly seems to be a major source of "entertainment" for these guys.
Almost as bad a "reality TV".

... .where have you been...?

Working, raising my kids, etc.
MS is getting to be a waste of time.

  #286   Report Post  
Tim May
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

In article , Santa Cruz
Mike wrote:

Tim sure had to a long way down the food chain to find his match in a
****ing contest...

You would think someone so vocal or successful would have a more
worthy opponant then some beaten down loser on his last leg..

Just kidding Gunner.... but hope you get my point..

Gunner was once a worthy advocate for less government. Hence his fall
beginning a few years ago, when he started to defend Big Brother
Medicine and forced payment for his wife's life choices was all the
more surprising and disconcerting.

He now appears to be completely in the thrall of the Hilary Health Care
Plan Brigade.

The Lord himself has spoken,
and he will not revoke these words:
"Before me every knee will bow;
by me every tongue will swear.
They will say of me, 'In the Lord alone
are righteousness and strength.'"

Even old Tim May is going to bend his fat ass over one day... and
make a little confession.... maybe even beg a little for
compasson... and we will all be there together.. watching him cry and
whine like a little **** dog.

If and when bad things happen to me, I certainly don't whine in the
public newsgroups.

I doubt I'll do so anytime in the future.

And I certainly won't argue for socialized medicine and forced taxation
to pay for people like his "son" to collect SS while others work.

America is becoming a slave camp. The Sonderkommandoes who administer
the system or benefit from it are chortling.

--Tim May
  #287   Report Post  
Santa Cruz Mike
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 19:28:56 -0700, "SteveB"

I would seek a TRO if and when I think Gunner plans to do what TROs are
designed to head off: someone lingering on or near another person's
property for threatening or harassment purposes. TROs are orders for
another to keep a reasonable distance, allowing arrest and prosecution
if they violate the TRO.

--Tim May

Please, please, please. Can I go down to the courthouse or police station
with you when you ask them to put a TRO on a man that had heart surgery
within the last week.

It has been a long long time since I have laughed that hard, and I want to
be there when it happens.

Please, please, please?

Steve ......................... PLEASE?

Steve... get a bigger laugh... don't need to make a trip.. it's a
felony to threaten anyone in an email, newsgroup posts, etc.. just
one or two calls and over for that low life... barely living,
stranling along Gunner...


  #288   Report Post  
Santa Cruz Mike
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 20:19:05 -0700, Tim May

America is becoming a slave camp. The Sonderkommandoes who administer
the system or benefit from it are chortling.

--Tim May

I'm glad we agree Tim..... America has become a salve camp... but from
where and from whom?

Was it the black man that opperesed the black and benifited from the
slave trade and use of cheap labor, or was it the white rich
self-made money man?

Was it the poor and the homeless and the weak and the stupid that
destroyed the retirement funds, future, and hope when Enron, World
Com, Tyco, Martha Stewert, Global Crossing, etc etc.. ran into money
problems.. problems created by illegal and immoral acts of rich white
men and women???

Was it those on welfare and SS disability who lied and pushed through
the bond in Santa Cruz fo build that expensive new police station that
is nicer and more modern looking that our dumpy schools??

Was it those on welfare, the sick, the mentally dereanged that divided
up the assets of Seagate, moved out the machinery and left 100,000
square feet of empty buildings in Scotts Valley...??

Was it the poor and the homeless, the stupid and ignorant who built
the great and grand Borland Building in Scotts Valley... only to
collapse and cost the jobs and money of thousands of people..??

Was it the poor and the homelss and the sick who are spending $16,000
to feed a stinking baby sea otter special food so it won't die??

NO.. it is not the poor, the ignorant, the homeless, the stupid, the
retarted... who did these things.. it was the rich... the powerful..

Well.. you get the point..

It's easy to point a finger and blame the weak and the small.... but
guys like you.. your mentality.... had done damage to lives... the
futures... on so many can't even be measured...

While the wokring man... those you look down upon... those you despise
becasue the aren't as good as you rest and sleep at night..

YOU and YOUR brothers of greed... sneak about... and try to find a
way to take another nickel form a starviong child... how to get an
extra interetst point on that loan to the poor smuck trying to make
ends meet and be half a man for his family and wife...

Tim.. maybe you should see a shrink... you have many characteristics
of a Narcicist....

What do you see in the mirror... reality... or your delusion of self

Well got to go...


  #289   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner: I'm back

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:50:24 -0400, Gary Coffman

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 17:11:23 GMT, Gunner wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 12:24:46 -0400, Gary Coffman

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 01:48:22 GMT, Gunner wrote:
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 08:14:13 -0700, RainLover
The "haves" always love to think that if THEY have a good job and enough money
and savings, EVERYONE should be able to have that and the 'have nots' are just

Some truth to that..and some not truth. Makes a fellow wonder where
all the switchboard operators for the phone companies went. Were they
executed when the COs were automated?

They went to work in defense plants. The timing worked out so that
the expansion of jobs for women due to the men going off to war
started about the time the phone systems became fully automatic.


Really? The CO here in my town went automated in 1985. Which war was

The bulk of the nation's phone system went to direct dial prior to WWII.
There were a very few rural areas whose phone systems still used
telephone operators to make connections later than that, but the
numbers involved are tiny.


Upper East Tennessee, until the late 1960's, used human OP's for calls
not in the immediate prefix code.

Of course, ALL long distance calls were OP.

  #290   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner: I'm back

On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 14:53:32 GMT, "Mysterion"

Remove "nospam" for e-mail
"Strider" wrote in message
.. .
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 07:50:51 GMT, "Mysterion"

Remove "nospam" for e-mail
"Gunner" wrote in message
.. .
On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 12:24:11 -0700, Tim May

If I find you on or near my property, I'll shoot first, without any
polite warnings, because of your threats here and earlier. And these
postings, here, will establish what your intentions were with your
"decide to make you a hobby" threats.

--Tim May

Tim old lard ass..I notice the word "if" used as a conditional
statement. What makes you think there would be an "if"?

Think hard amigo... As to threats...what threats were those? Threats
of violence? Cites? Shucks Tubby, I may want to start up the
California Chapter of the Tim May Fan Club.

Goofer, you ****ing chicken**** prick!
And YOU accused ME of using weasel words!

You keep on taking those prescription drugs and dreaming of your glory

They're long gone, like your decency, honor or integrity.

What's wrong, Mysty one?

I despise hypocrites, dupe.

Did that Jewish bar tender kick your ass out to the curb early again?

My bartender is Polish and knows jews firsthand.
Nice attempt at character assassination though.
Been taking lessons?

Who needs lessons. People that hate as much as you hate generally have
some perceived personal affront, usually quite petty, that they are
unable to deal with in a rational manner.


  #291   Report Post  
Garrett Fulton
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner: I'm back

"Strider" wrote in message
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:50:24 -0400, Gary Coffman

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 17:11:23 GMT, Gunner wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 12:24:46 -0400, Gary Coffman

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 01:48:22 GMT, Gunner wrote:
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 08:14:13 -0700, RainLover
The "haves" always love to think that if THEY have a good job and

enough money
and savings, EVERYONE should be able to have that and the 'have nots'

are just

Some truth to that..and some not truth. Makes a fellow wonder where
all the switchboard operators for the phone companies went. Were they
executed when the COs were automated?

They went to work in defense plants. The timing worked out so that
the expansion of jobs for women due to the men going off to war
started about the time the phone systems became fully automatic.


Really? The CO here in my town went automated in 1985. Which war was

The bulk of the nation's phone system went to direct dial prior to WWII.
There were a very few rural areas whose phone systems still used
telephone operators to make connections later than that, but the
numbers involved are tiny.


Upper East Tennessee, until the late 1960's, used human OP's for calls
not in the immediate prefix code.

Of course, ALL long distance calls were OP.


Also a few townships in Floyd Co., Southern Indiana until the late '60's.

Garrett Fulton

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-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
  #292   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 04:59:15 GMT, Santa Cruz Mike

Steve... get a bigger laugh... don't need to make a trip.. it's a
felony to threaten anyone in an email, newsgroup posts, etc.. just
one or two calls and over for that low life... barely living,
stranling along Gunner...


What threats have I made? Cites? In fact, Ive cautioned Tubby about
risks to his health and indicated I wish him a long life. Repeatedly.


That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's
cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays
- George Orwell
  #293   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

"Santa Cruz Mike" wrote in message

NO.. it is not the poor, the ignorant, the homeless, the stupid, the
retarted... who did these things.. it was the rich... the powerful..

Many people in the libertarian party would not have done these things.
However, it _is_ the poor, the ignorant, and the homeless who will never
vote for a libertarian. We live in a Democracy. In this type of
government, the politician who promises everything to the masses and will
make evil rich people pay usually gets the votes. In Californian, a
Republican is almost no different than a Democrat where I come from. Both
advocate a lot of state control over a person's life. Sometimes you have
some decent Republicans that are true conservatives, but not that many. So
basically, when you say it is these folks who did all these things...who
voted them in? Was it the homeless? The poor? The people on welfare? If
so, then indirectly they are responsible for the way the city turned out.
You get what you ask for.

  #294   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner: I'm back

Remove "nospam" for e-mail
"Strider" wrote in message
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 14:53:32 GMT, "Mysterion"

Remove "nospam" for e-mail
"Strider" wrote in message
.. .
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 07:50:51 GMT, "Mysterion"

Remove "nospam" for e-mail
"Gunner" wrote in message
.. .
On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 12:24:11 -0700, Tim May

If I find you on or near my property, I'll shoot first, without any
polite warnings, because of your threats here and earlier. And

postings, here, will establish what your intentions were with your
"decide to make you a hobby" threats.

--Tim May

Tim old lard ass..I notice the word "if" used as a conditional
statement. What makes you think there would be an "if"?

Think hard amigo... As to threats...what threats were those?

of violence? Cites? Shucks Tubby, I may want to start up the
California Chapter of the Tim May Fan Club.

Goofer, you ****ing chicken**** prick!
And YOU accused ME of using weasel words!

You keep on taking those prescription drugs and dreaming of your glory

They're long gone, like your decency, honor or integrity.

What's wrong, Mysty one?

I despise hypocrites, dupe.

Did that Jewish bar tender kick your ass out to the curb early again?

My bartender is Polish and knows jews firsthand.
Nice attempt at character assassination though.
Been taking lessons?

Who needs lessons. People that hate as much as you hate generally have
some perceived personal affront, usually quite petty, that they are
unable to deal with in a rational manner.

Sure, peon.
That must be why.
The media told you so.

  #295   Report Post  
Garrett Fulton
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

"Ryan" wrote in message


In Californian, a
Republican is almost no different than a Democrat where I come from. Both
advocate a lot of state control over a person's life.


Absolutely. This is on a tangent from the original thread, but such a good
example of the above. A federal law was passed last year called,"The
Fairness to Lens Consumers Act." The main point of the law, from
the_government's_angle, was to allow contact lens wearers to be able to get
their prescription numbers from their optometrist and take them anywhere
else,(cheaper), to get their lenses made. The same thing that eyeglass
wearers have been able to do since 1976. But the fine print of the act says
that it is now against the law for any optometrist or lens seller, (i.e.,
Pearle Vision, Lenscrafters, etc.), to grind an eyeglass lens or make a
contact from a prescription that is more than 2 years old. Almost all
people my age, 54, don't need any step changes in their prescriptions for
many, many years. The eyes of most people who require corrective lenses
stop changing, or slow way down, after about age 18. Rep. Richard Burr, R.,
NC, along with the American Optometric Assc. got that paragraph put in
there. ( The maggot is from my home state, too). All four people in my
household require corrective lenses. Got two boys in college whose eyes
have passed the rapidly changing period. I'm trying to cut corners every
way possible to make it financially and now this gets strapped on to me by
the government. All you guys that break a lens in the shop, you can forget
just going to get another one made if your prescription is more than two
years old. Even if you know the prescription is still fine. You're going
to have to pay ~$100 more for an eye exam. That you don't need. I'm quite
sure I'm capable of determining when my eyeglass prescription needs
changing, as is anyone else reading this. It's a real money maker for
optometrists. I'm writing my congressman, for all the good it will do. By
the way, the PAC for the American Optometric Assc._really_passed out some
money in 2003. Okay. Rant off.

Garrett Fulton

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----

  #296   Report Post  
Rex B
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

||Absolutely. This is on a tangent from the original thread, but such a good
||example of the above. A federal law was passed last year called,"The
||Fairness to Lens Consumers Act." The main point of the law, from
||the_government's_angle, was to allow contact lens wearers to be able to get
||their prescription numbers from their optometrist and take them anywhere
||else,(cheaper), to get their lenses made. The same thing that eyeglass
||wearers have been able to do since 1976. But the fine print of the act says
||that it is now against the law for any optometrist or lens seller, (i.e.,
||Pearle Vision, Lenscrafters, etc.), to grind an eyeglass lens or make a
||contact from a prescription that is more than 2 years old. Almost all
||people my age, 54, don't need any step changes in their prescriptions for
||many, many years. The eyes of most people who require corrective lenses
||stop changing, or slow way down, after about age 18. Rep. Richard Burr, R.,
||NC, along with the American Optometric Assc. got that paragraph put in
||there. ( The maggot is from my home state, too). All four people in my
||household require corrective lenses. Got two boys in college whose eyes
||have passed the rapidly changing period. I'm trying to cut corners every
||way possible to make it financially and now this gets strapped on to me by
||the government. All you guys that break a lens in the shop, you can forget
||just going to get another one made if your prescription is more than two
||years old. Even if you know the prescription is still fine. You're going
||to have to pay ~$100 more for an eye exam. That you don't need. I'm quite
||sure I'm capable of determining when my eyeglass prescription needs
||changing, as is anyone else reading this. It's a real money maker for
||optometrists. I'm writing my congressman, for all the good it will do. By
||the way, the PAC for the American Optometric Assc._really_passed out some
||money in 2003. Okay. Rant off.

I had a running email discussion last month with the CS rep from the online
contacts place I've been using. Until the most recent order, they did not
require a current prescription. Last time I reordered they wanted a
prescription, even providing an online list to "Select your eyecare provider by
Zip code". So I did that, even though I never had used the local shop. They
actually called them, and of course they didn't know me from Adam
So the last message I sent them said "Look, if I had a current prescription I
could go to any number of local places and buy my lenses for less than what you
charge. I trade with you because I have not (until now) had to spend $100/year
for a piece of paper that said, in effect "Yours eyes are unchanged from last
Next email from them "Your order has been shipped.
I had them double the order.

Texas Parts Guy
  #297   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

"Santa Cruz Mike" wrote in message
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 19:28:56 -0700, "SteveB"

I would seek a TRO if and when I think Gunner plans to do what TROs

designed to head off: someone lingering on or near another person's
property for threatening or harassment purposes. TROs are orders for
another to keep a reasonable distance, allowing arrest and prosecution
if they violate the TRO.

--Tim May

Please, please, please. Can I go down to the courthouse or police

with you when you ask them to put a TRO on a man that had heart surgery
within the last week.

It has been a long long time since I have laughed that hard, and I want

be there when it happens.

Please, please, please?

Steve ......................... PLEASE?

Steve... get a bigger laugh... don't need to make a trip.. it's a
felony to threaten anyone in an email, newsgroup posts, etc.. just
one or two calls and over for that low life... barely living,
stranling along Gunner...


Well, there's always the clause, "reasonable and prudent person" to make
such decisions. Were this law felonious threatening enforced, I imagine
we would have heard about it by now, because in about ten years of netting
now, I have seen it hundreds of times. And NEVER heard of one arrest.

Hell, they can't do anything about spammers, child pornographers, or credit
card number snatchers, what makes you think they will go after someone who
tells another they have an attitude adjustment coming?

Kinda low on the priority totem pole, if you ask me. But, hey, we live in a
perfect world, and all things are possible.


  #298   Report Post  
Jeff McCann
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

"Strabo" wrote in message
news [snip]
My point is that if a service sees high then we should
ask if it is relatively higher than it was 30 or 40 years ago.

A simple fracture of the lower leg is remedied today
just as it was then, an x-ray, setting and time and materials
for a cast.

For a cash payment and adjusting for inflation, one would assume
that the differences would first be in additional paperwork,
plant overhead, material costs or salaries. If it still doesn't
jive then waste, corruption and profit margins are the issue.

I assume perceived value of a mended leg is the same.

Today, you would likely be referred to an orthopedist, or the on-call
orthopedist would come to the ER to set your leg. Additional imaging
may be ordered. You would also likely get physical therapy services.
If it is a difficult or complicated fracture, surgery may be in order,
and the odds of full recovery are much greater. Complication rates are
also lower today than in years gone by, when your leg may have been set
by a GP in the ER. There is a qualitative difference in the care


  #299   Report Post  
Santa Cruz Mike
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 10:45:43 GMT, "Ryan" wrote:

"Santa Cruz Mike" wrote in message
.. .

NO.. it is not the poor, the ignorant, the homeless, the stupid, the
retarted... who did these things.. it was the rich... the powerful..

Many people in the libertarian party would not have done these things.
However, it _is_ the poor, the ignorant, and the homeless who will never
vote for a libertarian. We live in a Democracy. In this type of
government, the politician who promises everything to the masses and will
make evil rich people pay usually gets the votes. In Californian, a
Republican is almost no different than a Democrat where I come from. Both
advocate a lot of state control over a person's life. Sometimes you have
some decent Republicans that are true conservatives, but not that many. So
basically, when you say it is these folks who did all these things...who
voted them in? Was it the homeless? The poor? The people on welfare? If
so, then indirectly they are responsible for the way the city turned out.
You get what you ask for.

LOL... come sit in a polling booth in Santa Cruz... it ain't the poor,
homeless and retards voting.... the poor are moving out in drove....
can't affort to live in Santa Cruz where a 1 room kitchnette converted
garage rents for $1100 per month...... and a job down at O'neils pays
$10 per hour... or $8.25 per hour at Pleasure Pizza... or $ 12.32 per
hour at Mr. Peets after you been there for 6 years..etc...

Maybe I live in the wrong part of town.. but I when I vote.. I see
older, 50 plus voters.. waiting in line... white... and pretty well
off.. as I take time off work and go during the day.. when ost are

never seen the poor, homeless or stupd waiting in line...

  #300   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner: I'm back

My bartender is Polish and knows jews firsthand.
Nice attempt at character assassination though.
Been taking lessons?

Who needs lessons. People that hate as much as you hate generally have
some perceived personal affront, usually quite petty, that they are
unable to deal with in a rational manner.

Sure, peon.
That must be why.
The media told you so.

Nope, personal experience.


  #301   Report Post  
Garrett Fulton
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner's own description of his life choices, from four years ago today

"Rex B" wrote in message
||Absolutely. This is on a tangent from the original thread, but such a

||example of the above. A federal law was passed last year called,"The
||Fairness to Lens Consumers Act." The main point of the law, from
||the_government's_angle, was to allow contact lens wearers to be able to

||their prescription numbers from their optometrist and take them anywhere
||else,(cheaper), to get their lenses made. The same thing that eyeglass
||wearers have been able to do since 1976. But the fine print of the act

||that it is now against the law for any optometrist or lens seller,

||Pearle Vision, Lenscrafters, etc.), to grind an eyeglass lens or make a
||contact from a prescription that is more than 2 years old. Almost all
||people my age, 54, don't need any step changes in their prescriptions

||many, many years. The eyes of most people who require corrective

||stop changing, or slow way down, after about age 18. Rep. Richard Burr,

||NC, along with the American Optometric Assc. got that paragraph put in
||there. ( The maggot is from my home state, too). All four people in my
||household require corrective lenses. Got two boys in college whose eyes
||have passed the rapidly changing period. I'm trying to cut corners

||way possible to make it financially and now this gets strapped on to me

||the government. All you guys that break a lens in the shop, you can

||just going to get another one made if your prescription is more than two
||years old. Even if you know the prescription is still fine. You're

||to have to pay ~$100 more for an eye exam. That you don't need. I'm

||sure I'm capable of determining when my eyeglass prescription needs
||changing, as is anyone else reading this. It's a real money maker for
||optometrists. I'm writing my congressman, for all the good it will do.

||the way, the PAC for the American Optometric Assc._really_passed out

||money in 2003. Okay. Rant off.

I had a running email discussion last month with the CS rep from the

contacts place I've been using. Until the most recent order, they did not
require a current prescription. Last time I reordered they wanted a
prescription, even providing an online list to "Select your eyecare

provider by
Zip code". So I did that, even though I never had used the local shop.

actually called them, and of course they didn't know me from Adam
So the last message I sent them said "Look, if I had a current

prescription I
could go to any number of local places and buy my lenses for less than

what you
charge. I trade with you because I have not (until now) had to spend

for a piece of paper that said, in effect "Yours eyes are unchanged from

Next email from them "Your order has been shipped.
I had them double the order.

Texas Parts Guy

I've got to fly up to St. Louis and drive back next week. I'm going to stop
and see an old bud from High School back in Indiana who's now an
optometrist. I want the straight skinny on this law, and how much it's
being enforced.


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  #302   Report Post  
Martin H. Eastburn
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner: I'm back

Gunner wrote:

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 03:56:18 GMT, pyotr filipivich

It being a dull day, I decide to respond to what Gunner
fosted Sun, 20 Jun 2004 19:27:37 GMT on
rec.crafts.metalworking , viz:

(Aunt) Kevin Gallimore

Fanta is in the jetwash of my past.

Anyone here remember Fanta? Served at 110F and 110% humitity?

I don't remember those ..ah.. serving conditions, but "Fanta Naranja"
is one of those instant trips down memory lane.

probably one more reason i don't drink it like I did.

Blech...I even prefered Koolaid....least out of a canteen, it would
cover the taste of the water purifyer.

"Reminds me of a story ..." We were in Egypt when we ran out of sugar
for the Koolaid. But still drank it as we needed something to cover the
water purifying chemicals. When we got to Crete, we bought sugar, but
discovered the Kool Aid "tasted funny"(way too sweet) when we put the
"proper" amount of sugar in it. CUt the sugar in half and it was drinkable


Goofy Grape was my favorite. I always thought that General Mills
(irrc) missed out on a good thing when they didnt talk procurement
into putting Koolaid into B1 packages. I had to get my girlfriend to
send it to me in care packages.


That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's
cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays
- George Orwell

As a young man, my dad liked Kool-aid with lemon and a little sugar.
It was really lemon aid with Kool-aid extra kick.

Martin Eastburn, Barbara Eastburn
@ home at Lion's Lair with our computer
NRA Second Amendment Task Force Charter Founder

  #303   Report Post  
Gary Coffman
Posts: n/a
Default n

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 18:17:17 GMT, Gunner wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:50:24 -0400, Gary Coffman
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 17:11:23 GMT, Gunner wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 12:24:46 -0400, Gary Coffman
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 01:48:22 GMT, Gunner wrote:
Some truth to that..and some not truth. Makes a fellow wonder where
all the switchboard operators for the phone companies went. Were they
executed when the COs were automated?

They went to work in defense plants. The timing worked out so that
the expansion of jobs for women due to the men going off to war
started about the time the phone systems became fully automatic.

Really? The CO here in my town went automated in 1985. Which war was

The bulk of the nation's phone system went to direct dial prior to WWII.
There were a very few rural areas whose phone systems still used
telephone operators to make connections later than that, but the
numbers involved are tiny.

Indeed. However Gary..I was making the case that not all operators
(as an example) went into the defense plants..and furthermore to the
larger point...there were literally thousands of phone operators
across the company that handled such things as 4-11 calls,
information, etc. Where did they all go? Were they all executed or
did they cross train into other types of work?

There are still 411 operators, there are still operators for operator
assisted or collect calls. There aren't very many of them compared
to the number of operators needed when operators connected
every call, but they're still out there.

However, the *bulk* of the operator workforce, and it was *huge*
in the days before you could dial your own calls, were laid off
fortuitously at a time when a very large demand for women to
work in defense plants arose (WWII). It is true that not every
ex-operator became a Rosie the Riveter, but they largely did
fill jobs that had previously been held by men, or took new
jobs created by the war effort.

If it weren't for the war siphoning men off from the civilian
workforce and creating a demand for war material which
cranked up the economy, the economy couldn't have supplied
enough alternative jobs to employ those women. (It couldn't
even employ all the men, ie Great Depression.)

The laying off of literally millions of telephone operators (one
of the very few job fields open to women at the time) would
have had a devastating effect if the timing hadn't worked out
such that they could almost immediately move into war work.

  #304   Report Post  
enfant terrible
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

Sue wrote in message . ..
On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 14:29:34 -0700, Tim May

In article , Richard A. Faust

Tim May wrote:

major rant snipped
Actually, probably not, as Gunner will continue to be a drain on the
state and "feral government" (see his own quotes below) for his
remaining years, not to mention the person he now refers to in the
present tense as "my wife," if she's the same one with the heart

Why not let the poor guy alone? Would you want someone picking on you
when you were quite ill? Where is your humanity?

He spent many years criticizing all aspects of socialized medicine, but
now that he is partaking of it (and has been, via the
wife/ex-wife/whatever-she-is) we are supposed to become Hillary's It
Takes a Village People?

So you are accusing him of hypocrisy? I'm not too wild about
hypocrites. Let's see. I'm not good a Google searching, but I'm sure
there are those here (misc.survivalism) who recall your post about how
men need to start monitoring women's eating habits at certain ages.
IIRC it was something like black women at 17, hispanic women at 23 and
white women at 27.

What he posted was:

"Women are like dogs: they will eat all of the food that is available
to them.

It is up to us to limit their intake once they reach age 30.

(Age 22 if they are Mexican, age 17 if they are Negro.)"

The post is at the following URL:

(I thought it was pretty ****in' funny, actually)
  #305   Report Post  
Tim May
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

In article , enfant
terrible wrote:

What he posted was:

"Women are like dogs: they will eat all of the food that is available
to them.

It is up to us to limit their intake once they reach age 30.

(Age 22 if they are Mexican, age 17 if they are Negro.)"

The post is at the following URL:

(I thought it was pretty ****in' funny, actually)

As it was meant to be. Sruck too close to home for some, though, as Sue
Brady has been on a feminista welfare worker rampage ever since.

A good thing for killfiles, as, basically, men and women generally
shouldn't be in the same conversational areas--they have their topics,
we have ours, and listening to their opinions on _our_ topics is a
waste of everyone's time. Earlier generations had it right: the women
stuck to their group, talking about children, sewing, cooking, and
complaining about men, and the men stuck to their group, talking about
hunting, guns, gadgets, and complaining about women.

--Tim May

  #306   Report Post  
The Independent
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

Sue wrote:

On 26 Jun 2004 01:48:28 -0700, (enfant terrible)

Sue wrote in message . ..
On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 14:29:34 -0700, Tim May

So you are accusing him of hypocrisy? I'm not too wild about
hypocrites. Let's see. I'm not good a Google searching, but I'm sure
there are those here (misc.survivalism) who recall your post about how
men need to start monitoring women's eating habits at certain ages.
IIRC it was something like black women at 17, hispanic women at 23 and
white women at 27.

What he posted was:

"Women are like dogs: they will eat all of the food that is available
to them.

It is up to us to limit their intake once they reach age 30.

(Age 22 if they are Mexican, age 17 if they are Negro.)"

The post is at the following URL:

(I thought it was pretty ****in' funny, actually)

Thanks for finding it. As a woman, and not a fat one, I didn't find
it particularly funny. Especially considering Mr. May's, um,
substantial weight. Pot, Kettle, Black, hypocrite doncha know.

Really I don't know what all this animosity against women is all
about. Didn't these cretins have mothers and Sisters. (Well not
all of us had sisters).

Then my Wife of 31 years says I am a push over for anything female
that smiles and shows a little skin.

And no my wife doesn't physically or emotionally abuse me. Though she
does expect that certain services will be rendered to her satisfaction

The Independent of Clackamas County, Oregon

"The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of
speeches and majority decisions ... but by iron and blood."

(Otto Von Bismarck, Speech, Sept. 30, 1862.)
  #307   Report Post  
Harold & Susan Vordos
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

"Tim May" wrote in message

As it was meant to be. Sruck too close to home for some, though, as Sue
Brady has been on a feminista welfare worker rampage ever since.

A good thing for killfiles, as, basically, men and women generally
shouldn't be in the same conversational areas--they have their topics,
we have ours, and listening to their opinions on _our_ topics is a
waste of everyone's time. Earlier generations had it right: the women
stuck to their group, talking about children, sewing, cooking, and
complaining about men, and the men stuck to their group, talking about
hunting, guns, gadgets, and complaining about women.

--Tim May

Sort of a redneck with money, eh Tim?


  #308   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 12:04:47 -0700, "Harold & Susan Vordos"

"Tim May" wrote in message

As it was meant to be. Sruck too close to home for some, though, as Sue
Brady has been on a feminista welfare worker rampage ever since.

A good thing for killfiles, as, basically, men and women generally
shouldn't be in the same conversational areas--they have their topics,
we have ours, and listening to their opinions on _our_ topics is a
waste of everyone's time. Earlier generations had it right: the women
stuck to their group, talking about children, sewing, cooking, and
complaining about men, and the men stuck to their group, talking about
hunting, guns, gadgets, and complaining about women.

--Tim May

Sort of a redneck with money, eh Tim?


Rednecks are a better class of people.

  #309   Report Post  
Tom Ivar Helbekkmo
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

"Harold & Susan Vordos" writes:

Sort of a redneck with money, eh Tim?

Watch it, Harold! You're insulting decent rednecks, now! :-)

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway T: +47-22092958 M: +47-93013940 F: +47-22092901
  #310   Report Post  
Harold & Susan Vordos
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

"Strider" wrote in message
On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 12:04:47 -0700, "Harold & Susan Vordos"

"Tim May" wrote in message

As it was meant to be. Sruck too close to home for some, though, as Sue
Brady has been on a feminista welfare worker rampage ever since.

A good thing for killfiles, as, basically, men and women generally
shouldn't be in the same conversational areas--they have their topics,
we have ours, and listening to their opinions on _our_ topics is a
waste of everyone's time. Earlier generations had it right: the women
stuck to their group, talking about children, sewing, cooking, and
complaining about men, and the men stuck to their group, talking about
hunting, guns, gadgets, and complaining about women.

--Tim May

Sort of a redneck with money, eh Tim?


Rednecks are a better class of people.




  #311   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

The Independent wrote in news:40DDC2FB.B63E3B7F@web-

Really I don't know what all this animosity against women is all
about. Didn't these cretins have mothers and Sisters.

Um , they DID , but were rejected at birth .

Now they are known as sex objects , every time they go looking for sex ,
all they get is objections....
  #312   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

The Independent wrote:

"The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of
speeches and majority decisions ... but by iron and blood."

(Otto Von Bismarck, Speech, Sept. 30, 1862.)

if you knew anything about Otto von Bismarck and Willy the physically
and mentally crippled Kaiser, or even Queen Victoria whose grandson
Willy was, you wouldn't quote those people .... in fact, if Willy's
insanely long-lived grandfather had died when he should, giving the
throne to Crippled Willy's father for a few decades instead of Willy
and von Bismarck the Prussian, the world might not have seen WW I or
WW II. You may as well quote Hannibal Lector.
  #313   Report Post  
Harold & Susan Vordos
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

"Tom Ivar Helbekkmo" wrote in message
"Harold & Susan Vordos" writes:

Sort of a redneck with money, eh Tim?

Watch it, Harold! You're insulting decent rednecks, now! :-)


Gulp!! Hadn't thought of that! g

To all good and respectable rednecks: I honestly did not mean to slander
you by implying you were anything like Tim.

Hope you can accept my apology.


  #314   Report Post  
Tim May
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

In article , Harold & Susan Vordos

"Tom Ivar Helbekkmo" wrote in message
"Harold & Susan Vordos" writes:

Sort of a redneck with money, eh Tim?

Watch it, Harold! You're insulting decent rednecks, now! :-)


Gulp!! Hadn't thought of that! g

To all good and respectable rednecks: I honestly did not mean to slander
you by implying you were anything like Tim.

Nitwit. You shouldn't be posting to Usenet. I assume you know that the
word "gullible" is not in any dictionary in the English language?

--Tim May
  #315   Report Post  
Harold & Susan Vordos
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

"Tim May" wrote in message
In article , Harold & Susan Vordos

"Tom Ivar Helbekkmo" wrote in message
"Harold & Susan Vordos" writes:

Sort of a redneck with money, eh Tim?

Watch it, Harold! You're insulting decent rednecks, now! :-)


Gulp!! Hadn't thought of that! g

To all good and respectable rednecks: I honestly did not mean to

you by implying you were anything like Tim.

Nitwit. You shouldn't be posting to Usenet. I assume you know that the
word "gullible" is not in any dictionary in the English language?

--Tim May

Lighten up, Tim. We all get a turn in the barrel.

Nitwit? Me?



  #316   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Gunner on Socialism and Socialized Medicine

On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 21:59:57 -0700, "Harold & Susan Vordos"

"Tom Ivar Helbekkmo" wrote in message
"Harold & Susan Vordos" writes:

Sort of a redneck with money, eh Tim?

Watch it, Harold! You're insulting decent rednecks, now! :-)


Gulp!! Hadn't thought of that! g

To all good and respectable rednecks: I honestly did not mean to slander
you by implying you were anything like Tim.

Hope you can accept my apology.


Harump..Ok can put the rope back..he appoolygized.


That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's
cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays
- George Orwell
  #317   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Tim May, was it "luck" (was Gunner: I'm back)

Tim May wrote:

It's hilarious to see him claim that I got where I am because of "luck"
and "being in the right place at the right time."

Utter nonsense. I was an engineer like millions of others. Most of my
later wealth came from saving and investing a large fraction of my pay,

No, my wealth came from putting 20% of my pay into various stocks I
picked with great care--I bought Apple stock the day after the Mac was
introduced, and it made me a tidy sum. I bought Sun Microsystems,
Oracle, Qualcomm, and even Intel, out of my own pocket.

Yadda, yadda, yadda...

So the question is, "was it luck"?

Tim May claims it was not luck. That is, there was no luck involved,
but all skill.

But of course, ALL business has a certain aspect of luck. Unless Tim
had some insider information, that completely removed "luck" from the

Would Tim May be where he is, had Apple gone belly up? Likewise with
the rest of the list? No.

Tim was in the right place, at the right time, and with some careful
thought (to minimize, but never eliminate luck), he was successful in
his stocks. That's still what we call luck, Tim.

If it wasn't luck, then Tim could do the same, in any time period,
with any available stocks, and any (however limited) amount of
capital. I have my doubts on that...

No 'z's to reply
  #318   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Tim May runs to the government for help...

Tim May wrote:

(Yes, I removed you from my killfiles. My attorney advised me to keep
all of your posts in a folder and to print them out at intervals. She

So, after years of railing against the government, Tim now runs to the
government for help... How typical...

Tim's attorney is an officer of the Court -- and any action she takes
on Tim's behalf will be through those Courts (and my taxes will end up
paying for Tim May's protection).

said your profile pretty much matches someone about to "go postal.")

Doesn't California have a law against practicing medicine without a
license? Where did Tim's attorney get her M.D.?

No 'z's to reply

  #319   Report Post  
Louis Boyd
Posts: n/a
Default Tim May, was it "luck" (was Gunner: I'm back)

Retief wrote:

Tim May claims it was not luck. That is, there was no luck involved,
but all skill.

But of course, ALL business has a certain aspect of luck. Unless Tim
had some insider information, that completely removed "luck" from the

Would Tim May be where he is, had Apple gone belly up? Likewise with
the rest of the list? No.

Tim was in the right place, at the right time, and with some careful
thought (to minimize, but never eliminate luck), he was successful in
his stocks. That's still what we call luck, Tim.

If it wasn't luck, then Tim could do the same, in any time period,
with any available stocks, and any (however limited) amount of
capital. I have my doubts on that...

Luck is simply a statement about the things which happens in all peoples
lives because of unpredictable and random events. It can be good or
bad. Those things which happen to a person as a result of their
personal skill and efforts are not luck. All person's lives are a mix
of the two. Statistically those people who use their intellegence and
skill will lead better lives than those who don't but it's not a guarantee.
Lou Boyd

  #320   Report Post  
jim rozen
Posts: n/a
Default Tim May runs to the government for help...

In article , Retief says...

Tim's attorney is an officer of the Court --

Err, nice try - the government is highly populated by
lawyers, that's true. But saying that every lawyer is
"the government" is pretty much a laughable statement.


please reply to:
JRR(zero) at yktvmv (dot) vnet (dot) ibm (dot) com

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