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  #42   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

wrote in message news:86d659c8-de8d-4136-8baa-
stuff snipped

No, but I am more concerned with what the *voting* public thinks is true
that is not. Death panels, economic myths like "tax cuts pay for
themselves" and so much more nonsense that is passed among "true

like that Nazi screed SM recently posted. sigh

Unbelievable. To equate "tax cuts pay for themselves", with Nazis
is a new low. In fact, there is some internet rule that says when
you've invoked Nazis in a debate about something else, you automatically

I guess you missed who introduced Nazis to AHR this week. One of your
compatriots. I guess we'll have to call him "Storm Trooper" Mormon from now
on because he thinks AHR is the appropriate place to post Nazi propaganda.
This isn't his first Nazi-related run-in. Ask HeyBub. Maybe you missed it.

My comment was directed at the type of nonsense STM regurgitates in AHR. He
generally supports all right-wing causes and tax policies as well as
flirting with Nazism from time to time. So I suspect you see the connection
now. Are the New Republicans *so* desperate for voters that they'll embrace
Nazi-spewing social misfits?

Odd that you didn't say a peep about *his* introduction of Nazism in the
"Who were the Nazis?" thread. Kind of like the way that no Republican made
a peep while Bush spent us into near bankruptcy but they're peeping like a
chick farm now. Very "transactional" sort of morality.

Here's a brief sanity check that doesn't require quintiles or voodoo
economics to understand:

If tax cuts paid for themselves the Bush tax cuts should have propelled us
to new economic heights. But they didn't. They propelled us into a huge
spec bubble and the 2008 crash.

Common sense should tell most people reducing tax revenue means creating
deficits. That's why "TCPFT" is propaganda. It's not true but some people
really, really *want* it to be true and spend an awful lot of money pushing
that BS.

As for the sister propaganda that tax cuts create jobs, let's just look at
the numbers:


The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its
eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill
Clinton's administration and only slightly better than President George H.W.
Bush did in his four years in office.

That's the business-friendly Wall Street Journal, FWIW. No jobs created
there. That's why they call it voodoo economics.

Bobby G.

  #43   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

"The Daring Dufas" wrote in message
On 8/22/2013 3:20 AM, harryagain wrote:
"Robert Green" wrote in message
"dadiOH" wrote in message

stuff snipped

Many of us remember what Canada did. We also remember what Carter did

Movies about history should merely be considered "teasers" for finding
what really happened. There must be a site for movies that diverge from
historical reality.

There are an awful lot of one-off's about various movies but only this
seems to have tackled more than one:


and they take on "Mississipi Burning, A Beautiful Mind, Remember the
The Last King of Scotland, Hoosiers, Frost/Nixon."

Other sites have complaints about "Gladiator, Zero Dark Thirty, The Hurt
Locker, etc."

There is a book, however:


The comments mention dozens of movies that have had minor to major
made to them.

Don't forget "Brave heart" Another bunch of Yank lies.

Is that anything like King Arthur and Merlin The Magician? ^_^

There is little known historical basis for King Arthur.
So any tale could be true or not.
The film stuff is based on Victorian fantasy.

  #44   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

"(PeteCresswell)" wrote in message
Per :
He undermined the shah, who had the Islamic nuts
in jail or exiled, so the Iranians could have human rights and a
better govt. They sure got that, didn't they.

Yeah, but didn't they get SAVAK too?

Pete Cresswell

An American institution. Still up and running in theUSA

  #45   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

"nestork" wrote in message

Thanks, Tegger.

'Tegger[_3_ Wrote:
Here's what diplomat Ken Taylor himself says about that affair:

"On Monday, Taylor said he was mollified by former U.S. president Jimmy
Carter telling CNN’s Piers Morgan last week that the film greatly
exaggerated the CIA’s role and underplayed the Canadians’
contributions. “When a U.S. citizen makes that case, it really has
an authenticity to it, and a disinterest,” said Taylor.
“He’s just clarifying those first three months.”

"Mollified" means pacified or appeased.

Jimmy Carter was President while that Canadian Caper happened. He says
he was briefed every day on what was happening with the twenty something
Americans that were being held hostage by the Iranian revolutionaries
and the remaining six that were living in property owned by the Canadian
government. If anyone knows what actually happened, it'd be President
Carter, and he's saying the film makers both greatly exagerated the
CIA's role and underplayed the Canadian role in the rescue.

I think this is just the film makers wanting to make this film more
appealing to the larger American audience.

Americans all want to be great heros full of marvellous ideas.
The fact they have to lie shows the reverse is true.

In fact they are a clueless bunch of pongos, running about the world
inflicting their stupid ideas on luckless people everywhere who own
something they want to thieve.

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Default The movie "Argo"

"Tegger" wrote in message
nestork wrote in news:nestork.c59ca64

I think this is just the film makers wanting to make this film more
appealing to the larger American audience.

Of course.

Canada is an insecure, stifled, dull nothing of a country. And all the
money is in the US anyway.

The USA is a busted flush in hock up to it'seyeballs in debt, public and
Due to greed an acquisativeness.
The Canadian economy is quite well off.

  #47   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

"The Daring Dufas" wrote in message
On 8/22/2013 3:08 AM, harryagain wrote:
"nestork" wrote in message

I watched a TV documenary made by the Canadian Broadcasting Company
about the movie "Argo", which supposedly documents what happened during
the 1979 Hostage crisis in Iran.

Those of you who are old enough to remember know that in 1979, religious
radicals overthrew the government of Iran. They stormed the US embassy
in Tehran and took twenty-something American diplomats hostage. Six
American diplomats and agents were spirited off to the Canadian embassy
in Tehran where they remained hidden until Canadian officials put a plan
together to get them out of the country. Canada made up fake passports
and ID for each of the hostages, and made up a story that they were a
film crew out to scout a location in Iran to film a science fiction
movie to be called "Argo".

The film has caused a bit of sarcastic humour here in Canada because it
plays down the Canadian role in the crisis, and plays up the American
role to the point where it depicts the whole "Canadian Caper" as it came
to be called as being planned and executed by Americans, with Canada
merely providing the embassy where it all took place.

Former President Jimmy Carter, while at Queens University in Toronto
receiving an honorary doctorate degree for his charity work commented on
the film. He said he was disappointed to see that all of the heroic and
imaginative things done by Canadians to get the American diplomats out
of Iran were left out, and they were largely replaced by even more
heroic and imaginative, albeit fictitious, things being done by the
supposedly "American" actors. He said he received updates every day on
what was happening in Iran with the hostages, and it went down exactly
as the news reports of the time said it did.

Ben Affleck, who plays the hero in the story who hatches the plan to get
the US diplomats out, and supposedly organizes and executes the whole
caper responded to reporters asking him about the storyline by saying:
"Don't learn your history from the movies."

C'mon guys. We really helped you guys out back in '79. Don't gloss
over our role and claim all the credit for yourselves.


Pretty typical. TheYanks love to rewrite history. They won WW1 and 2
They think they defeated Russia.

Soon they will have won in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
When Hollywood comes up with a script.
Only in the USA are people credulous enough/short memory to take this

Watched "Lincoln" the other day. Mawkish crap.
He was as bad as Saddam Hussein in reality.

Heck Hairy, perhaps you don't know the difference in an entertainment
movie and a documentary? Both can be based on truth or can be works of
fiction but most folks assume a movie is a work of fiction and a
documentary is based on true facts. It really depends on the producer of
the work. ^_^


If you make a movie about a historical figure then it should be accurate.
If you want to do fiction, then the characters should be fictional.
That way we all know where we are.
Even the credulous.

If you don't do the above, we are talking propaganda.
But ah, you do live in a fascist state as is being revealed more and more
every day.

  #48   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On 8/24/2013 1:43 AM, harryagain wrote:
"The Daring Dufas" wrote in message

Don't forget "Brave heart" Another bunch of Yank lies.

Is that anything like King Arthur and Merlin The Magician? ^_^

There is little known historical basis for King Arthur.
So any tale could be true or not.
The film stuff is based on Victorian fantasy.

So it was all a fabrication? Sort of a LIE. ^_^


  #49   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

In article ,
"harryagain" wrote:

Americans all want to be great heros full of marvellous ideas.
The fact they have to lie shows the reverse is true.

In fact they are a clueless bunch of pongos, running about the world
inflicting their stupid ideas on luckless people everywhere who own
something they want to thieve.

Well we are, largely, direct decsendents of the Colonial British...
America is at that awkward stage. It's too late
to work within the system, but too early to shoot
the *******s."-- Claire Wolfe
  #50   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

Per Kurt Ullman:
How old? Unless you are already in your mid70s or so,

Let's not go there.... -)
Pete Cresswell

  #51   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:58:07 +0100, "harryagain"

The fact they have to lie shows the reverse is true.

Harold "The Liar" Armitage,

You are the biggest liar I see around here.

It wouldn't bother me one bit if someone cut your tongue out and made
a necklace.
  #52   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 08:00:58 +0100, "harryagain"

The Canadian economy is quite well off.

At least better than the Yoo Kay.

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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:48:58 +0100, "harryagain"

The islamonuts got backin their own way (11-9)

This **** ain't over yet!

And beat the USA in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

You mean while the Brit's sat around having tea and crumpets?

They haven't finished yet.

So more of them will die in the future. I'm not mad about it.

The US airforce is obsolete.

Can the Yoo Kay fly from Missouri to the Middle East or South Korea
round trip and issue a headache? You limey louts ran out of cruise
missiles in Libya, tucked tail and sailed home like the two time we
spanked your asses.

It was for use against the Russians.

  #54   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 08:36:54 -0400, Kurt Ullman

In fact they are a clueless bunch of pongos, running about the world
inflicting their stupid ideas on luckless people everywhere who own
something they want to thieve.

Well we are, largely, direct decsendents of the Colonial British...

You betcha.

As hard as some try, they cannot get rid of the blood line. Even after
a couple hundred years of breeding like rabbits.
  #55   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 10:54:33 -0700, Oren wrote:

On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:58:07 +0100, "harryagain"

The fact they have to lie shows the reverse is true.

Harold "The Liar" Armitage,

You are the biggest liar I see around here.

It wouldn't bother me one bit if someone cut your tongue out and made
a necklace.

As long as they frame it with his fingers.

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On Thursday, August 22, 2013 2:59:35 PM UTC-4, (PeteCresswell) wrote:
Per :

He undermined the shah, who had the Islamic nuts

in jail or exiled, so the Iranians could have human rights and a

better govt. They sure got that, didn't they.

Yeah, but didn't they get SAVAK too?



Pete Cresswell

That under the Shah, SAVAK had the islamic nut case extremists under
control is precisely the point.
  #59   Report Post  
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I'm just hoping that the new President of Iran is willing to show the world that Iran's Uranium enrichment program is being done STRICTLY for the use of Uranium as a fuel in nuclear reactors.

This "catch me if you can" game that the former president was playing is like playing Russian Roulette with the human race. If we poison this good Earth that we live on with radiation, there is no where else to go.

Almost certainly, life is abundant in our galaxy and universe, but the distances between planets that can support life are so vast that our moving anywhere else won't be feasible for hundreds of years. This playing games with nuclear weapons is the last thing we need.

It's unpopular to say it out loud, but the reason for the hatred of America in the middle east is entirely due to America's support of Israel. At the end of WWII, a congress of Jewish leaders decided that the only way to prevent another holocaust was to have a Jewish homeland. Britain still had colonies in the middle east, and decided that "Palestine" would made a good Jewish homeland. But the kicker was that the Palestinians would be denied their homeland.

Maybe the time has come to recognize that the decision to create a Jewish homeland in 1947 (I think it was) was a mistake after all, and maybe it's best for all concerned to return Israel to the Palestinian people and for the Jewish people not to have a separate home land but to live amongst the other people's of the world as a separate religion, as they have done for the last two thousand years (at least).

I would volunteer northern Manitoba or Western Ontario as a Jewish homeland. Both areas are rich in natural resources, sparsely populated, but cold in winter. Jewish people are industrious, and so they would make something of that land. They would have to agree to become Canadian citizens tho, cuz I wouldn't want Jewish separation to threaten to tear Canada apart just as Quebec separation is continuously threatening to split Canada into pieces.

Last edited by nestork : August 24th 13 at 09:23 PM
  #61   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

Per Kurt Ullman:
You're an optimist.

Always (grin). Not really. I just think that through sleight of hand
and creative bookkeeping the politicians will be able to keep most of
the excrement off the rotating air movement device that long. You will
note I DID say large and cumbersome since we are currently missing
another opportunity to possibly save our bacon.

The zinger is going to be inflation. I don't know how they're doing
it, but it seems to me like somebody is already cooking the books. I
reach that conclusion by comparing my recurring bills to the published
inflation rates. Beeeeeg diff.... and, once you print a trillion
dollars, what else can happen? Maybe there's a little delay...
velocity of money and all that... but sooner-or-later the whole amount
is going to hit the streets.

OTOH, some of the people who suffer the most (members of my generation
on fixed pensions... myself included) probably deserve it because it was
us, as a country, who put those clowns in office.
Pete Cresswell
  #62   Report Post  
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wrote in message
On Thursday, August 22, 2013 4:11:22 AM UTC-4, harry wrote:
"chaniarts" wrote in message


On 8/20/2013 10:41 AM, nestork wrote:

I watched a TV documenary made by the Canadian Broadcasting Company

about the movie "Argo", which supposedly documents what happened

the 1979 Hostage crisis in Iran.

Those of you who are old enough to remember know that in 1979,

radicals overthrew the government of Iran. They stormed the US

in Tehran and took twenty-something American diplomats hostage. Six

American diplomats and agents were spirited off to the Canadian

in Tehran where they remained hidden until Canadian officials put a

together to get them out of the country. Canada made up fake

and ID for each of the hostages, and made up a story that they were a

film crew out to scout a location in Iran to film a science fiction

movie to be called "Argo".

The film has caused a bit of sarcastic humour here in Canada because

plays down the Canadian role in the crisis, and plays up the American

role to the point where it depicts the whole "Canadian Caper" as it

to be called as being planned and executed by Americans, with Canada

merely providing the embassy where it all took place.

Former President Jimmy Carter, while at Queens University in Toronto

receiving an honorary doctorate degree for his charity work commented

the film. He said he was disappointed to see that all of the heroic

imaginative things done by Canadians to get the American diplomats out

of Iran were left out, and they were largely replaced by even more

heroic and imaginative, albeit fictitious, things being done by the

supposedly "American" actors. He said he received updates every day

what was happening in Iran with the hostages, and it went down exactly

as the news reports of the time said it did.

Ben Affleck, who plays the hero in the story who hatches the plan to

the US diplomats out, and supposedly organizes and executes the whole

caper responded to reporters asking him about the storyline by saying:

"Don't learn your history from the movies."

C'mon guys. We really helped you guys out back in '79. Don't gloss

over our role and claim all the credit for yourselves.

since when, ever, have you known hollywood to get history right?

affleck is correct. what makes you think that we (the us) is doing so

you're referring to a movie (ie: fiction)?

The trouble is most Yanks don't know fact from fiction.

There's at least one here thinks Jesus was from America. (Or similar mad


Compared to most of the horse **** you believe and post,
that's far more plausible.

No Satan lives in America. Now THAT'S plausible.
In the pentagon to be exact.

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Default The movie "Argo"

"The Daring Dufas" wrote in message
On 8/24/2013 1:43 AM, harryagain wrote:
"The Daring Dufas" wrote in message

Don't forget "Brave heart" Another bunch of Yank lies.

Is that anything like King Arthur and Merlin The Magician? ^_^

There is little known historical basis for King Arthur.
So any tale could be true or not.
The film stuff is based on Victorian fantasy.

So it was all a fabrication? Sort of a LIE. ^_^

Not all of it. There was an Uther. But he lived long before the days of
plate armour and stone medieval castles.
He lived in the post Roman era.
But it is classed in with Snow White and Red Riding Hood in the UK.
No-one actually believes it , it is legend not history.
We draw aline between fact and fiction.

Unlike the Legend of Davy Crockett for example
Fervently believed to have valiently died at the Alamo by most Yanks.
Who was actually captured running away and executed by the Mexicans.

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"Oren" wrote in message
On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:48:58 +0100, "harryagain"

The islamonuts got backin their own way (11-9)

This **** ain't over yet!

And beat the USA in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

You mean while the Brit's sat around having tea and crumpets?

They haven't finished yet.

So more of them will die in the future. I'm not mad about it.

The US airforce is obsolete.

Can the Yoo Kay fly from Missouri to the Middle East or South Korea
round trip and issue a headache? You limey louts ran out of cruise
missiles in Libya, tucked tail and sailed home like the two time we
spanked your asses.

It was for use against the Russians.


We flew from the UK to the Falkland islands, the longest war time bombing
mission ever.
We won that war.
You lost in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  #65   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

"nestork" wrote in message

I'm just hoping that the new President of Iran is willing to show the
world that Iran's Uranium enrichment program is being done STRICTLY for
the use of Uranium as a fuel in nuclear reactors.

This "catch me if you can" game that the former president was playing is
like playing Russian Roulette with the human race. If we poison this
good Earth that we live on with radiation, there is no where else to

Almost certainly, life is abundant in our galaxy and universe, but the
distances between planets that can support life are so vast that our
moving anywhere else won't be feasible for hundreds of years. This
playing games with nuclear weapons is the last thing we need.

Almost certainly is isn't.
I hope you're not a "Trekkie"

  #66   Report Post  
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"Kurt Ullman" wrote in message
In article ,
"harryagain" wrote:

Americans all want to be great heros full of marvellous ideas.
The fact they have to lie shows the reverse is true.

In fact they are a clueless bunch of pongos, running about the world
inflicting their stupid ideas on luckless people everywhere who own
something they want to thieve.

Well we are, largely, direct decsendents of the Colonial British...

Not with a name like Kurt Ullman. :-)

  #67   Report Post  
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"Oren" wrote in message
On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:58:07 +0100, "harryagain"

The fact they have to lie shows the reverse is true.

Harold "The Liar" Armitage,

You are the biggest liar I see around here.

It wouldn't bother me one bit if someone cut your tongue out and made
a necklace.

That sounds a bit Injun"
You also into scalping?

Regressed to the barbarian stage.

  #69   Report Post  
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On 8/25/2013 1:14 AM, harryagain wrote:
"The Daring Dufas" wrote in message
On 8/24/2013 1:43 AM, harryagain wrote:
"The Daring Dufas" wrote in message

Don't forget "Brave heart" Another bunch of Yank lies.

Is that anything like King Arthur and Merlin The Magician? ^_^

There is little known historical basis for King Arthur.
So any tale could be true or not.
The film stuff is based on Victorian fantasy.

So it was all a fabrication? Sort of a LIE. ^_^

Not all of it. There was an Uther. But he lived long before the days of
plate armour and stone medieval castles.
He lived in the post Roman era.
But it is classed in with Snow White and Red Riding Hood in the UK.
No-one actually believes it , it is legend not history.
We draw aline between fact and fiction.

Unlike the Legend of Davy Crockett for example
Fervently believed to have valiently died at the Alamo by most Yanks.
Who was actually captured running away and executed by the Mexicans.

You still don't get that entertainment with some historical figures
involved is always produced with artistic license. Do you not grok
what legend means? Harry Potter is real, ask any child. ^_^


  #70   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On 8/25/2013 1:54 AM, harryagain wrote:
"nestork" wrote in message

I'm just hoping that the new President of Iran is willing to show the
world that Iran's Uranium enrichment program is being done STRICTLY for
the use of Uranium as a fuel in nuclear reactors.

This "catch me if you can" game that the former president was playing is
like playing Russian Roulette with the human race. If we poison this
good Earth that we live on with radiation, there is no where else to

Almost certainly, life is abundant in our galaxy and universe, but the
distances between planets that can support life are so vast that our
moving anywhere else won't be feasible for hundreds of years. This
playing games with nuclear weapons is the last thing we need.

Almost certainly is isn't.
I hope you're not a "Trekkie"

What if he's a fan of Dr. Who? ^_^


  #72   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"/ racial special treatment

Hassan, compared to Zimmerman?

I heard on the radio that Hassan is the only
person in history who was in court sporting
a USA military uniform, and a full beard.
Talk about special treatment.

Years ago, the blacks protested when whites were
given special treatment. Might be time for us
crackers to take to the streets to protest the
special treatment of brown people with turbans?

Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus

On 8/25/2013 7:21 AM, The Daring Dufas wrote:

Muslims are getting away with murder because the PCM, Politically
Correct Moonbats ignore it but will stir up the whole country if a
seemingly White man kills a young Black thug in self defense. O_o


  #73   Report Post  
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"harryagain" wrote in message

Unlike the Legend of Davy Crockett for example
Fervently believed to have valiently died at the Alamo by
most Yanks. Who was actually captured running away and
executed by the Mexicans.

Do you have anything to substantiate that other than de la Peña's book which
has been pretty much discredited by accounts of survivors?



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  #74   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On Saturday, August 24, 2013 3:56:42 PM UTC-4, nestork wrote:
I'm just hoping that the new President of Iran is willing to show the

world that Iran's Uranium enrichment program is being done STRICTLY for

the use of Uranium as a fuel in nuclear reactors.

Good grief!
How can he show the world what is obviously not true?
The extent of the program, the type of eqpt they've bought
and continue to try to obtain, the secrecy, the links to
Pakistan's A Q Khan and North Korea clearly show
that the program is not for use in nuclear reactors for power.

Now, if you said you hoped that he would get Iran to stop
their nuclear weapons development program, that would make

This "catch me if you can" game that the former president was playing is

like playing Russian Roulette with the human race. If we poison this

good Earth that we live on with radiation, there is no where else to


Ima Nutjob was indeed a bad guy. But he wasn't running Iran and
neither will the new guy. They real power is in the hands of the
nutty Ayatollah. Maybe the new guy can move them in a better
direction, but given their 30+ year history, I would not bet on it.

Almost certainly, life is abundant in our galaxy and universe, but the

distances between planets that can support life are so vast that our

moving anywhere else won't be feasible for hundreds of years. This

playing games with nuclear weapons is the last thing we need.

Given the path we're on, it seems increasingly likely that we'll
see a nuke used sometime in the coming decades. There are many
ways it could happen and between North Korea and the Islamic nuts
who would be happy to die and take a million with them, we're
headed in that direction. However, don't worry about moving to
another planet. We survived the use of a couple in Japan and
the open air testing of dozens more. As it looks now, any
new nuclear war would be limited, not an all out exchange between
superpowers. More likely an attack of some kind on the USA
or Israel, and then the turning to glass of a country or two
in response.
  #75   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sunday, August 25, 2013 2:40:36 AM UTC-4, harry wrote:
"Oren" wrote in message


On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:48:58 +0100, "harryagain"


The islamonuts got backin their own way (11-9)

This **** ain't over yet!

And beat the USA in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

You mean while the Brit's sat around having tea and crumpets?

They haven't finished yet.

So more of them will die in the future. I'm not mad about it.

The US airforce is obsolete.

Can the Yoo Kay fly from Missouri to the Middle East or South Korea

round trip and issue a headache? You limey louts ran out of cruise

missiles in Libya, tucked tail and sailed home like the two time we

spanked your asses.

It was for use against the Russians.


We flew from the UK to the Falkland islands, the longest war time bombing

mission ever.

Where did you stop for tea and to refuel? The operative part of
the above is "from the UK". By that, you're including the Ascencion
Islands because you sure couldn't have done it from bases in England.
Even then, you were about as prepared as you were for Hitler. You
don't have to believe me, you can ask the RAF:


For the RAF, the first consideration was a relatively simple one, range. The RAF's large aircraft of the time were intended for use in Europe and over NATO waters, air-to-air refuelling capability for these types was previously considered unecessary.

Doh! Time to stop for tea!

Suddenly, Hercules, Nimrod, Victor and Vulcan aircraft were expected to fly 3,900 miles, loiter on mission, then return the same distance. Marshalls of Cambridge and the RAF engineers among others worked themselves to a standstill fitting probes and tank systems to a variety of types, testing the new fittings almost as the paint dried. The practical result of all this frenetic activity was that just before midnight on 30 April, two crews from 101 Squadron climbed into two 22 year-old bombers to set out on what was then the longest bombing mission ever attempted.

On the first mission, sitting in the bomb bay of each of the two Vulcans were 21 1,000 lb (454 Kg) bombs, over nine tons of high explosive, which, combined with the full fuel load, meant that both aircraft were over 2½ tons over their maximum weights. Because Ascension Island is relatively hot, the overloaded aircraft would have to run their four 20,000lb thrust Bristol Siddeley Olympus 301 engines at 103% power to get off the ground. The scene in the dark of the softly lit cockpits, the runway lights stretching away between the volcano and hills of Ascension, the banshee howl of the Vulcan and the slow acceleration of the lights is far better imagined than described.

The impressive line up of Victor tankers at Ascension island Only one Vulcan would make fly each of the seven planned missions, codenamed 'Operation Black Buck', the second aircraft was intended as an airborne spare in case of any failure in the prime bomber. To fly this distance, and to return, each mission required the support of twelve Handley Page Victor K2 tankers of 55 and 57 Squadrons on the outbound leg, and a further two Victors and a Nimrod on the return leg.

Wow, after all that, using 16 aircraft, you managed to actually deliver one payload of 21,000 pounds of bombs. But you're
apparently right, it did set a record at the time. One that has
since been broken by the USA with nonstop roundtrip flights of B2 bombers from Missouri to Iraq and more recently to Libya. At 5500 and 6700 miles one way from the heart of the USA, not some
forward base, those bombing runs far exceeded your
3300 mile journey to the Falklands from the Ascencion Islands base. And each B2 carried twice
the payload of your single Vulcan. So, nice record for the time,
but it's been long surpassed.

  #76   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 07:40:36 +0100, "harryagain"

"Oren" wrote in message
.. .
On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:48:58 +0100, "harryagain"

The islamonuts got backin their own way (11-9)

This **** ain't over yet!

And beat the USA in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

You mean while the Brit's sat around having tea and crumpets?

They haven't finished yet.

So more of them will die in the future. I'm not mad about it.

The US airforce is obsolete.

Can the Yoo Kay fly from Missouri to the Middle East or South Korea
round trip and issue a headache? You limey louts ran out of cruise
missiles in Libya, tucked tail and sailed home like the two time we
spanked your asses.

It was for use against the Russians.


We flew from the UK to the Falkland islands, the longest war time bombing
mission ever.


We won that war.

Not all by your lonesome. The USA provided covert operations.

"Caspar Weinberger who was the Defence Secretary at the time was the
leader of the group called the ‘Atlanticists’ who believed that
America should support her closest NATO ally and it would send a clear
message that America did not support brutal and aggressive dictators.
His staunch support later earned him a British Knighthood. He provided
the United Kingdom with all the equipment she required during the war.
Ranging from submarine detectors to the latest missiles. All this was
done very discreetly. His actions led to divisions amongst Reagan’s
staff. Whilst Weinberger claimed that he has received authorisation
from Ronald Reagan to provide covert support to the UK."


"The British Ambassador at the time of the conflict Nicholas Henderson
expressed his disappointment that when Britain emerged victorious, the
MOD forbade anyone from mentioning the role America played during the
conflict. They wanted it to be seen as a British victory."


We also provided AWAC planes to protect your pilots.

You lost in Iraq and Afghanistan.

SO then the Yoo Kay lost to. Got it.


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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 07:54:08 -0400, "dadiOH"

"harryagain" wrote in message

Unlike the Legend of Davy Crockett for example
Fervently believed to have valiently died at the Alamo by
most Yanks. Who was actually captured running away and
executed by the Mexicans.

Do you have anything to substantiate that other than de la Peña's book which
has been pretty much discredited by accounts of survivors?

No he can't.

He believes Davy Crockett wore a coon skin cap, though.
  #78   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

In article ,
"harryagain" wrote:

"Kurt Ullman" wrote in message
In article ,
"harryagain" wrote:

Americans all want to be great heros full of marvellous ideas.
The fact they have to lie shows the reverse is true.

In fact they are a clueless bunch of pongos, running about the world
inflicting their stupid ideas on luckless people everywhere who own
something they want to thieve.

Well we are, largely, direct decsendents of the Colonial British...

Not with a name like Kurt Ullman. :-)

I did say LARGELY (grin)
America is at that awkward stage. It's too late
to work within the system, but too early to shoot
the *******s."-- Claire Wolfe
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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 06:39:41 -0500, The Daring Dufas

The English narrator had an interesting accent, is is a Liverpool
accent? ^_^

"There are no birds in the trees apart from these, which will be
eaten on Tuesday."
  #80   Report Post  
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Default The movie "Argo"

On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 06:07:21 -0700 (PDT), "

Wow, after all that, using 16 aircraft, you managed to actually deliver one payload of 21,000 pounds of bombs. But you're
apparently right, it did set a record at the time. One that has
since been broken by the USA with nonstop roundtrip flights of B2 bombers from Missouri to Iraq and more recently to Libya. At 5500 and 6700 miles one way from the heart of the USA, not some
forward base, those bombing runs far exceeded your
3300 mile journey to the Falklands from the Ascencion Islands base. And each B2 carried twice
the payload of your single Vulcan. So, nice record for the time,
but it's been long surpassed.

Harold likes to make things up.

"The B-2 is capable of all-altitude attack missions up to 50,000 ft,
with a range of more than 6,000 nautical miles unrefuelled and over
10,000 nautical miles with one refueling."

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