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  #561   Report Post  
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"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Sun, 02 May 2021 20:35:46 +0100, Snit

Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sun, 25 Apr 2021 19:52:51 +0100, Snit

On Apr 25, 2021 at 11:41:26 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Wed, 21 Apr 2021 19:20:41 +0100, Snit

On Apr 21, 2021 at 11:13:56 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Sat, 17 Apr 2021 23:50:26 +0100, Snit

On Apr 17, 2021 at 10:28:03 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

Scientists are liberal because they want funding for free.

Scientists are liberal because the conservative mindset is to
We can see this with COVID,

No, we just don't make such a fuss over a small thing. A thing
kills 4
times less than cancer and 40 times less than the world population

The idea that over half a million dead in America, and many more
than that
around the world, and that is WITH some fairly significant
is a
"small thing" is an utter rejection of the facts.

It's 4 times smaller than cancer and 40 times smaller then the
growth. Those are numbers, irrefutable numbers.

In the US it is the third leading cause of death. And that is with
precautions. Your lack of compassion does not reduce the harm.

It's FOUR TIMES LESS. So 100 people die, but only 20 of them were
coronavirus. And that's assuming nobody died of anything other than
virus or cancer.

It is still the third leading cause of death. Maybe even higher now.

So not the most important one to deal with. It's like putting out a
candle in the hall when your entire kitchen is on fire.

It is the most preventable of the three €” and still at third WITH lots of

But it's still a very small chance of you actually dying of it, lower than
a percent!

Not with the over 65s even now. And its still preferable to not
die and plenty who do recover get unpleasant long term medical
problems and other damned irritating side effects like loss of taste
and normal stuff that usually smells nice smelling awful. **** that.

Again, your lack of compassion is on you... a "bad trait" if you will.

And those without compassion are bad for society... so by your own
should you not be weeded out?

I'm not telling people to live "dangerously", I'm telling them not to
insist that I don't.

And insisting on a special entitlement to risk their lives €” showing a
of compassion on your part.

I'm not ripping off people's masks.

man-made global climate change,

It was 1C here in Scotland a few days ago, in spring. There is no

Denial of the fact from you. That is what I mean.

I can see the temperature with my own eyes! It's on the thermometer

You use a local temperature to try to deny evidence of man-made
change. Your logic is flawed.

So magically my part of the world stays the same and the rest goes up?
Right.... Look, just move to the place that's the temperature you
like, if
you're fussy enough to care about the alleged 2C change.

Selection bias

Stop using silly psychological labels you've read somewhere.

Do you even know what it is you are being called out on?

Yeah I looked it up and it's bull****.

is not a good way to look at climate. I say go with the

I have plenty evidence right here, the weather outside my house is what
it always has been.

Likely untrue but also not relevant.

It's true and it's a good unbiassed data point.

And moving does not reduce man-made global climate change, nor its

Of course it does. If it becomes too hot to grow crops where you live,
move further north, or grow more appropriate crops. The UK will be able
to grow oranges. Russia will become a huge farmland instead of frozen

Food supplies will be harmed €” more than they are now.

What evidence do you have for this? At the moment we have food growing
well in some places and not at all in others. So they swap about, who

They wont necessarily swap about.


research on reduction of abortions,

That's not science, that's morals.

If you want to reduce abortions, which most conservatives claim to
are known methods to do it. At least in American the Republican
party (the
more conservative of the two) rejects every one of these things.
"solution" is to deny women equal rights.

The whole idea that an abortion is wrong is insanity. The child
belongs to
the mother, and nobody else.

The Republican party pretends to be against abortion but then refused
to do
anything to help reduce the numbers. The Democrats want it to be
legal but
want to keep it rare.

Reducing the numbers can only mean you're taking away the right of
from the woman. I thought you liked human rights? The government
should not

I say increase the choice. Many who get an abortion would not have
needed one
if they had more choices -- this is based on the evidence of better
free birth control, more access to Planned Parenthood and the like,

It's not rocket science to use a condom. You don't need education for
something that simple. Even if you forget/were drunk, there's a morning
after pill.

Evidence shows education works.

You mean brainwash. Let people make their own decisions.

Trouble is that stupid women that **** their lives by having
kids when they are still in school arent capable of making
sensible decisions and its hard to reverse the lousy decision.

and in some cases even things like evolution.

Evolution could take place if we let coronavirus kill off the

Evolution IS taking place. And the more the virus spreads the more
/ evolves.

I was obviously talking about the evolution of humans to fight it
about Eskimos and the cold virus.

And we as a species have evolved the ability to make vaccines.

No, we've invented the ability to screw up our future evolution.

Evolution has no plan. It is not forward "thinking" -- it does not
think at

It doesn't have to. It works by simply deleting the failures. But
society is allowing those failures to breed, producing more failures.

People have not stopped you from breeding. True enough. Are you
suggesting you should have been sterilized?

I don't need to be, I'm clever enough to realise there are plenty of genes
better than mine so I would never pass mine on. I don't think I would
even if I was perfect, since the world is vastly overpopulated.

That last is radically overstated.

  #562   Report Post  
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"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Tue, 04 May 2021 18:53:49 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 04:56:06 +0100, Snit

On Apr 28, 2021 at 8:44:12 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 04/28/2021 12:35 PM, Commander Kinsey wrote:
Vote Libertarian.

In this country I only vote for the Libertarian as a 'none of the
statement. I may have left-libertarian tendencies but in the US the
capital L libertarians are right-libertarians.


They pretend that conservative fiscal policies will lead to liberal
results, as if the magic market is going to go contrary to profits to
human rights and the environment.

The market does what the customers request.

Often, but not always.

If it doesn't, they don't make many sales.

The reality is that plenty are forced to buy what they would
rather not have to buy instead of what they prefer.

I hate the current fad for shorts that come down to your
knees but don't have a lot of choice when buying shorts.

You are stuck with cars that arent what you would prefer to buy.

There is **** all in the way of movies that I choose to watch.

Imagine a world with no green legislation. Now imagine 5 companies
the same thing. Two of them advertise green-ness in manufacturing etc.
Anyone who believed in ecology would only buy from those two

If they believe the claims.

They can check up if they wish.

That's not that easy with the stupid claims the fanatics spew.

It isnt even very clear just how much cows milk for humans
****s the environment for example, let alone meat.

and the others would go bankrupt or change their ways.

Hardly ever because most arent into ecology.

Only a minority are silly enough to buy the "organic" **** in the

So why do people keep voting for parties that put this climate change
****e through?

Basically they don't have much choice with who they can vote for.

In the UK the two main partys that have any chance of
forming govt are into banning ICE new cars for example.

  #563   Report Post  
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Default The Two Inseparable Trolling Resident Sociopaths together again!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 07:23:58 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

FLUSH the two subnormal sociopathic cretins' endless absolutely idiotic

Another typical retarded "conversation" between the two resident idiots:

Birdbrain: "But imagine how cool it was to own slaves."

Senile Rodent: "Yeah, right. Feed them, clothe them, and fix them when
they're broken.
After all, you paid good money for them. Then you've got to keep an eye
on them all the time."

Birdbrain: "Better than having to give them wages on top of that."

Senile Rodent: "Specially when they make more slaves for you
and produce their own food and clothes."

  #564   Report Post  
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Default The Two Inseparable Trolling Resident Sociopaths together again!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 07:30:25 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

FLUSH the two subnormal sociopathic cretins' endless absolutely idiotic

Another typical retarded "conversation" between Birdbrain and senile Rodent:

Senile Rodent: " Did you ever dig a hole to bury your own ****?"

Birdbrain: "I do if there's no flush toilet around."

Senile Rodent: "Yeah, I prefer camping like that, off by myself with
no dunnys around and have always buried the ****."

  #565   Report Post  
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wrote in message
On Wed, 12 May 2021 14:55:47 +1000, "Joey" wrote:

"rbowman" wrote in message
On 05/11/2021 11:49 AM, Commander Kinsey wrote:

You calling a lack of faith faith is insanity. You'll be saying
is a faith next.

It is.


'Who the **** knows', aka agnosticism, is a more valid stance.

Not when there isnt a shred of evidence that any god exists
and its obvious that the believers are using gods as a crutch
for their pathetically inadequate 'lives'

If it weren't for Religion a whole lot more people who
would be killers, thieves and more. Only the fear of
that 'god' thing and 'hell' keeps them honest.

That's very arguable indeed given how many god
botherers have been convicted and and jailed or
executed for murder, rape, fraud, theft etc etc etc.

Religion certainly has some effect on some behaviour
of the believers with some stuff like divorce, same sex
****ing, even marriage, and birth control and abortion,
but clearly the effect isnt huge now that most of what
religions have banned isnt even illegal anymore.

So STFU before you convince them that atheism is the way to go.

You will never convince anyone of something like that.

Ammo is not only expensive and
almost can't be found these days,

That's bull****.

so I don't need a few million more a-holes junkin'
around my town with no fear of gawd or hell.

There are **** all that don't kill you because
some god or other has told them not to.

  #566   Report Post  
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"rbowman" wrote in message
On 05/11/2021 10:47 PM, Snit wrote:
Some of it might be semantics. Do you KNOW there are no Underground
Marshmallow People running the world. Well, in general conversation I
you do. I hope you do at least! But on a deep philosophical level you
be absolutely certain of it. You cannot prove a negative.

In the two truths doctrine formulated by Nagarjuna and others the is
conventional reality and there is ultimate reality. Conventional reality
is filled with handy assumptions like there are no Marshmallow people.
Ultimate reality considers all those assumptions to be empty.

Nagarjuna's principal work is based on a tetralemma.

All things exist
All things do not exist
All things both exist and do not exist
All things neither exist nor do not exist

Thats typical mindless wanking only clowns like that get up to.

Maybe the Marshmallow People are hiding there someplace.

  #567   Report Post  
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Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 07:56:03 +1000, Joey, better known as cantankerous
trolling senile geezer Rodent Speed, wrote:

FLUSH the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread

Hawk addressing the obnoxious senile Australian pest:
"I'm willing to bet you scream your own name when jacking off."

  #568   Report Post  
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"rbowman" wrote in message
On 05/11/2021 10:55 PM, Joey wrote:

"rbowman" wrote in message
On 05/11/2021 11:49 AM, Commander Kinsey wrote:

You calling a lack of faith faith is insanity. You'll be saying
is a faith next.

It is.


'Who the **** knows', aka agnosticism, is a more valid stance.

Not when there isnt a shred of evidence that any god exists
and its obvious that the believers are using gods as a crutch
for their pathetically inadequate 'lives'

Spoken like a True Believer...

Nope, one who looks at the evidence.

Its not very surprising that at the time most are illiterate
that it works better to proclaim that some god or other
doesn't let you eat port or fish without scales once you
have noticed the downsides with doing that.

Less clear how you can convince everyone to hack the
end of their kid's dick on day 7 or whenever it is and
they just click the heels of their sandals, whip out their
knives and start hacking away. Hard to see even Billy
Graham being able to get away with something like that.

  #570   Report Post  
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Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 08:05:56 +1000, Joey, better known as cantankerous
trolling senile geezer Rodent Speed, wrote:

FLUSH the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread

  #571   Report Post  
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Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 08:13:49 +1000, Joey, better known as cantankerous
trolling senile geezer Rodent Speed, wrote:

FLUSH yet more of the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread
  #572   Report Post  
Posted to alt.computer.workshop,alt.home.repair,uk.d-i-y
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Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 08:10:28 +1000, Joey, better known as cantankerous
trolling senile geezer Rodent Speed, wrote:

FLUSH the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread

Richard about senile Rodent:
"Rod Speed, a bare faced pig and ignorant ****."
  #573   Report Post  
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On Tue, 04 May 2021 19:50:13 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 4, 2021 at 10:41:00 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 04:56:06 +0100, Snit wrote:

On Apr 28, 2021 at 8:44:12 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 04/28/2021 12:35 PM, Commander Kinsey wrote:
Vote Libertarian.

In this country I only vote for the Libertarian as a 'none of the above'
statement. I may have left-libertarian tendencies but in the US the
capital L libertarians are right-libertarians.


They pretend that conservative fiscal policies will lead to liberal social
results, as if the magic market is going to go contrary to profits to
human rights and the environment.

The market does what the customers request.


Imagine a world with no green legislation. Now imagine 5 companies making
the same thing. Two of them advertise green-ness in manufacturing etc.
Anyone who believed in ecology would only buy from those two and the others
would go bankrupt or change their ways.

The one which is more green would likely cost more -- there are savings in not
doing the right thing. With most people barely scraping by, as happens in a
complete "free" market with no protections, people would by the cheap stuff.
We see this with Walmart and Amazon now.

What would make human nature change to get the results you speak of?

Why should we make them change? If they want to save money rather than the environment, then let them. It's none of your business if others don't want to be as green as you.

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  #574   Report Post  
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On Fri, 07 May 2021 19:39:37 +0100, Rod Speed wrote:

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Apr 2021 20:40:43 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Sun, 25 Apr 2021 21:34:37 +0100, Rod Speed

Depends on the death rate.

The death rate of coronavirus is high enough to remove those with the
wrong genes.

Nope, the death rate is minimal with those who can still reproduce.
It isnt even that high with those over 70 either, below 4%

So why worry?

Because most of those it has killed would prefer to not be dead.

**** happens, more often with cancer or getting run over by a bus.

We must let it happen.

Nope, it would make no difference.

It would remove those with ****ty immune systems,


creating a better next generation.

Nope, because the vast bulk of those it kills are way past reproducing.

I know a woman who had her child at 40. Are you saying 40 year olds can't die of the virus?

In fact we evolved like that with kids sure that nothing can kill them
and in fact that works fine.

What kids are you referring to?

Late teenagers. That why they have always been the cannon fodder in wars.

Even those now don't die at a high enough rate from anything
to have any real effect on evolution, even if we scrapped seat
belts, air bags, cars with crumple zones etc etc etc.

They would if we stopped pampering them in hospitals.

Nope, **** all of those ever need hospital treatment to stop them dying.

So why do we bother with all that ****?

Say you could do calculations twice as fast, you could sing perfect
pitch, you could do 1000 pushups, but the sight of a car made you
spontaneously combust. That would not be a good thing to have.

Yes but we never have evolved to have the sight of a car
make you spontaneously combust for some odd reason.

It's called an analogy, stretching something out of proportion to mare
you see the point.

No one get to mare me and don't you forget that, cow face.

In Dutch I was announcing you.

How did I miss the K and hit the R? They're miles away!

You were blotto and drug crazed, as always.

I almost never drink enough to look like I'm drunk. No pig has ever suspected I'm drunk and breathalysed me.

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  #575   Report Post  
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On Fri, 07 May 2021 20:47:33 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 7, 2021 at 10:51:20 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Mon, 03 May 2021 08:58:58 +0100, Snit wrote:

rbowman wrote:
On 05/02/2021 01:30 PM, Snit wrote:
Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Tue, 27 Apr 2021 20:53:50 +0100, Snit wrote:

On Apr 27, 2021 at 10:53:26 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Sat, 24 Apr 2021 20:37:00 +0100, Snit wrote:

On Apr 24, 2021 at 11:30:05 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 16:01:42 +0100, Snit wrote:

On Apr 22, 2021 at 3:16:17 AM MST, ""Rod Speed"" wrote

I wonder why nobody ever says just "It's". For example:
John: "That engine's not running right."
Steve: "It's."

Language is weird. Heck, how do you think people generally pronounce
the word

Without the t. So it sounds more like "can".

You bugger. Bet I will focus on that
bloody word every time its used now.

Just watched the first ep of the Manson tapes and didn=3DE2=3D80=3D99t.

Corse that might just be because it is so ****ing bizarre.

I have caught it in some speech I hear.

Have a friend who insists it just cannot be true. I talk to her on Zoom --
has agreed to let me record her without her knowing (at the time) and then
how SHE sounds). She insists she ALWAYS pronounced the T. Will be
to find out.

Yanks can't even pronounce herb with the H.

We can if it is a name.

By the way, I did look for UK specific examples of "can't". Here is what I


Those are examples from the UK. "Can't" is still pronounced as "can" (in

I listened to the first guy and he clearly said carnt. Check your ears.

There is a slight r. Common in British English?

It's not slight. It's the same as saying tarnished. Would you mishear
that as tannished?

I=E2=80=99m still focused on the lack of a real T in can=E2=80=99t.

Just weird.


'Put the O Back in ****ry' Shooter Jennings

What's a missing letter?

When can=E2=80=99t is pronounced as can you would think it would risk

Except I've never known anyone do that, including in your video.

All I can say is watch the videos I showed.

I have. Your ears are at fault.

Sent from my iPhone, this spam courtesy of Apple incorporated.

  #576   Report Post  
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On Fri, 07 May 2021 20:49:20 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 7, 2021 at 10:54:59 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Wed, 05 May 2021 20:07:41 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 5, 2021 at 11:32:18 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

We asked each other.

that's very emotional

It was touching.

do you have a youtube of it we could make some money

I tried making some but the police said it was no good.

Vote Libertarian.

I prefer mature candidates.

I prefer common sense.

That comes with maturity.

No, you lose it with maturity and brainwashing.

Really the whole idea of "common sense" is all too often just tied to what
each person thinks is correct. I am not against it -- and am very
"MacGyverish" in how I problem solve, but for things that matter I tend to
look to more verifiable evidence.

No, common sense is clearly defined. It's whatever is ****ing obvious. If I jump off that cliff, I will hit the bottom really fast and probably die. I don't need to do any scientific tests.

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  #577   Report Post  
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On Wed, 12 May 2021 02:49:59 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 11, 2021 at 6:13:47 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 05/11/2021 11:49 AM, Commander Kinsey wrote:

You calling a lack of faith faith is insanity. You'll be saying atheism
is a faith next.

It is. 'Who the **** knows', aka agnosticism, is a more valid stance.

I am open to the possibility, just as I am open to the idea that the Invisible
Green Dragon created the gods and that the Underground Marshmallow People are
running the world. These things are *possible* (when looked at from a purely
logical stance) but so grossly unlikely as to the point of not being worth

So not a belief, but basic logic.

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  #578   Report Post  
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"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Fri, 07 May 2021 19:39:37 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Apr 2021 20:40:43 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Sun, 25 Apr 2021 21:34:37 +0100, Rod Speed


Depends on the death rate.

The death rate of coronavirus is high enough to remove those with the
wrong genes.

Nope, the death rate is minimal with those who can still reproduce.
It isnt even that high with those over 70 either, below 4%

So why worry?

Because most of those it has killed would prefer to not be dead.

**** happens, more often with cancer

Yes, but is clearly better to not have covid kill you.

or getting run over by a bus.

Nope, nowhere even remotely like 600K in the USA are
run over by a bus ever year, or 150K in the UK either.

We must let it happen.

Nope, it would make no difference.

It would remove those with ****ty immune systems,


creating a better next generation.

Nope, because the vast bulk of those it kills are way past reproducing.

I know a woman who had her child at 40. Are you saying 40 year olds can't
die of the virus?

Nope, that most who have been killed by the virus are over 65.

In fact we evolved like that with kids sure that nothing can kill
and in fact that works fine.

What kids are you referring to?

Late teenagers. That why they have always been the cannon fodder in

Even those now don't die at a high enough rate from anything
to have any real effect on evolution, even if we scrapped seat
belts, air bags, cars with crumple zones etc etc etc.

They would if we stopped pampering them in hospitals.

Nope, **** all of those ever need hospital treatment to stop them dying.

So why do we bother with all that ****?

Because its killing far more than any other infectious disease
and leaving heaps more with very unpleasant long term
medical downsides even when it doesn't kill them.

Say you could do calculations twice as fast, you could sing perfect
pitch, you could do 1000 pushups, but the sight of a car made you
spontaneously combust. That would not be a good thing to have.

Yes but we never have evolved to have the sight of a car
make you spontaneously combust for some odd reason.

It's called an analogy, stretching something out of proportion to mare
you see the point.

No one get to mare me and don't you forget that, cow face.

In Dutch I was announcing you.

How did I miss the K and hit the R? They're miles away!

You were blotto and drug crazed, as always.

I almost never drink enough to look like I'm drunk. No pig has ever
suspected I'm drunk and breathalysed me.

Ours breathalyse everyone they pull over for random breath tests.
Do drug tests too so you would be toast the first time you are stopped.

  #579   Report Post  
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On Wed, 12 May 2021 05:47:48 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 11, 2021 at 9:23:06 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 05/11/2021 07:49 PM, Snit wrote:
On May 11, 2021 at 6:13:47 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 05/11/2021 11:49 AM, Commander Kinsey wrote:

You calling a lack of faith faith is insanity. You'll be saying atheism
is a faith next.

It is. 'Who the **** knows', aka agnosticism, is a more valid stance.

I am open to the possibility, just as I am open to the idea that the
Green Dragon created the gods and that the Underground Marshmallow People
running the world. These things are *possible* (when looked at from a purely
logical stance) but so grossly unlikely as to the point of not being worth

Heidegger asks the question "why there is something rather than nothing".


Even they manage to confuse the issue. In a few paragraphs they go from
"To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it
is a lack of belief in gods."' to "Agnostic isnt just a €œweaker€
version of being an atheist. It answers a different question. Atheism is
about what you believe. Agnosticism is about what you know."

For the militant atheists I reject the disbelief; rather they project a
complete belief that there are no gods. Belief is belief.

Some of it might be semantics. Do you KNOW there are no Underground
Marshmallow People running the world. Well, in general conversation I assume
you do. I hope you do at least! But on a deep philosophical level you cannot
be absolutely certain of it. You cannot prove a negative.

It is so unlikely that we can assume they're not there. The same goes for god. So not a belief.

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  #580   Report Post  
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On Wed, 12 May 2021 23:05:56 +0100, Joey wrote:

"rbowman" wrote in message
On 05/11/2021 10:47 PM, Snit wrote:
Some of it might be semantics. Do you KNOW there are no Underground
Marshmallow People running the world. Well, in general conversation I
you do. I hope you do at least! But on a deep philosophical level you
be absolutely certain of it. You cannot prove a negative.

In the two truths doctrine formulated by Nagarjuna and others the is
conventional reality and there is ultimate reality. Conventional reality
is filled with handy assumptions like there are no Marshmallow people..
Ultimate reality considers all those assumptions to be empty.

Nagarjuna's principal work is based on a tetralemma.

All things exist
All things do not exist
All things both exist and do not exist
All things neither exist nor do not exist

Thats typical mindless wanking only clowns like that get up to.

Agreed, but why aren't you called Rod again?

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  #581   Report Post  
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Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Wed, 12 May 2021 05:47:48 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 11, 2021 at 9:23:06 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 05/11/2021 07:49 PM, Snit wrote:
On May 11, 2021 at 6:13:47 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 05/11/2021 11:49 AM, Commander Kinsey wrote:

You calling a lack of faith faith is insanity. You'll be saying atheism
is a faith next.

It is. 'Who the **** knows', aka agnosticism, is a more valid stance.

I am open to the possibility, just as I am open to the idea that the
Green Dragon created the gods and that the Underground Marshmallow People
running the world. These things are *possible* (when looked at from a purely
logical stance) but so grossly unlikely as to the point of not being worth

Heidegger asks the question "why there is something rather than nothing".


Even they manage to confuse the issue. In a few paragraphs they go from
"To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it
is a lack of belief in gods."' to "Agnostic isnt just a €œweaker€
version of being an atheist. It answers a different question. Atheism is
about what you believe. Agnosticism is about what you know."

For the militant atheists I reject the disbelief; rather they project a
complete belief that there are no gods. Belief is belief.

Some of it might be semantics. Do you KNOW there are no Underground
Marshmallow People running the world. Well, in general conversation I assume
you do. I hope you do at least! But on a deep philosophical level you cannot
be absolutely certain of it. You cannot prove a negative.

It is so unlikely that we can assume they're not there. The same goes
for god. So not a belief.


Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
  #582   Report Post  
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Default The Two Brain Dead Inseparable Trolling Resident Sociopaths together again

On Fri, 14 May 2021 04:50:05 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

FLUSH the two subnormal sociopathic cretins' endless absolutely idiotic

Another typical retarded conversation between our two village idiots,
Birdbrain and Rodent Speed:

Birdbrain: "You beat me to it. Plain sex is boring."

Senile Rodent: "Then **** the cats. That wont be boring."

Birdbrain: "Sell me a de-clawing tool first."

Senile Rodent: "Wont help with the teeth."

Birdbrain: "They've never gone for me with their mouths."

Rodent Speed: "They will if you are stupid enough to try ****ing them."

Birdbrain: "No, they always use claws."

Rodent Speed: "They wont if you try ****ing them. Try it and see."

  #583   Report Post  
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Default ****, the Sick Git, the Troll-feeding Senile HUGE ASSHOLE!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 19:26:36 GMT, **** the sick git, the notorious,
troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered again:


You are one sick senile ****head, **** the Git! LOL
  #584   Report Post  
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Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Wed, 12 May 2021 02:49:59 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 11, 2021 at 6:13:47 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 05/11/2021 11:49 AM, Commander Kinsey wrote:

You calling a lack of faith faith is insanity. You'll be saying atheism
is a faith next.

It is. 'Who the **** knows', aka agnosticism, is a more valid stance.

I am open to the possibility, just as I am open to the idea that the Invisible
Green Dragon created the gods and that the Underground Marshmallow People are
running the world. These things are *possible* (when looked at from a purely
logical stance) but so grossly unlikely as to the point of not being worth

So not a belief, but basic logic.


Denial of man made climate change, in the other hand, is more comparable to
denying oxygen because you cant see it.

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
  #585   Report Post  
Posted to alt.computer.workshop,alt.home.repair,uk.d-i-y
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Default ****, the Sick Git, the Troll-feeding Senile HUGE ASSHOLE!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 19:49:59 GMT, **** the sick git, the notorious,
troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered again:

Denial of man made climate change, in the other hand, is more comparable to
denying oxygen because you can¢t see it.

In [sic] the other hand, everyone can see what a devoted sucker of troll
cock you are, **** the Git! BG

  #586   Report Post  
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On May 13, 2021 at 11:19:09 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Tue, 04 May 2021 19:50:13 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 4, 2021 at 10:41:00 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 04:56:06 +0100, Snit wrote:

On Apr 28, 2021 at 8:44:12 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 04/28/2021 12:35 PM, Commander Kinsey wrote:
Vote Libertarian.

In this country I only vote for the Libertarian as a 'none of the above'
statement. I may have left-libertarian tendencies but in the US the
capital L libertarians are right-libertarians.


They pretend that conservative fiscal policies will lead to liberal social
results, as if the magic market is going to go contrary to profits to
human rights and the environment.

The market does what the customers request.


Imagine a world with no green legislation. Now imagine 5 companies making
the same thing. Two of them advertise green-ness in manufacturing etc.
Anyone who believed in ecology would only buy from those two and the others
would go bankrupt or change their ways.

The one which is more green would likely cost more -- there are savings in
doing the right thing. With most people barely scraping by, as happens in a
complete "free" market with no protections, people would by the cheap stuff.
We see this with Walmart and Amazon now.

What would make human nature change to get the results you speak of?

Why should we make them change? If they want to save money rather than the
environment, then let them. It's none of your business if others don't want
to be as green as you.

People working alone do not put themselves at a disadvantage. We have laws and
regulations for a reason.

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They cannot
use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel somehow
superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.

  #587   Report Post  
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On May 13, 2021 at 11:37:37 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote


'Put the O Back in ****ry' Shooter Jennings

What's a missing letter?

When can=E2=80=99t is pronounced as can you would think it would risk

Except I've never known anyone do that, including in your video.

All I can say is watch the videos I showed.

I have. Your ears are at fault.

I will trust my ears and those of the professional who does the videos.

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They cannot
use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel somehow
superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.

  #588   Report Post  
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On May 13, 2021 at 11:38:57 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Fri, 07 May 2021 20:49:20 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 7, 2021 at 10:54:59 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Wed, 05 May 2021 20:07:41 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 5, 2021 at 11:32:18 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

We asked each other.

that's very emotional

It was touching.

do you have a youtube of it we could make some money

I tried making some but the police said it was no good.

Vote Libertarian.

I prefer mature candidates.

I prefer common sense.

That comes with maturity.

No, you lose it with maturity and brainwashing.

Really the whole idea of "common sense" is all too often just tied to what
each person thinks is correct. I am not against it -- and am very
"MacGyverish" in how I problem solve, but for things that matter I tend to
look to more verifiable evidence.

No, common sense is clearly defined. It's whatever is ****ing obvious. If I
jump off that cliff, I will hit the bottom really fast and probably die. I
don't need to do any scientific tests.

There are some areas where it is clear... and other areas where it is not. And
places where you say things contrary to evidence and logic and reason and your
only excuse is you think it is correct, and then you call that "common sense"
as if it was evidence. That is where you show deep faith.

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They cannot
use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel somehow
superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.

  #589   Report Post  
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On May 13, 2021 at 11:49:32 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Wed, 12 May 2021 02:49:59 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 11, 2021 at 6:13:47 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 05/11/2021 11:49 AM, Commander Kinsey wrote:

You calling a lack of faith faith is insanity. You'll be saying atheism
is a faith next.

It is. 'Who the **** knows', aka agnosticism, is a more valid stance.

I am open to the possibility, just as I am open to the idea that the
Green Dragon created the gods and that the Underground Marshmallow People
running the world. These things are *possible* (when looked at from a purely
logical stance) but so grossly unlikely as to the point of not being worth

So not a belief, but basic logic.

To lack faith in a deity is not a belief... I would agree with that.

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They cannot
use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel somehow
superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.

  #590   Report Post  
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Default ****, the Sick Git, the Troll-feeding Senile HUGE ASSHOLE!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 20:53:34 GMT, **** the sick git, the notorious,
troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered again:

I will trust my ears and those of the professional who does the videos.

No, you don't, **** the Git! You ONLY suck troll cock! BG

  #591   Report Post  
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Default ****, the Sick Git, the Troll-feeding Senile HUGE ASSHOLE!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 20:55:34 GMT, **** the sick git, the notorious,
troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered again:

To lack faith in a deity is not a belief... I would agree with that.

What has your sick **** got to do with ANY of the three ngs you keep
crossposting it to, senile troll?
  #592   Report Post  
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Default ****, the Sick Git, the Troll-feeding Senile HUGE ASSHOLE!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 20:54:25 GMT, **** the sick git, the notorious,
troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered again:

There are some areas where it is clear... and other areas where it is not. And
places where you say things contrary to evidence and logic and reason and your
only excuse is you think it is correct, and then you call that "common sense"
as if it was evidence. That is where you show deep faith.

You show that you are not only a notorious sucker of troll cock but a filthy
deranged troll yourself, **** the Git!
  #593   Report Post  
Posted to alt.computer.workshop,alt.home.repair,uk.d-i-y
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Default ****, the Sick Git, the Troll-feeding Senile HUGE ASSHOLE!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 20:41:05 GMT, **** the sick git, the notorious,
troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered again:

People working alone do not put themselves at a disadvantage. We have laws and
regulations for a reason.

Nope, **** the Git, you ONLY got **** for brains! BG
  #594   Report Post  
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On 2021-05-13 1:53 p.m., Snit wrote:
On May 13, 2021 at 11:37:37 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote


'Put the O Back in ****ry' Shooter Jennings

What's a missing letter?

When can=E2=80=99t is pronounced as can you would think it would risk

Except I've never known anyone do that, including in your video.

All I can say is watch the videos I showed.

I have. Your ears are at fault.

I will trust my ears and those of the professional who does the videos.

you remind me of dumbo when you fly around the room like that
  #595   Report Post  
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On Fri, 07 May 2021 19:45:16 +0100, Rod Speed wrote:

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Sun, 02 May 2021 19:14:02 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Mon, 26 Apr 2021 19:22:29 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 21:00:20 +0100, Rod Speed


and was stupid enough to believe in some god too.

I doubt his religion played any part in creating his theories.

It did actually. He ran that stupid line 'god does not play dice with

If god had wished us to know about the universe would he not have told

Unlikely that some arsehole who just yawned when 6M of its alleged
chosen people were gassed and cremated by Adolf and his henchmen.
Presumably he chose to lie to them about being chosen people and
was ****ing himself and laughing as they got gassed etc.

Or the whole world is a computer game

They didn't have computer games in those days.

Not inside our game they didn't, no. But god has one. We've only recently invented games inside the game.

and the guy playing Hitler got a new high score.

In fact the bugger lost so spectacularly
he had to shoot himself and his slut.

He did very well actually, it took a lot of do gooders to stop him.

Pity about radioactive decay alone.

Randomness is simply lack of detailed knowledge. Take flipping a coin.
If you know enough about how hard you spin it etc, you can work out what
side it will land on.

Doesn't work with radioactive decay.

I don't believe you, there must be a way of calculating it precisely.

No there isnt with radioactive decay because there is nothing to calculate.

That we know about so far. Think back to when we couldn't see inside an atom.

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  #596   Report Post  
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On Sat, 08 May 2021 01:46:50 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 7, 2021 at 5:17:04 PM MST, ""Rod Speed"" wrote

"Snit" wrote in message
On May 7, 2021 at 5:01:01 PM MST, ""Rod Speed"" wrote

"Snit" wrote in message
On May 7, 2021 at 10:36:54 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Wed, 28 Apr 2021 20:41:40 +0100, Snit

On Apr 28, 2021 at 11:34:41 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 20:46:21 +0100, Snit

On Apr 22, 2021 at 11:21:47 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

And that=E2=80=99s just as true of purported man made
climate change.

Its obvious that climate does change, that=E2=80=99s
obvious from
the ice ages etc, but its much less clear how much of the
change we have seen is man made. It wasn=E2=80=99t that
long ago
that most scientists were hyperventilating about global

Yes, we can certainly measure a substantial hike in
CO2 levels, but its much less clear how much effect that
has on world temperatures, let alone climate change.

It's bloody obvious to me. We know there used to be more
CO2 in the air.
And the world was perfectly fine back then.

There has been no time in the history of man when the CO2
levels were as
as they are now.

Why does man have to be there?

Just a personal preference I prefer to not have man go extinct...
and am
too happy about man creating the current mass extinction we are

Surely you know that's not what I meant.

Yes, you were trying to pretend that man's influence is not well
because in the past there were other times of high CO2, though there
other reasons and none of the times it has been anywhere even near
as high
have the changes happened so quickly.

You are working to push your intuition, based on faith, over the

No, I was pointing out the earth survives high CO2 levels just fine
it did in the past. And that we would manage also. You do know how
much CO2
is required to kill you, right?

The earth will survive the harm we are causing...

Its far from clear that we are actually doing great harm at
all, particularly when compared with what the ice ages did.

We are in a great extinction,

Bull**** we are.

or at least likely so,

More bull****.

and seeing the impacts now.

More bull****.

If you want to learn more about it this is a good site to get started:

More bull****. Its just the spewing of the MMGCC cult.

but we are in a great extinction


There is some debate -- but it seems likely.


and it may end up including humans.

No chance. We even survived the ice ages.

The ice ages man made it through (the most recent one) did not lead to a
great extinction.


We rely on many other species

Only a few actually.

Quite a few... give how they rely on each other. And we benefit from many

More bull****.

and the ecosystems we are destroying.

The ice ages destroyed far more and we survived that fine.

You are trying to equate all of the ice ages.

Nope, rubbing your stupid nose in the fact that they
destroyed far more ecosystems than man has done.

The one man made it through was not a big one.

But they destroyed far more ecosystems than man ever has.

You reject evidence and just cry "bull****". OK.

You worry too much and look for evidence where there is none. If you look hard enough at the clouds, you can become sure they're in the shape of a dog. See! Evidence! That's the ears, that bit's the tail....

Sent from my iPhone, this spam courtesy of Apple incorporated.
  #597   Report Post  
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On Sat, 08 May 2021 17:59:59 +0100, Rod Speed wrote:

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Apr 2021 20:40:43 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Sun, 25 Apr 2021 21:34:37 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 20:28:34 +0100, Rod Speed


"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Sun, 18 Apr 2021 19:24:27 +0100, Rod Speed


"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Sat, 17 Apr 2021 20:28:16 +0100, Rod Speed


"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 19:09:40 +0100, Snit


On Apr 16, 2021 at 11:00:16 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 03:44:18 +0100, Snit


On Apr 15, 2021 at 7:14:23 PM MST, "rbowman" wrote

On 04/15/2021 12:02 PM, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 19:12:00 +0100, Rod Speed


Commander Kinsey wrote

Another account must be made so they don't get the last
silliest thing I got banned for was saying the word
in a rude way, probably something like "the damn
Turns out the admin was a religious nutter.

Yeah, I got the same thing from another religious nutter
using the term "hell of a lot", not a moderator in that

You have to wonder how far we would be today if religion

Do you know who first formulated the Big Bang theory? Ever
Gregor Mendel? Blaise Pascal?

Quite a few scientists manage to have a foot in both
the Catholics seem more flexible than the Protestants,
'gimme that old time religion' branch.

In the past the two were heavily tied together... but that
longer the
case. There are still some religious scientists, but
to be
atheist at a higher level than the general public. They also
be more
liberal, which makes sense given how at least in the US
reject our best evidence.

Scientists are liberal because they want funding for free.

Scientists are liberal because the conservative mindset is to
We can see this with COVID,

No, we just don't make such a fuss over a small thing. A thing
4 times less than cancer and 40 times less than the world

man-made global climate change,

It was 1C here in Scotland a few days ago, in spring. There is

research on reduction of abortions,

That's not science, that's morals.

and in some cases even things like evolution.

Evolution could take place if we let coronavirus kill off the

Nope, because it mostly kills those way past reproducing.

Irrelevant if it kills those or not. And they can hide indoors.

The point is we should let it kill off any younger folk that it
they're the weaker ones.

In fact there isnt any evidence that it does kill of the weaker

The Spanish Flu didn't, in fact it killed off the stronger ones
because their much better immune system grossly over reacted
and it was the cytokine storm that killed them very quickly.

Grossly overreacting was therefore a trait that needed removing for
next generation.

Nope because it means they do much better with the
non pandemic infections and don't have to bother to
wash their hands all the time and can get away with
doing what is more convenient like not throwing
away food that has had a fly walk on it etc etc etc.

Having a trait that makes you better at 9 things but worse at another,
getting you killed, is not a good trait to have.

Depends on the death rate.

In fact we evolved like that with kids sure that nothing can kill them
and in fact that works fine.

What kids are you referring to?

Late teenagers. That's why they have always been the cannon fodder in

Well there's no point sending overweight old men is there?

That's not the alternative.

What other alternative is there? Girls?

Best to use the fit lads to kill.

But those with now enough sense to realise that
they arent immortal arent any use as cannon fodder.

Then use the braver ones.

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  #598   Report Post  
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Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sat, 08 May 2021 01:46:50 +0100, Snit wrote:

On May 7, 2021 at 5:17:04 PM MST, ""Rod Speed"" wrote

"Snit" wrote in message
On May 7, 2021 at 5:01:01 PM MST, ""Rod Speed"" wrote

"Snit" wrote in message
On May 7, 2021 at 10:36:54 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Wed, 28 Apr 2021 20:41:40 +0100, Snit

On Apr 28, 2021 at 11:34:41 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 20:46:21 +0100, Snit

On Apr 22, 2021 at 11:21:47 AM MST, ""Commander Kinsey"" wrote

And that=E2=80=99s just as true of purported man made
climate change.

Its obvious that climate does change, that=E2=80=99s
obvious from
the ice ages etc, but its much less clear how much of the
change we have seen is man made. It wasn=E2=80=99t that
long ago
that most scientists were hyperventilating about global

Yes, we can certainly measure a substantial hike in
CO2 levels, but its much less clear how much effect that
has on world temperatures, let alone climate change.

It's bloody obvious to me. We know there used to be more
CO2 in the air.
And the world was perfectly fine back then.

There has been no time in the history of man when the CO2
levels were as
as they are now.

Why does man have to be there?

Just a personal preference I prefer to not have man go extinct...
and am
too happy about man creating the current mass extinction we are

Surely you know that's not what I meant.

Yes, you were trying to pretend that man's influence is not well
because in the past there were other times of high CO2, though there
other reasons and none of the times it has been anywhere even near
as high
have the changes happened so quickly.

You are working to push your intuition, based on faith, over the

No, I was pointing out the earth survives high CO2 levels just fine
it did in the past. And that we would manage also. You do know how
much CO2
is required to kill you, right?

The earth will survive the harm we are causing...

Its far from clear that we are actually doing great harm at
all, particularly when compared with what the ice ages did.

We are in a great extinction,

Bull**** we are.

or at least likely so,

More bull****.

and seeing the impacts now.

More bull****.

If you want to learn more about it this is a good site to get started:

More bull****. Its just the spewing of the MMGCC cult.

but we are in a great extinction


There is some debate -- but it seems likely.


and it may end up including humans.

No chance. We even survived the ice ages.

The ice ages man made it through (the most recent one) did not lead to a
great extinction.


We rely on many other species

Only a few actually.

Quite a few... give how they rely on each other. And we benefit from many

More bull****.

and the ecosystems we are destroying.

The ice ages destroyed far more and we survived that fine.

You are trying to equate all of the ice ages.

Nope, rubbing your stupid nose in the fact that they
destroyed far more ecosystems than man has done.

The one man made it through was not a big one.

But they destroyed far more ecosystems than man ever has.

You reject evidence and just cry "bull****". OK.

You worry too much and look for evidence where there is none.

Your claim is a faith based one with no support.

If you look hard enough at the clouds, you can become sure they're in the
shape of a dog. See! Evidence! That's the ears, that bit's the tail....

If you think climate science is based on confirmation bias or the like then
show it.

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
  #599   Report Post  
Posted to alt.computer.workshop,alt.home.repair,uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 15,560
Default ****, the Git, the Troll-feeding Senile HUGE ASSHOLE!

On Fri, 14 May 2021 19:45:29 GMT, **** the git, the notorious,
troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered again:

If you think climate science is based on confirmation bias or the like then
show it.

What has your sick senile **** got to do with ANY of the three ngs you keep
crossposting it to, you sick senile ****head?
  #600   Report Post  
Posted to alt.computer.workshop,alt.home.repair,uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 40,893
Default Spank!

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Fri, 07 May 2021 19:45:16 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
On Sun, 02 May 2021 19:14:02 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Mon, 26 Apr 2021 19:22:29 +0100, Rod Speed


"Commander Kinsey" wrote in message
news On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 21:00:20 +0100, Rod Speed


and was stupid enough to believe in some god too.

I doubt his religion played any part in creating his theories.

It did actually. He ran that stupid line 'god does not play dice with

If god had wished us to know about the universe would he not have told

Unlikely that some arsehole who just yawned when 6M of its alleged
chosen people were gassed and cremated by Adolf and his henchmen.
Presumably he chose to lie to them about being chosen people and
was ****ing himself and laughing as they got gassed etc.

Or the whole world is a computer game

They didn't have computer games in those days.

Not inside our game they didn't, no. But god has one.

There is no god, just an endless variety of crutches for pathetically
inadequate 'minds' like Muggles and the lowbrowman.

We've only recently invented games inside the game.

There is no game, just evolution.

and the guy playing Hitler got a new high score.

In fact the bugger lost so spectacularly
he had to shoot himself and his slut.

He did very well actually,

Nope, he was another pathetic vegy who got
his rocks off by getting his slut to **** on him.

it took a lot of do gooders to stop him.

It actually took just one bullet to stop him.

At least he did have the balls to do that.

Pity about radioactive decay alone.

Randomness is simply lack of detailed knowledge.

Take flipping a coin. If you know enough about how hard you spin it
etc, you can work out what side it will land on.

Doesn't work with radioactive decay.

I don't believe you, there must be a way of calculating it precisely.

No there isnt with radioactive decay because there is nothing to

That we know about so far. Think back to when we couldn't see inside an

It will never be possible to calculate, just like it still
isnt with where a rain drop will form in a cloud.

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