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"Mark Lloyd"
4 days until Christmas (Friday December 25, 2015 12:00:00
AM for 1 day).

Mark Lloyd

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On Monday, December 21, 2015 at 7:38:07 AM UTC-6, Frank wrote:
On 12/21/2015 12:19 AM, Uncle Monster wrote:

The educational system was infested long ago by Progressive Liberal Leftist Commiecrat Freaks who's goal was to implement their agenda which was to cause,"The Dumbassification Of America". Their reason being that a poorly educated less intelligent population is more easily manipulated into falling for the nonsense Democrats are selling. How else could a completely unqualified, unvetted, Affirmative Action moron be elected President? Š™..˜‰

[8~{} Uncle Stumped Monster

You will love this column by Walter Williams:


He points out that most college students do not belong there but more
interesting is a similar comment about professors.

Most professors have never really left school. They might get a PhD and
just go to teach college with no real knowledge of the real world.

When I left college, I quickly transformed from a Liberal into a not so sure then slowly morphed into a Conservative. Reality bites. If someone never leaves college, they never grow up. In college they don't have to produce anything in order to obtain money. College professors don't actually produce anything except more potential college professors. (€¢€¿€¢)

[8~{} Uncle Conservative Monster
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On Monday, December 21, 2015 at 9:49:51 AM UTC-6, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
On 12/21/2015 12:19 AM, Uncle Monster wrote:

The educational system was infested long ago by Progressive Liberal Leftist Commiecrat Freaks who's goal was to implement their agenda which was to cause,"The Dumbassification Of America". Their reason being that a poorly educated less intelligent population is more easily manipulated into falling for the nonsense Democrats are selling. How else could a completely unqualified, unvetted, Affirmative Action moron be elected President? Š™..˜‰

[8~{} Uncle Stumped Monster

Back in the 60s if you went to school to be a teacher, you evaded the
draft. Now those teachers are in the administration.

Back in the 60's the government school teachers actually taught the students the subjects they were supposed to learn. I think Political Correctness was in its infancy and hadn't infested all the schools yet. I did notice a bit of it when I was in school but it hadn't become part of the social consciousness yet. Š™.˜‰

[8~{} Uncle PC Monster
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On 12/21/2015 7:25 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
Don Y wrote:
On 12/21/2015 5:52 AM, sms wrote:

One day I was at CVS and they had 40% off all remaining summer
merchandise. I bought something marked at $10. They had not
programmed the new price into the system so the cashiers had to take
40% off. The cashier took out a little pad of paper. She wrote $10 on it.
Then she took out a calculator and multiplied 10 by 0.4. She wrote
down 4 on the pad. Then she did 10-4=6. I told her to just multiply
by 0.6, but she helpfully informed me that it was 40% off, not 60%
off. I really wanted to come back the next week when everything was
50% off to see if she went through the same procedure.

I went to HD to purchase some plywood. Wanted to have it ripped into
10" wide strips. Kid came to the saw -- cuz customers aren't capable
of operating a saw that is *bound* to a table/rig! :-/

Told him what I wanted. He pulled out his tape rule and asked me to
show him 10 inches... Alarmed, I took it upon myself to mark the
plywood -- allowing 1/8" for each cut as I'm sure that wouldn't
occur to him!

One of the first things new (no experience) guys in the cabinet shop got
was a "big inch" , a piece of paper with an inch expanded to 8" and the 8ths
, quarters etc drawn in . A good proportion couldn't relate that to the
"regular inch" on their tape measure ... I had a helper (when I was doing
insurance repairs for a contractor) that I had writing measurements down as
I called them out . One of the measurements read "31 inches and 25 cents"

Ha! Same sort of guy who'd read a bible citation as "John, about a quarter
past two..."

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On 12/21/2015 11:57 AM, Uncle Monster wrote:
On Monday, December 21, 2015 at 7:38:07 AM UTC-6, Frank wrote:
On 12/21/2015 12:19 AM, Uncle Monster wrote:

The educational system was infested long ago by Progressive Liberal Leftist Commiecrat Freaks who's goal was to implement their agenda which was to cause,"The Dumbassification Of America". Their reason being that a poorly educated less intelligent population is more easily manipulated into falling for the nonsense Democrats are selling. How else could a completely unqualified, unvetted, Affirmative Action moron be elected President? Š™.˜‰

[8~{} Uncle Stumped Monster

You will love this column by Walter Williams:


He points out that most college students do not belong there but more
interesting is a similar comment about professors.

Most professors have never really left school. They might get a PhD and
just go to teach college with no real knowledge of the real world.

When I left college, I quickly transformed from a Liberal into a not so sure then slowly morphed into a Conservative. Reality bites. If someone never leaves college, they never grow up. In college they don't have to produce anything in order to obtain money. College professors don't actually produce anything except more potential college professors. (€¢€¿€¢)

[8~{} Uncle Conservative Monster

I left college to go into R&D at the formerly worlds largest chemical
company - campus like setting, predominated by liberals and socialists.

If you moved to the actual business operations, like the plant sites,
folks were conservative.

I had been a registered Democrat but rapidly converted when I saw I was
paying ~40% of my income in taxes. A fellow grad student who had
returned from industry to get an advanced degree had predicted to me
that my politics would change when I left college. He was right.

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On 12/20/2015 4:36 PM, wrote:
I went to a big city "big box" home repair store yesterday. I got most
of the stuff from my list, into my shopping cart, but I could not find
an outdoor thermometer (the old one I had outside my window broke
recently). The store is busy but lacks enough staff on duty. I had
already wasted a half hour in the electrical dept. trying to locate some
special parts, because there was no one there to assist. I finally find
a guy in the plumbing dept. and ask him where I can find an outdoor
thermometer. He tells me "thats not a plumbing item" [NO ****], but says
he will get someone to help me. 10 minutes go by, and finaly some young
guy arrives. I ask him "where in the store can I find some outdoor
THEY ARE A SEASONAL ITEM". Trying to remain calm, I said "Then find me a
seasonal thermometer for the Winter Season". He looks at me with a very
puzzled expresion and says "that's a *SUMMER ITEM*", but they might be
in the garden center. Being a little annoyed by this time, I say
"There's temperature all year long, regardless of season". He tells me
to go look in the "garden center". Then walks away.

I go to the garden center (which is unheated), and it's very dark in
there. So I go to the nearby lumber desk, and have to wait another 10
minutes to find an employee. After waving my arms and nearly doing a
dance to get a guy's attention, he finally comes over. I tell him I was
told to go to the garden center to find thermometers and it's too dark
in there to see, "could you please turn the lights on". He says "I dont
know if we have them this time of year, but I'll look on the computer".
He looks them up, even goes on the store's website, and finally finds
them, and says "it looks like we have lots of them, which one do you
want (showing me the pictures on the screen). I said "can we just go see
them on the shelf". He flips on some lights in the garden center and we
find a whole shelf full of thermometers. -FINALLY-. I grab the one I
want and go back to the last of the shopping.

That's when I went to the "Closeout Lumber" section. I always like to
look in there for bargains. In there, I found a piece of metal trim made
for metal siding, and it's something I can use. It's marhed 25 cents per
foot. I grab it, and it's 10 foot long, and walk with it, back to the
lumber desk, knowing they have to print up a "slip" for these items.
After another long wait, I finally find someone who works there and it's
another young guy. He says "what do you need". I tell him this was in
the bargain area and I just need a slip for it.

He goes to the computer, and says "how much is it". I say, "it's a
quarter a foot". He says, "but what is the price" I said "I just told
you, it's a quarter a foot". He looks very puzzled.... I say, "It's 25
cents per foot, and it's 10 feet long". (He finally seems to
understand). Thats when he says, "hold on a minute, while I find a
calculator, so I get this right". He grabs a calculator from a desk, and
starts to push buttons, a minute later, he says "wow, this cant be
right.... lets try this again......". I tell him, "25 cents times 10 is
$2.50, simple math, just take the zero from the 10 and put it at the end
of the 25". He looks me straight in the eye, and says "are you sure?".
About the same moment his calculator says $2.50, and he says "you're
right, that will be $2.50. I did not say a word, (and I wont say what I
was thinking).....

With that accomplished, he enters the price into the computer, and asks
"what is it called". I said "it just says METAL TRIM on the sign. He
enters those words. Then I tell him I also need two pieces of vinyl
siding trim, from the outside building, it looks like *and I point to a
display on the wall*. He looks at the display, and says "I'll have to
look up the item number". He goes to the computer, when I tell him to
look at the sign on the wall, right next to the display, and it's says
the item number and the price right there. He says "Oh wow, it does".
Then for the 3rd time he asks me how many of them I want. I said TWO. I
did not say another word, because I felt like saying, "Dude, you're

{giggles}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's hysterical!

Finally I'm done shopping, and proceed to the checkout, hoping the
checkout clerk has a brain..... (Thankfully, she checked me out with no

I've come to the conclusion that they only hire 'Kindergarten Dropouts'
at that store......

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On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 00:51:24 -0700, Tony Hwang

Today's kids are so lazy. They don't work hard to go ahead of pack.

They have poor supervision and management. Clerks are not the problem
if they haven't been trained to provide good customer service.

I hand picked people on my shift - inmates didn't get to run the
asylum. I pawned them off on the other shifts.
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On Sun, 20 Dec 2015 21:19:17 -0800 (PST), Uncle Monster

On Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 4:39:24 PM UTC-6, wrote:
I went to a big city "big box" home repair store yesterday. I got most
of the stuff from my list, into my shopping cart, but I could not find
an outdoor thermometer (the old one I had outside my window broke
recently). The store is busy but lacks enough staff on duty. I had
already wasted a half hour in the electrical dept. trying to locate some
special parts, because there was no one there to assist. I finally find
a guy in the plumbing dept. and ask him where I can find an outdoor
thermometer. He tells me "thats not a plumbing item" [NO ****], but says
he will get someone to help me. 10 minutes go by, and finaly some young
guy arrives. I ask him "where in the store can I find some outdoor
THEY ARE A SEASONAL ITEM". Trying to remain calm, I said "Then find me a
seasonal thermometer for the Winter Season". He looks at me with a very
puzzled expresion and says "that's a *SUMMER ITEM*", but they might be
in the garden center. Being a little annoyed by this time, I say
"There's temperature all year long, regardless of season". He tells me
to go look in the "garden center". Then walks away.

I go to the garden center (which is unheated), and it's very dark in
there. So I go to the nearby lumber desk, and have to wait another 10
minutes to find an employee. After waving my arms and nearly doing a
dance to get a guy's attention, he finally comes over. I tell him I was
told to go to the garden center to find thermometers and it's too dark
in there to see, "could you please turn the lights on". He says "I dont
know if we have them this time of year, but I'll look on the computer".
He looks them up, even goes on the store's website, and finally finds
them, and says "it looks like we have lots of them, which one do you
want (showing me the pictures on the screen). I said "can we just go see
them on the shelf". He flips on some lights in the garden center and we
find a whole shelf full of thermometers. -FINALLY-. I grab the one I
want and go back to the last of the shopping.

That's when I went to the "Closeout Lumber" section. I always like to
look in there for bargains. In there, I found a piece of metal trim made
for metal siding, and it's something I can use. It's marhed 25 cents per
foot. I grab it, and it's 10 foot long, and walk with it, back to the
lumber desk, knowing they have to print up a "slip" for these items.
After another long wait, I finally find someone who works there and it's
another young guy. He says "what do you need". I tell him this was in
the bargain area and I just need a slip for it.

He goes to the computer, and says "how much is it". I say, "it's a
quarter a foot". He says, "but what is the price" I said "I just told
you, it's a quarter a foot". He looks very puzzled.... I say, "It's 25
cents per foot, and it's 10 feet long". (He finally seems to
understand). Thats when he says, "hold on a minute, while I find a
calculator, so I get this right". He grabs a calculator from a desk, and
starts to push buttons, a minute later, he says "wow, this cant be
right.... lets try this again......". I tell him, "25 cents times 10 is
$2.50, simple math, just take the zero from the 10 and put it at the end
of the 25". He looks me straight in the eye, and says "are you sure?".
About the same moment his calculator says $2.50, and he says "you're
right, that will be $2.50. I did not say a word, (and I wont say what I
was thinking).....

With that accomplished, he enters the price into the computer, and asks
"what is it called". I said "it just says METAL TRIM on the sign. He
enters those words. Then I tell him I also need two pieces of vinyl
siding trim, from the outside building, it looks like *and I point to a
display on the wall*. He looks at the display, and says "I'll have to
look up the item number". He goes to the computer, when I tell him to
look at the sign on the wall, right next to the display, and it's says
the item number and the price right there. He says "Oh wow, it does".
Then for the 3rd time he asks me how many of them I want. I said TWO. I
did not say another word, because I felt like saying, "Dude, you're

Finally I'm done shopping, and proceed to the checkout, hoping the
checkout clerk has a brain..... (Thankfully, she checked me out with no

I've come to the conclusion that they only hire 'Kindergarten Dropouts'
at that store......

The educational system was infested long ago by Progressive Liberal Leftist Commiecrat Freaks who's goal was to implement their agenda which was to cause,"The Dumbassification Of America". Their reason being that a poorly educated less intelligent population is more easily manipulated into falling for the nonsense Democrats are selling. How else could a completely unqualified, unvetted, Affirmative Action moron be elected President? ?.?

[8~{} Uncle Stumped Monster

You can ask that question again after president Dummy Trump gets

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On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 10:42:52 -0500, "Ralph Mowery"

"sms" wrote in message
I recently called Amex because a point and shoot camera with a one year
warranty had stopped working on a trip. I expected a hassle. There was
none. They looked up the transaction and they did not even want the camera
back, they just credited my account for the full cost. On higher value
items they want some verification though, a quote for the repair cost.

There's also the 2% cash back on a good credit card. It really adds up
over a year. We get back close to $1000 per year. Remember, the credit
card company's commissions are essentially built in to all retail pricing
already, so unless a company offers a cash discount it's better off
financially to pay with a credit card.

Up to about 5 years or so ago I used to either do cash or checks for almost
everything and seldom used a credit card. Then I found out about the cash
back. Some cards even give from $ 20 to $ 50 just for getting their card
and using it a few times. It is almost a pain to keep up with the cards as
they give different ammouts depenting on where I shop. "Had" to get a Lowes
card just to get the 5% off. I do pay off the cards each month so no
interist to be paid. With many of the cards charging from 10 to 25 % I
sure don't want to pay any extra.

And cheques are not free either (at least not for another 18 months
when I hit 65)
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Ed Pawlowski posted for all of us...

On 12/21/2015 12:19 AM, Uncle Monster wrote:

The educational system was infested long ago by Progressive Liberal Leftist Commiecrat Freaks who's goal was to implement their agenda which was to cause,"The Dumbassification Of America". Their reason being that a poorly educated less intelligent population is more easily manipulated into falling for the nonsense Democrats are selling. How else could a completely unqualified, unvetted, Affirmative Action moron be elected President? ?.?

[8~{} Uncle Stumped Monster

Back in the 60s if you went to school to be a teacher, you evaded the
draft. Now those teachers are in the administration.

They are now evading critical thinking.

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posted for all of us...

On Sun, 20 Dec 2015 20:51:24 -0500, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

Simple solution that I seem to be using more and more. If you enter
"outdoor thermometer" in the search box at Amazon you get over 31,000 to
choose from. I think I placed 6 orders just this week for both gifts
and personal items not easily found elsewhere.

NOT a "simple solution" at all, when you only have dialup internet....
And I think I was clear when I said I dont care to shop online, because
I cant see or feel the items. I've shopped in REAL stores for over 60
years, and dont want or need to change now, to he hassles of online
shopping and dealing with the shipping and postage and hassled to return
stuff that is not what I wanted, or junk.

WE don't care. The only thing you feel is through the hole in your pants
pocket. The real stores muttered "asshole" when you left. You are a
dinosaur, have you changed your panties lately?

I reserve my online shopping to parts and rare items I can get no other
way, and that is a LAST RESORT. Something common, like a thermometer is
NOT something "Rare". And the store DID have lots of them. Not to
mention I bought it yesterday and am already using it. Not waiting a
week or more to get it. Additionally, everytime I order something
online, I still have to go to a store to buy a prepaid disposible credit
card, because i'm not stupid enough to give out my REAL Credit card #
over the internet. NOTHING is safe or secure on the internet, even
though these companies want you to believe it is.

How's the rectal thermometer taste after being left outside overnight? Does
your dog slam and lock the door when you head out. You probably have a
Bitchen. The cops keep a special watch on your credit card because they
don't want to deal with you any more. Nothing is secure any more. Get used
to it. The are special markings outside to warm the home invaders where you
live; even they don't want to listen to you.


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Don Y posted for all of us...

But, I can't understand him being unable to use a ruler!

A tape rule is not a ruler.

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On 12/21/2015 7:47 AM, Ralph Mowery wrote:
"Unquestionably Confused" wrote in message
On 12/21/2015 8:40 AM, Moe DeLoughan wrote:
On 12/20/2015 9:52 PM, wrote:

Another thing I wont even consider is online banking. What a stupid
idea! I may as well just post my credit card # on this newsgroup along
with all my other identity info, and say "Help Yourself".

Your banking information is already online. Are you under the delusion
that banks aren't using computer networks to store and transmit
everyone's banking information?

LOL! I wonder when the last time Paintedcow received a cancelled check
back with his bank statement? Is he puzzled over the clerk at some stores
scanning his check and handing it back to him before saying "Thank you!
Have a nice day!"?

It's his money and privacy so whatever he does or doesn't do is fine, I
just hate to see some people have a false sense of security (or paranoia)
simply because of ignorance.

With almost everything going to computers now, unless you only deal in cash,
there is no real security.

Writing checks is the most dangerous way to pay. All your account
information is made available to the person you give the check too. They
could easily print up some checks and quickly drain your account.

Paying with a debit card is the next most dangerous.

Using a credit card is the safest, and most beneficial to the consumer
who is responsible enough to not carry a balance.

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On 12/20/2015 7:52 PM, wrote:


I rarely use credit/debit cards in stores too. I use cash, or if it's a
large priced item, I write a check.

Checks carry a far greater risk to you than credit cards.

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On Saturday, December 26, 2015 at 3:22:16 AM UTC-6, sms wrote:
On 12/21/2015 7:47 AM, Ralph Mowery wrote:
"Unquestionably Confused" wrote in message
On 12/21/2015 8:40 AM, Moe DeLoughan wrote:
On 12/20/2015 9:52 PM, wrote:

Another thing I wont even consider is online banking. What a stupid
idea! I may as well just post my credit card # on this newsgroup along
with all my other identity info, and say "Help Yourself".

Your banking information is already online. Are you under the delusion
that banks aren't using computer networks to store and transmit
everyone's banking information?

LOL! I wonder when the last time Paintedcow received a cancelled check
back with his bank statement? Is he puzzled over the clerk at some stores
scanning his check and handing it back to him before saying "Thank you!
Have a nice day!"?

It's his money and privacy so whatever he does or doesn't do is fine, I
just hate to see some people have a false sense of security (or paranoia)
simply because of ignorance.

With almost everything going to computers now, unless you only deal in cash,
there is no real security.

Writing checks is the most dangerous way to pay. All your account
information is made available to the person you give the check too. They
could easily print up some checks and quickly drain your account.

Paying with a debit card is the next most dangerous.

Using a credit card is the safest, and most beneficial to the consumer
who is responsible enough to not carry a balance.

I use Wells Fargo and their security department froze my account and notified me when they detected an attempted access to my account from someplace in Pakistan. I spoke with them, assured them that I wasn't a globe trotter and they released my funds after I changed my password and PIN. It happened after I used my card to purchase gasoline at a convenience store owned and run by people who sounded like CSR's for computer tech support. (ง'Ì€-'Ì)ง

[8~{} Uncle PIN Monster
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"Uncle Monster" wrote in message
I use Wells Fargo and their security department froze my account and
notified me when they detected an attempted access to my account from
someplace in Pakistan. I spoke with them, assured them that I wasn't a
globe trotter and they .released my funds after I changed my password and
PIN. It happened after I used my card to purchase gasoline at .a

convenience store owned and run by people who sounded like CSR's for
computer tech support. (?'`-'?)?

Several years ago I had about $ 75 charged to a credit card that I could not
account for . Looking it over it seemed that it was for a club or restraunt
in Europe. As I had never been out of the country I called the card people
up and they had me to fill out a form and that took care of the charge.

We got a charge from a chain department store on one of their cards for
something we did not buy. They gave us a photocopy of the bill. It had our
number on it, but the signature was someones elses name. Not even close to
our name,first or last. For some reason it kept showing up on 3 or 4 months
bill after we had told them about it. Cut that card up and never used it
again. About a month later we got a leter saying they were going to credit
either 10 or 20 dollars to our account the next time we used that card..
Never did get another card.

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On 12/26/2015 4:22 AM, sms wrote:

Paying with a debit card is the next most dangerous.

Using a credit card is the safest, and most beneficial to the consumer
who is responsible enough to not carry a balance.

Most debit cards now offer the same protection as a credit card. Check
your terms of use.
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