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  #1   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 3
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

The night we waved goodbye to America

Last updated at 5:57 PM on 10th November 2008

Anyone would think we had just elected a hip, skinny and youthful
replacement for God, with a plan to modernise Heaven and Hell – or
that at the very least John Lennon had come back from the dead.

The swooning frenzy over the choice of Barack Obama as President of
the United States must be one of the most absurd waves of self-
deception and swirling fantasy ever to sweep through an advanced
civilisation. At least Mandela-worship – its nearest equivalent – is
focused on a man who actually did something.

I really don’t see how the Obama devotees can ever in future mock the
Moonies, the Scientologists or people who claim to have been abducted
in flying saucers. This is a cult like the one which grew up around
Princess Diana, bereft of reason and hostile to facts.

It already has all the signs of such a thing. The newspapers which
recorded Obama’s victory have become valuable relics. You may buy
Obama picture books and Obama calendars and if there isn’t yet a
children’s picture version of his story, there soon will be.

Proper books, recording his sordid associates, his cowardly voting
record, his astonishingly militant commitment to unrestricted abortion
and his blundering trip to Africa, are little-read and hard to find.

If you can believe that this undistinguished and conventionally Left-
wing machine politician is a sort of secular saviour, then you can
believe anything. He plainly doesn’t believe it himself. His cliche-
stuffed, PC clunker of an acceptance speech suffered badly from
nerves. It was what you would expect from someone who knew he’d
promised too much and that from now on the easy bit was over.

He needn’t worry too much. From now on, the rough boys and girls of
America’s Democratic Party apparatus, many recycled from Bill
Clinton’s stained and crumpled entourage, will crowd round him, to
collect the rich spoils of his victory and also tell him what to do,
which is what he is used to.

Just look at his sermon by the shores of Lake Michigan. He really did
talk about a ‘new dawn’, and a ‘timeless creed’ (which was ‘yes, we
can’). He proclaimed that ‘change has come’. He revealed that, despite
having edited the Harvard Law Review, he doesn’t know what ‘enormity’
means. He reached depths of oratorical drivel never even plumbed by
our own Mr Blair, burbling about putting our hands on the arc of
history (or was it the ark of history?) and bending it once more
toward the hope of a better day (Don’t try this at home).

I am not making this up. No wonder that awful old hack Jesse Jackson
sobbed as he watched. How he must wish he, too, could get away with
this sort of stuff.

And it was interesting how the President-elect failed to lift his
admiring audience by repeated – but rather hesitant – invocations of
the brainless slogan he was forced by his minders to adopt against his
will – ‘Yes, we can’. They were supposed to thunder ‘Yes, we can!’
back at him, but they just wouldn’t join in. No wonder. Yes we can
what exactly? Go home and keep a close eye on the tax rate, is my
advice. He’d have been better off bursting into ‘I’d like to teach the
world to sing in perfect harmony’ which contains roughly the same
message and might have attracted some valuable commercial sponsorship.

Perhaps, being a Chicago crowd, they knew some of the things that 52.5
per cent of America prefers not to know. They know Obama is the
obedient servant of one of the most squalid and unshakeable political
machines in America. They know that one of his alarmingly close
associates, a state-subsidised slum landlord called Tony Rezko, has
been convicted on fraud and corruption charges.

They also know the US is just as segregated as it was before Martin
Luther King – in schools, streets, neighbourhoods, holidays, even in
its TV-watching habits and its choice of fast-food joint. The
difference is that it is now done by unspoken agreement rather than by

If Mr Obama’s election had threatened any of that, his feel-good white
supporters would have scuttled off and voted for John McCain, or
practically anyone. But it doesn’t. Mr Obama, thanks mainly to the now-
departed grandmother he alternately praised as a saint and denounced
as a racial bigot, has the huge advantages of an expensive private
education. He did not have to grow up in the badlands of useless
schools, shattered families and gangs which are the lot of so many
young black men of his generation.

If the nonsensical claims made for this election were true, then every
positive discrimination programme aimed at helping black people into
jobs they otherwise wouldn’t get should be abandoned forthwith.
Nothing of the kind will happen. On the contrary, there will probably
be more of them.

And if those who voted for Obama were all proving their anti-racist
nobility, that presumably means that those many millions who didn’t
vote for him were proving themselves to be hopeless bigots. This is
obviously untrue.
barack obama

Yes we can what?: Barack Obama ran on the ticket of change

I was in Washington DC the night of the election. America’s beautiful
capital has a sad secret. It is perhaps the most racially divided city
in the world, with 15th Street – which runs due north from the White
House – the unofficial frontier between black and white. But, like so
much of America, it also now has a new division, and one which is in
many ways much more important. I had attended an election-night party
in a smart and liberal white area, but was staying the night less than
a mile away on the edge of a suburb where Spanish is spoken as much as
English, plus a smattering of tongues from such places as Ethiopia,
Somalia and Afghanistan.

As I walked, I crossed another of Washington’s secret frontiers. There
had been a few white people blowing car horns and shouting, as the
result became clear. But among the Mexicans, Salvadorans and the other
Third World nationalities, there was something like ecstasy.

They grasped the real significance of this moment. They knew it meant
that America had finally switched sides in a global cultural war.
Forget the Cold War, or even the Iraq War. The United States, having
for the most part a deeply conservative people, had until now just
about stood out against many of the mistakes which have ruined so much
of the rest of the world.

Suspicious of welfare addiction, feeble justice and high taxes,
totally committed to preserving its own national sovereignty,
unabashedly Christian in a world part secular and part Muslim,
suspicious of the Great Global Warming panic, it was unique.

These strengths had been fading for some time, mainly due to poorly
controlled mass immigration and to the march of political correctness.
They had also been weakened by the failure of America’s conservative
party – the Republicans – to fight on the cultural and moral fronts.

They preferred to posture on the world stage. Scared of confronting
Left-wing teachers and sexual revolutionaries at home, they could
order soldiers to be brave on their behalf in far-off deserts. And now
the US, like Britain before it, has begun the long slow descent into
the Third World. How sad. Where now is our last best hope on Earth?


  #2   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 37
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

"tg" wrote in message

[much sour-grapes wringing-of-hands deleted]

Good Gawd, get over it already. And if you feel you just
HAVE to post idiocy like this, at least find a relevant newsgroup
to do it in. Rec.motorcycles isn't it, IMHO. None of the others in your
list look like they'd be particularly interested either, but that's their

Bob M.

  #3   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 3
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

"Bob Myers" wrote in message

"tg" wrote in message

[much sour-grapes wringing-of-hands deleted]

Good Gawd, get over it already. And if you feel you just
HAVE to post idiocy like this, at least find a relevant newsgroup
to do it in. Rec.motorcycles isn't it, IMHO. None of the others in your
list look like they'd be particularly interested either, but that's their

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a gift
certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white house.

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

  #4   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 10
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

Jujitsu Lizard wrote:
"Bob Myers" wrote in message
"tg" wrote in message

[much sour-grapes wringing-of-hands deleted]

Good Gawd, get over it already. And if you feel you just
HAVE to post idiocy like this, at least find a relevant newsgroup
to do it in. Rec.motorcycles isn't it, IMHO. None of the others in your
list look like they'd be particularly interested either, but that's their

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a gift
certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white house.

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Can you get Hayabusa with bling and a stretched swingarm for $10K?
  #5   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 1
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 12:35 pm, tg wrote:

needy, attention-seeking, cross-posting loser rant snipped

  #6   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 1
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 2:35*pm, tg wrote:
The night we waved goodbye to America

Last updated at 5:57 PM on 10th November 2008

Anyone would think we had just elected a hip, skinny and youthful
replacement for God, with a plan to modernise Heaven and Hell – or
that at the very least John Lennon had come back from the dead.




Hey, something accurate from the british media...
  #7   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 625
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

tg wrote:
The night we waved goodbye to America


You Republicans had absolute control of our nation for 6 out of the
last 8 years, yet you did nothing, NOTHING, to promote your so-called
"values". If you weren't busy talking out of one side and doing the
complete OPPOSITE of what you claim to stand for, I'd vote for your

You had your chance. You blew it. Now it's time to see what the other
side can do.

As I recall, things were good for me under Clinton. I had a good job.
Everyone I knew had good jobs. Our Federal treasury had a SURPLUS. We
were free to say what we wanted, do what we wanted (isn't that what
you righties are supposed to be all about???). Now we have the Patriot
Act, the Dept. of Homeland Security, a war being waged based on lies,
and another one that was just, but botched from the get-go. We've had
gas go from less than $2 a gallon to almost $5. I lost my good job and
got stuck in a miserable job working for miserable people. We're
making national debt that would make Ronnie Ray-gun roll over in his

Barack Obama has charisma. He is a leader, but then again, he is just
one man. The amount of change he can affect is limited. So you can
take your lies and go back to your hypocritical lives...

Drill drill drill! Wait, you want to drill in my back yard???? Hell
no! Do you know what that'll do to my property value?

No handouts for the down-and-out! Wait, I just lost my job. Where are
my unemployment benefits???

Family values! Wait, I can't get along with my wife. Hold up a minute
while I sign these divorce papers...
  #8   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 37
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

"Jujitsu Lizard" wrote in message

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a gift
certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white house.

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Just imagine how overjoyed the Secret Service would
be at THAT...

Bob M.

  #9   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 3
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

"BrianNZ" wrote in message
Jujitsu Lizard wrote:
"Bob Myers" wrote in message
"tg" wrote in message

[much sour-grapes wringing-of-hands deleted]

Good Gawd, get over it already. And if you feel you just
HAVE to post idiocy like this, at least find a relevant newsgroup
to do it in. Rec.motorcycles isn't it, IMHO. None of the others in
list look like they'd be particularly interested either, but that's

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a
gift certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Can you get Hayabusa with bling and a stretched swingarm for $10K?

No, but you can get a Honda Shadow 750 or a V-Strom 650.

Obama is not a true youngster. He was born in '61. He doesn't heal fast
enough to rate the ride you have suggested.

  #10   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

Jujitsu Lizard wrote:
"BrianNZ" wrote in message
Jujitsu Lizard wrote:
"Bob Myers" wrote in message
"tg" wrote in message

[much sour-grapes wringing-of-hands deleted]

Good Gawd, get over it already. And if you feel you just
HAVE to post idiocy like this, at least find a relevant newsgroup
to do it in. Rec.motorcycles isn't it, IMHO. None of the others in
list look like they'd be particularly interested either, but that's

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a
gift certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the
white house.

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Can you get Hayabusa with bling and a stretched swingarm for $10K?

No, but you can get a Honda Shadow 750 or a V-Strom 650.

Obama is not a true youngster. He was born in '61. He doesn't heal
fast enough to rate the ride you have suggested.

It's not for riding, it's for posing in da 'hood. Of course his other
bike would be a Harley Davidson.

  #11   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 16
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

In misc.survivalism tg wrote:

Anyone would think we had just elected a hip, skinny and youthful
replacement for God, with a plan to modernise Heaven and Hell ? or
that at the very least John Lennon had come back from the dead.

Nobody thinks either of those things, but please go on...

If you can believe that this undistinguished and conventionally Left-
wing machine politician is a sort of secular saviour, then you can
believe anything.

Clue: Nobody believes that he is a "secular savior".

We need to work together to solve this county's problems. This sort of
divisive straw-man junk is bad for America.

  #12   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 3
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

"Bob Myers" wrote in message

"Jujitsu Lizard" wrote in message

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a
gift certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Just imagine how overjoyed the Secret Service would
be at THAT...

You know, I never thought of that. A couple of our ex-presidents would run
a few miles a day ... I'm guessing this ended up with at least 10 people in
running gear packing serious heat accompanying the president.

I can't imagine the logistical complexity of allowing Mr. Obama to ride on
the open road.

The photo ops would be interesting. Here is the president visiting the D.C.
Hell's Angels chapter ... Here is the presdent adjusting his chain ... Here
is the Secret Service brutalizing the motorist that turned left in front of
the president and almost caused an accident.

And what would the tabloids call the motorcycle. "Scooter One"?

  #13   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

In article ,
"Jujitsu Lizard" wrote:

And what would the tabloids call the motorcycle. "Scooter One"?

He could never ride a Harley since it would seem undignified to be on
"Hog 1".
  #14   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 37
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

"Jujitsu Lizard" wrote in message
I can't imagine the logistical complexity of allowing Mr. Obama to ride on
the open road.

Assuming he'd want to try, I envision something like
the President on the bike of his choice, surrounded
by large, bulletproof SUVs being VERY carefully
driven by trained agents.

Not exactly my idea of a fun ride.

If I were President, I think I would have to be satisfied
with being able to fly around in a really cool jet...

Bob M.

  #15   Report Post  
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

Bob Myers wrote:
"Jujitsu Lizard" wrote in message

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a gift
certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white house.

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Just imagine how overjoyed the Secret Service would
be at THAT...

They'd love it.... for one thing, they'd all have to get US government
issue Harleys to keep up.

When was the last time we had anyone who rode a motorcycle in the white
house? Nixon's daughter?
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

  #16   Report Post  
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

tg wrote:
The night we waved goodbye to America

Last updated at 5:57 PM on 10th November 2008

Bull**** from the world's greatest bull****-artist. Hitchens really has no
peer in that regard. He most always is an interesting read though. ;-)

  #17   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 2
Default OT - Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

Jujitsu Lizard wrote:
"Bob Myers" wrote in message

"tg" wrote in message

[much sour-grapes wringing-of-hands deleted]

Good Gawd, get over it already. And if you feel you just
HAVE to post idiocy like this, at least find a relevant newsgroup
to do it in. Rec.motorcycles isn't it, IMHO. None of the others in
your list look like they'd be particularly interested either, but
that's their problem.

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a
gift certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the
white house.
Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

He's still pretty good for an old dude at hoops and that makes him a-okay in
my mind.

Old 'ballers unite! ;-)

  #18   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 11,538
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

tg wrote:
The night we waved goodbye to America


You Republicans had absolute control of our nation for 6 out of the
last 8 years, yet you did nothing, NOTHING, to promote your so-called
"values". If you weren't busy talking out of one side and doing the
complete OPPOSITE of what you claim to stand for, I'd vote for your

## Well, things were pretty good for six years. Pretty good in spite of
9-11, Katrina, and two wars. Then the Democrats took over congress.

You had your chance. You blew it. Now it's time to see what the other
side can do.

As I recall, things were good for me under Clinton. I had a good job.
Everyone I knew had good jobs. Our Federal treasury had a SURPLUS. We
were free to say what we wanted, do what we wanted (isn't that what
you righties are supposed to be all about???).

Now we have the Patriot Act,

## With what part of the Patriot Act do you have a problem?

the Dept. of Homeland Security,

## Is good. DHS is really a merging of many government agencies, eliminating
duplication, shortening lines of communication, teaching the free-loaders in
New Orleans a lesson.

a war being waged based on lies,
and another one that was just, but botched from the get-go.

## Uh, so what? War is for warriors. If you're not a warrior, ignore it.

We've had
gas go from less than $2 a gallon to almost $5.

## Since Bush revoked the Executive Order prohibiting offshore drilling on
June 15th, the price of gasoline has dropped by 50%. It's now less than
$2.00/gallon. I think the Democrats drove the price up to help their
election chances.

I lost my good job and
got stuck in a miserable job working for miserable people. We're
making national debt that would make Ronnie Ray-gun roll over in his

## Sorry about your job - but most people get what they deserve. The
national debt is almost irrelevant. Inflation may very well skyrocket and
we'll pay the debt with very cheap dollars.

Barack Obama has charisma. He is a leader, but then again, he is just
one man. The amount of change he can affect is limited. So you can
take your lies and go back to your hypocritical lives...

## There's nothing wrong with hypocrisy. 90% of gynecologists are men.

Drill drill drill! Wait, you want to drill in my back yard???? Hell
no! Do you know what that'll do to my property value?

## Guess what? I don't care about your property values. But if oil were
being pumped out of your backyard, I really believe you'd be so happy your
skin would fall off.

No handouts for the down-and-out! Wait, I just lost my job. Where are
my unemployment benefits???

## Your unemployment compensation is an insurance program. You pay in, you
get the benefit.

Family values! Wait, I can't get along with my wife. Hold up a minute
while I sign these divorce papers...

  #19   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 70
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

Clinton was really great- terrorists attacking American interests with
no retribution. An immoral cheater as president. Now we're doomed
with osama in charge

On Nov 11, 4:32*pm, wrote:
tg wrote:
The night we waved goodbye to America


You Republicans had absolute control of our nation for 6 out of the
last 8 years, yet you did nothing, NOTHING, to promote your so-called
"values". If you weren't busy talking out of one side and doing the
complete OPPOSITE of what you claim to stand for, I'd vote for your

You had your chance. You blew it. Now it's time to see what the other
side can do.

As I recall, things were good for me under Clinton. I had a good job.
Everyone I knew had good jobs. Our Federal treasury had a SURPLUS. We
were free to say what we wanted, do what we wanted (isn't that what
you righties are supposed to be all about???). Now we have the Patriot
Act, the Dept. of Homeland Security, a war being waged based on lies,
and another one that was just, but botched from the get-go. We've had
gas go from less than $2 a gallon to almost $5. I lost my good job and
got stuck in a miserable job working for miserable people. We're
making national debt that would make Ronnie Ray-gun roll over in his

Barack Obama has charisma. He is a leader, but then again, he is just
one man. The amount of change he can affect is limited. So you can
take your lies and go back to your hypocritical lives...

Drill drill drill! Wait, you want to drill in my back yard???? Hell
no! Do you know what that'll do to my property value?

No handouts for the down-and-out! Wait, I just lost my job. Where are
my unemployment benefits???

Family values! Wait, I can't get along with my wife. Hold up a minute
while I sign these divorce papers...

  #20   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Posts: 16
Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 8:21*pm, "HeyBub" wrote:
tg wrote:
The night we waved goodbye to America


You Republicans had absolute control of our nation for 6 out of the
last 8 years, yet you did nothing, NOTHING, to promote your so-called
"values". If you weren't busy talking out of one side and doing the
complete OPPOSITE of what you claim to stand for, I'd vote for your

## Well, things were pretty good for six years. Pretty good in spite of
9-11, Katrina, and two wars. Then the Democrats took over congress.

They weren't great. The dems kept trying to talk us into a recession.

You had your chance. You blew it. Now it's time to see what the other
side can do.

As I recall, things were good for me under Clinton. I had a good job.
Everyone I knew had good jobs. Our Federal treasury had a SURPLUS. We
were free to say what we wanted, do what we wanted (isn't that what
you righties are supposed to be all about???).
Now we have the Patriot Act,

## With what part of the Patriot Act do you have a problem?

The part where when he gets a phone call from Al Qaida, he doesn't
want the government listening in.

the Dept. of Homeland Security,

## Is good. DHS is really a merging of many government agencies, eliminating
duplication, shortening lines of communication, teaching the free-loaders in
New Orleans a lesson.


a war being waged based on lies,
and another one that was just, but botched from the get-go.

## Uh, so what? War is for warriors. If you're not a warrior, ignore it.

Exactly. He's not involved. Like Winston isn't involved and Hawke
isn't involved.

We've had
gas go from less than $2 a gallon to almost $5.

## Since Bush revoked the Executive Order prohibiting offshore drilling on
June 15th, the price of gasoline has dropped by 50%. It's now less than
$2.00/gallon. I think the Democrats drove the price up to help their
election chances.

They talked the economy down and the price of oil up. Anything to get
elected, even if it hurts America.

I lost my good job and
got stuck in a miserable job working for miserable people. We're
making national debt that would make Ronnie Ray-gun roll over in his

## Sorry about your job - but most people get what they deserve.

Be nice.

national debt is almost irrelevant. Inflation may very well skyrocket and
we'll pay the debt with very cheap dollars.


Barack Obama has charisma. He is a leader, but then again, he is just
one man. The amount of change he can affect is limited. So you can
take your lies and go back to your hypocritical lives...

## There's nothing wrong with hypocrisy. 90% of gynecologists are men.

100% of liberals are feminine. ;^)

Drill drill drill! Wait, you want to drill in my back yard???? Hell
no! Do you know what that'll do to my property value?

## Guess what? I don't care about your property values. But if oil were
being pumped out of your backyard, I really believe you'd be so happy your
skin would fall off.

He doesn't get it. He'd be the kook to try and stop it.

No handouts for the down-and-out! Wait, I just lost my job. Where are
my unemployment benefits???

## Your unemployment compensation is an insurance program. You pay in, you
get the benefit.

And Bush extended it.

Family values! Wait, I can't get along with my wife. Hold up a minute
while I sign these divorce papers...- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

  #21   Report Post  
Posted to rec.motorcycles,rec.audio.pro,misc.survivalism,misc.fitness.weights,alt.home.repair
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 19:21:32 -0600, HeyBub wrote:

tg wrote:
The night we waved goodbye to America


You Republicans had absolute control of our nation for 6 out of the last
8 years, yet you did nothing, NOTHING, to promote your so-called
"values". If you weren't busy talking out of one side and doing the
complete OPPOSITE of what you claim to stand for, I'd vote for your

## Well, things were pretty good for six years. Pretty good in spite of
9-11, Katrina, and two wars. Then the Democrats took over congress.

Nonsense. An illegal invasion of a soverign nation which was of no threat
to us, torture, an economic unwinding that is finally rising above most
people's radar horizon, the "Patriot Act", massive plundering of the
economy (wealth transfer) to their cronies, implementation of a theocracy,
uncountable dead due to his EO against stem cell research, violation of
the church/state clause, direct funding of churches, wiped their
collective asses with the Constitution, failure to complete his major
assignmnet, capture or kill bin Laden, destruction of the American
reputation worldwide, etc.

Either you've been living in a cave without tv or internet or are lying.

You had your chance. You blew it. Now it's time to see what the other
side can do.

As I recall, things were good for me under Clinton. I had a good job.
Everyone I knew had good jobs. Our Federal treasury had a SURPLUS. We
were free to say what we wanted, do what we wanted (isn't that what you
righties are supposed to be all about???).

Now we have the Patriot Act,

## With what part of the Patriot Act do you have a problem?

All of it.

the Dept. of Homeland Security,

## Is good. DHS is really a merging of many government agencies,
eliminating duplication, shortening lines of communication, teaching the
free-loaders in New Orleans a lesson.

a war being waged based on lies,
and another one that was just, but botched from the get-go.

## Uh, so what?

It's a lie, doesn't it trouble you that the President of the United States
lied to We, The People?

War is for warriors. If you're not a warrior, ignore it.

War is for defense, not a Wii game.

We've had
gas go from less than $2 a gallon to almost $5.

## Since Bush revoked the Executive Order prohibiting offshore drilling on
June 15th, the price of gasoline has dropped by 50%. It's now less than
$2.00/gallon. I think the Democrats drove the price up to help their
election chances.

The EO had absolutely nothing to do with oil prices. It will take 10-15
years before any production begins from those sources. The price of
gasoline is still significantly higher than when Bush took office even
with the worldwide economic depression reducing costs.

I lost my good job and
got stuck in a miserable job working for miserable people. We're making
national debt that would make Ronnie Ray-gun roll over in his grave.

## Sorry about your job - but most people get what they deserve. The
national debt is almost irrelevant. Inflation may very well skyrocket and
we'll pay the debt with very cheap dollars.

That is the only solution to Bush's legacy, hyperinflation. Do you see
that as a good thing?

Barack Obama has charisma. He is a leader, but then again, he is just
one man. The amount of change he can affect is limited. So you can take
your lies and go back to your hypocritical lives...

## There's nothing wrong with hypocrisy. 90% of gynecologists are men.

Meaningless drivel.

Drill drill drill! Wait, you want to drill in my back yard???? Hell no!
Do you know what that'll do to my property value?

## Guess what? I don't care about your property values. But if oil were
being pumped out of your backyard, I really believe you'd be so happy
your skin would fall off.

No handouts for the down-and-out! Wait, I just lost my job. Where are
my unemployment benefits???

## Your unemployment compensation is an insurance program. You pay in,
you get the benefit.

The previous poster phrased the question wrong. Instead the focus should
be on the massive transfer of wealth upwards to Wall Street Tycoons and
New York Banks at the cost to Joe-Sixpack.

Family values! Wait, I can't get along with my wife. Hold up a minute
while I sign these divorce papers...

Regards, Curly
Now it's time for War Crime Trials at the Hague for Bush/Cheney

.................................................. ...............
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 1:08*pm, BrianNZ wrote:
Jujitsu Lizard wrote:
"Bob Myers" wrote in message
"tg" wrote in message

[much sour-grapes wringing-of-hands deleted]

Good Gawd, get over it already. *And if you feel you just
HAVE to post idiocy like this, at least find a relevant newsgroup
to do it in. *Rec.motorcycles isn't it, IMHO. *None of the others in your
list look like they'd be particularly interested either, but that's their

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a gift
certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white house..

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Can you get Hayabusa with bling and a stretched swingarm for $10K?- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Yeah but first I've got to get drunk enough to steal it. The only
thing uglier is the hate from the OP. That and I'd need a seriously,
outrageously gooed BJ from Jeanna Jameson as a bribe.
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 3:15*pm, "Bob Myers" wrote:
"Jujitsu Lizard" wrote in message


Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a gift
certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white house..

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Just imagine how overjoyed the Secret Service would
be at THAT...

heh, imagine if you heros had really got me elected as a write in. No
limo for me. The Ol' Wing would be just fine. 8^) When especially
tired for the environazi crowd I'd ride the Titan...take'em if they
can't **** a joke.
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 4:24*pm, "Bob Myers" wrote:
"Jujitsu Lizard" wrote in message


I can't imagine the logistical complexity of allowing Mr. Obama to ride on
the open road.

Assuming he'd want to try, I envision something like
the President on the bike of his choice, surrounded
by large, bulletproof SUVs being VERY carefully
driven by trained agents.

Not exactly my idea of a fun ride.

If I were President, I think I would have to be satisfied
with being able to fly around in a really cool jet...

Oh come on Bob. If it were you or I they'd never keep up, duh. That
would be priceless, Secret Service pulling up (finally) whilst a Md
Highway patrolman has you pulled over for 10 over. lol that would be
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 4:47*pm, (Scott Dorsey) wrote:
Bob Myers wrote:
"Jujitsu Lizard" wrote in message

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a gift
certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white house.

Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Just imagine how overjoyed the Secret Service would
be at THAT...

They'd love it.... for one thing, they'd all have to get US government
issue Harleys to keep up.

Yeah right...what most of us in reeky ride would dust those newbies on
their bloated pigs. They'd be so overlaod with bull**** and unneeded
equipment it'd be pathetic.

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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 6:21*pm, "HeyBub" wrote:

## With what part of the Patriot Act do you have a problem?

It's uncostitutional and doesn't work... Not to mention it's completly
unworkable, stupid and indefensable from a rational point of view.
Anyway are YOU afraid of terrorists? I'm not...they can't do a thing
we don't do better already. The Twin towers? 3k+ causualties? So what
it's just a building and we murder more americans on our freeways
every year. It only got attention because it happened on one day in a
spectacular manner that hollyweird could have done better.

So tell me what is so great about the UNPatriotic act? Nothing that's
what Homeland security is a joke and should be a MINOR part of
FEMA...I said that when they came out with it and I stand by it now.
Anybody that supports it is either an idiot or a member of the
National Socialist Democratic Party or in simple words for a simple
minded moron "NAZI's"

OH by the way...my houses are bigger than yours. For that matter there
is NOTHING you have that is better than anything I have and I EARNED
it all by working not just hard but SMART. something a pathetic
dribble of spittle like you could never achieve and before that I
defended this country because I could. You aren't even homosexual
enought to defend our constitution you hateful loser.
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

S'mee wrote:
On Nov 11, 4:47=A0pm, (Scott Dorsey) wrote:
Bob Myers wrote:
"Jujitsu Lizard" wrote in message

Better yet, drop $10K for a starter bike and some riding gear, plus a =

certificate for an MSF course, and have it delivered to the white hous=


Get the new president riding a motorcycle.

Just imagine how overjoyed the Secret Service would
be at THAT...

They'd love it.... for one thing, they'd all have to get US government
issue Harleys to keep up.

Yeah right...what most of us in reeky ride would dust those newbies on
their bloated pigs. They'd be so overlaod with bull**** and unneeded
equipment it'd be pathetic.

Well, you know what they say... for every pound of equipment the government
buys there are two pounds of paperwork that have to get filled out.

Hmm.... I'm reading this in rec.audio.pro and it seems like we are being
invaded by crossposts from rec.motorcycles... but not one of them has a
DoD number in the .signature. Is that passe these days?
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 4:50*pm, "mayner" wrote:
tg wrote:
The night we waved goodbye to America

Last updated at 5:57 PM on 10th November 2008

Bull**** from the world's greatest bull****-artist. Hitchens really has no
peer in that regard. He most always is an interesting read though. *;-)

You should read Henry sometime...9/11 conspiracy cultist with
delusions of adequacy.
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 2:33*pm, BrianNZ wrote:

It's not for riding, it's for posing in da 'hood.

Er, having just been elected President of the United States, I sort of
doubt that Obama feels any need to "pose" for *anyone*.

However, his street cred in da 'hood was probably pretty good anyway
after he sank those three point shots while playing basketball in Iraq.
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

Curly Surmudgeon wrote:
On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 19:21:32 -0600, HeyBub wrote:

tg wrote:
The night we waved goodbye to America

You Republicans had absolute control of our nation for 6 out of the
last 8 years, yet you did nothing, NOTHING, to promote your
so-called "values". If you weren't busy talking out of one side and
doing the complete OPPOSITE of what you claim to stand for, I'd
vote for your party.

## Well, things were pretty good for six years. Pretty good in spite
of 9-11, Katrina, and two wars. Then the Democrats took over

Nonsense. An illegal invasion of a soverign nation which was of no
threat to us,

## Nice buzz words; let's take them one at a time.
"Illegal invasion" - what law was broken? Under Article II of the
Constitution - you do believe in the supremecy of the Constitution, don't
you - the president has unlimited war-making powers. He may wage war on
whomever he wants. But there is a remedy for those who disagree. According
to one appellate court, "the people are free to remove the president at the
next election."


## Again, this is part of the president's war-making power. You may not like
it, but it's his prerogative.

an economic unwinding that is finally rising
above most people's radar horizon,

## As I said before, things were pretty good for six years. Specifically,
low unemployment, low inflation, 21 straight quarters of economic growth. It
all started to go south when the Democrats took over congress.

the "Patriot Act",

## Most people have no idea what was in the Patriot Act. For example, they
think it was a law - it wasn't a single law. It was a collection of some
huge number (60 as I recall) modifications to existing laws, mainly to bring
them up to date. For example, roaming wiretaps to account for cell-phone
usage and "letter subpoenas" were expanded from a handful of businesses (car
rental agencies, storage facilities, banks) to any business.

plundering of the economy (wealth transfer) to their cronies,

## Huh?

implementation of a theocracy,

## What theocracy? Are you compelled to attend the National Church? Are you
prevented from attending your own? Is some official set of sacraments taught
at your local school?

uncountable dead due to his EO against
stem cell research,

## There was no executive order prohibiting stem cell research. The only
restriction the government put on stem cell research was that the government
wouldn't pay for research using new stem cell lines. As for uncountable
dead, that's not true. The number of dead is zero. There has been NO
stem-cell-based cure for anything. There may never be one.

violation of the church/state clause,

## And what would that violation be?

funding of churches,

## Didn't happen. You're hallucinating.

wiped their collective asses with the
Constitution, failure to complete his major assignmnet, capture or
kill bin Laden,

## I hate to be the one to tell you, but killing or capturing bin Laden was
never a goal of the United States - I refer you to Douglas Feith's
[Undersecretary of Defense for Policy] book, "War and Decision." The single
strategy pursued with absolute dedication was/is to prevent another attack
on the United States or U.S. interests abroad. To achieve this goal, tactics
were put in place to disrupt or destroy terrorist communications, funding,
training, movement, and recruiting. If bin Laden were captured during any of
these endeavors, that would be a plus, but killing or capturing bin Laden
was never any kind of goal.

In the decade preceding 9-11, there were about one or two attacks on the
U.S. per year. WTC 1, the USS Cole, embassy bombings, diplomat kidnappings,
etc. Since the above policy was implemented, there has not been a single
terrorist incident involving U.S. civilian interests, either at home or

destruction of the American reputation worldwide, etc.

## So what? Responsible people don't give a fig about reputation. We do what
we do that's in our own best interests. We do not curry favor with the
world. Our sense of self-worth is not dependent on the majority vote or
approbation of the "world."

Either you've been living in a cave without tv or internet or are

Maybe both. But at least I don't live in a theocracy - and neither do you.

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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

In article ,
Curly Surmudgeon wrote:

uncountable dead due to his EO against stem cell research,

Uncountable because there was none. The EO only discussed EMBRYO
stem cell research under the federal dole. Established ESC lines were
okayed, as were stem cells from cord blood and a myriad of other sources
and non-Fed funds could still fund ESC research to its little heart's
content.. and did. Besides the next disease they find that can't be
treated with the other options will be the first one. This is SUCH a

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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 5:21*pm, "HeyBub" wrote:

## Well, things were pretty good for six years. Pretty good in spite of
9-11, Katrina, and two wars. Then the Democrats took over congress.

With *that* imagination, you should be writing fiction!

Oh, wait; you already *are*!
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

In article ,
"HeyBub" wrote:

## Nice buzz words; let's take them one at a time.
"Illegal invasion" - what law was broken? Under Article II of the
Constitution - you do believe in the supremecy of the Constitution, don't
you - the president has unlimited war-making powers. He may wage war on
whomever he wants. But there is a remedy for those who disagree. According
to one appellate court, "the people are free to remove the president at the
next election."

And it was done under the terms of the War Powers Act and under the
terms of the appropriate UN paperwork.

implementation of a theocracy,

## What theocracy? Are you compelled to attend the National Church? Are you
prevented from attending your own? Is some official set of sacraments taught
at your local school?

As to the last, I would suggest the sacraments of the "Anything BUT
God" Church.

dead, that's not true. The number of dead is zero. There has been NO
stem-cell-based cure for anything. There may never be one.

Technically there are some. Most bone marrow transplants are stem
cells from the marrow, but those are not embryonic stem cells. THere are
a few things in late stage trials that are looking fairly good and some
other earlier stuff that may help better control stem cells. We'll see
how they pan out.

violation of the church/state clause,

## And what would that violation be?

funding of churches,

## Didn't happen. You're hallucinating.

He's pretending that eliminating the discrimination against religious
organizations in applying for certain types of grants is direct funding.
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

"S'mee" wrote in message
On Nov 11, 4:24 pm, "Bob Myers" wrote:

If I were President, I think I would have to be satisfied
with being able to fly around in a really cool jet...

Oh come on Bob. If it were you or I they'd never keep up, duh. That
would be priceless, Secret Service pulling up (finally) whilst a Md
Highway patrolman has you pulled over for 10 over. lol that would be

You're right about that. I do realize that I have about
as much chance of actually BEING in that situation as I
have of, say, dancing the lead in Swan Lake (I apologize
for that mental image), but it would be absolutely priceless.

Couldn't have a bike with anything "Presidential" on
it, of course; just needs to be a garden-variety, capable
of going toodamnfast motor-sickle. Pretty ordinary
outfit, too, with a full-face helmet and tinted shield.
Then ya pull off the helmet and reveal the Presidential
Mug just as the Secret Services catches up...yeah,
that would be the best moment of the whole damn

Would have to offer to pick up the cleaning tab for
the patrolman's uniform, though, and those brown
stains are durned hard to get out. But it would be
the polite thing to do, ya know?

Bob M.

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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

"Twibil" wrote in message
On Nov 11, 2:33 pm, BrianNZ wrote:

It's not for riding, it's for posing in da 'hood.

Er, having just been elected President of the United States, I sort of
doubt that Obama feels any need to "pose" for *anyone*.

"Hey, Barack Obama! You've just been elected leader of
the free world! What are you going to do NOW?"

"I'M going to DISNEYLAND!...."

(Naw. Doesn't quite work.)

Bob M.

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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 8:26*pm, "Bob Myers" wrote:

"Hey, Barack Obama! *You've just been elected leader of
the free world! *What are you going to do NOW?"

"I'M going to DISNEYLAND!...."

(Naw. *Doesn't quite work.)

"I'M going to DISNEYLAND!....and shoot some hoops!"

NOW it works!

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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 8:24*pm, "Bob Myers" wrote:

Couldn't have a bike with anything "Presidential" on
it, of course; just needs to be a garden-variety, capable
of going toodamnfast motor-sickle. *Pretty ordinary
outfit, too, with a full-face helmet and tinted shield.
Then ya pull off the helmet and reveal the Presidential
Mug just as the Secret Services catches up...yeah,
that would be the best moment of the whole damn

I had a moment almost that good a few years ago when a grumpy CHP
pulled me over for doing 4 MPH over the limit on a twisty mountain
highway. (In all honesty he'd have got me for 20 or more over except
that I was stuck behind a slow SUV. Who he *didn't* pull over.)

Before I could get my helmet off he was talking along the lines of
"you kids who come up here and think you can get away with anything",
but he dribbled to a slow halt when I pulled off my helmet and he got
a look at my gray hair and lined face...

I handed him my license, and said, "HI! My name's Pete Roehling. I'm
60 years old and I'm an instructor for the Motorcycle Safety
Institute." He handed the license back to me, said "I'm not going to
give you a ticket today", and walked back to his patrol car.

Just to be on the safe side, I didn't laugh until he drove away.
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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

On Nov 11, 7:46*pm, "HeyBub" wrote:

Either you've been living in a cave without tv or internet or are

Maybe both. But at least I don't live in a theocracy - and neither do you..

When you live in a country whose President forms major portions of his
nation's policies based on his theology -as Bush has done repeatedly-
and who's publicly stated that God wanted him to be President, you're
living under the power of a theocrat.

That's what "theocracy" *means*. "A government ruled by or subject to
religious authority".

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Default Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing"

S'mee wrote:
On Nov 11, 6:21 pm, "HeyBub" wrote:

## With what part of the Patriot Act do you have a problem?

It's uncostitutional and doesn't work... Not to mention it's completly
unworkable, stupid and indefensable from a rational point of view.

I keep asking "what part" and you keep saying "IT." The Patriot Act is a
collection of modifications to some sixty-odd existing laws. "IT" can't be
unconstitutional because there is no "IT."

"Unworkable?" Hardly. On the morning of 9/11, FBI agents fanned out across
Boston, visiting hotels and asking for the names of guests who had checked
out that morning. They theorized that if they could find a match between
guests and airline manifests, they'd have a clue as to where to look next,
perhaps preventing additional incidents. In each case they were refused, the
hotels citing 'privacy' rules. Of course there is no 'right to privacy' for
ordinary business records, but the FBI had no way of compelling production.
Now, with "National Security Letters," they do.

Another change was to the issuance of warrants for telephone intercepts. The
last change to the rules for warrants was made in the '70s and did not
account for mobile phones. Criminals knew this and used disposable phones or
telephones while on the move. Now, law enforcement can get a warrant to
eavesdrop on an person, irrespective of that person's method of
communication. This is particularly important for another reason: previous
law required that law enforcement get a warrant from the incumbent federal
district. When the criminal moved around, this requirement became a
logistical nightmare in that there are 52 federal judicial districts in the
U.S. Now a warrant issued by one federal judge is good anywhere, even while
the drug lord is making a call from his Gulfstream as he transverses the

You are partially correct about (parts of) the Act being unconstitutional. A
few (like three) sections have been struck down by the courts. Some new
features were added (attacks on mass transportation systems, use of a
biological toxin, harboring terrorists, etc.). In the main, however, the PA
is but a modernization of several already-existing laws; some were expanded,
some were merely updated.

Anyway are YOU afraid of terrorists? I'm not...they can't do a thing
we don't do better already. The Twin towers? 3k+ causualties? So what
it's just a building and we murder more americans on our freeways
every year. It only got attention because it happened on one day in a
spectacular manner that hollyweird could have done better.

I'm not afraid of terrorists either. I just want to capture and kill them.
I'll settle for killing without capture, but it's really a plus to see them
writhe in pain. To the degree that the PA makes it possible to stick
pointy-things into terrorist's bodies, I'm for it.

So tell me what is so great about the UNPatriotic act? Nothing that's
what Homeland security is a joke and should be a MINOR part of
FEMA...I said that when they came out with it and I stand by it now.
Anybody that supports it is either an idiot or a member of the
National Socialist Democratic Party or in simple words for a simple
minded moron "NAZI's"

I call "Godwin!"

OH by the way...my houses are bigger than yours. For that matter there
is NOTHING you have that is better than anything I have and I EARNED
it all by working not just hard but SMART. something a pathetic
dribble of spittle like you could never achieve and before that I
defended this country because I could. You aren't even homosexual
enought to defend our constitution you hateful loser.

And this applies exactly how to the PA?

Those who resort to insulting their debate opponent have lost the debate.

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