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  #1   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default What I hate about this group---

In my puny little world, I think this group is a highlight of the
internet. I can instantly get my house problems analyzed by dozens of
like minded folks, expert to hacks like me, it is just a great place
however--- WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE - about the group is this:

Quite often someone posts a benign problem, and a core group of
judgemental fools jump in berating the poster. Some examples:

How do I soundproof a room?
Learn to control your kid

How do I get nicotine stain off the ceiling?
Stop Smoking

I developed a new, simple device to lock the tv
learn to control your kid

Etc etc--

It really is naseating that this minority of pompous self-rightous
gasbags feel the need in interject their redneck view of the world onto
anyone who chooses to live life a slightly different way than they do.

Get a life people, if you feel the need to dispense advice, hit the
"Dr. Phil" website and pontificate all you want. On this site, I only
want to know how to lay a better bead of caulk, not how good parents
were "back in the day"


  #3   Report Post  
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
In my puny little world, I think this group is a highlight of the
internet. I can instantly get my house problems analyzed by dozens of
like minded folks, expert to hacks like me, it is just a great place
however--- WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE - about the group is this:

Quite often someone posts a benign problem, and a core group of
judgemental fools jump in berating the poster. Some examples:

How do I soundproof a room?
Learn to control your kid

The right answer to that question might be equally annoying to you: The
subject is far too involved for a brief newsgroup answer. Head for your
local library or book store.

  #4   Report Post  
Dan C
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 12:29:56 -0700, jackjohansson wrote:

How do I soundproof a room?
Learn to control your kid

A stupid question like that (no useful details given) deserves a stupid
answer. Welcome to Usenet.

If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Linux Registered User #327951

  #5   Report Post  
Dr. Hardcrab
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
In my puny little world, I think this group is a highlight of the
internet. I can instantly get my house problems analyzed by dozens of
like minded folks, expert to hacks like me, it is just a great place
however--- WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE - about the group is this:

What I really hate is poster that bitch and moan about the internet........


  #6   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message

What I really hate is poster that bitch and moan about the


Posted from Google, too......




  #7   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

My gripe is not about the internet, it is about the great minority on
this board who act like fools and love to be moralists on this board.
I like this board... it is a shame that some losers spend time on it
bashing others lifestyles, rather than sharing their knowledge about
home.repair it is just kind of sad.. to have such a great resource
poluted with the peabrains.

  #8   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
My gripe is not about the internet, it is about the great minority on
this board who act like fools and love to be moralists on this board.
I like this board... it is a shame that some losers spend time on it
bashing others lifestyles, rather than sharing their knowledge about
home.repair it is just kind of sad.. to have such a great resource
poluted with the peabrains.


And now, (peabrain).....suggest wipe the drool off your keyboard, quit
acting like a foolish moralist with your bashing of other's lifestyles, and
get on with sharing your knowledge about 'home.repair' !!!




  #9   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
In my puny little world, I think this group is a highlight of the
internet. I can instantly get my house problems analyzed by dozens of
like minded folks, expert to hacks like me, it is just a great place
however--- WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE - about the group is this:

Quite often someone posts a benign problem, and a core group of
judgemental fools jump in berating the poster. Some examples:

How do I soundproof a room?
Learn to control your kid

How do I get nicotine stain off the ceiling?
Stop Smoking

I developed a new, simple device to lock the tv
learn to control your kid

Etc etc--

It really is naseating that this minority of pompous self-rightous
gasbags feel the need in interject their redneck view of the world onto
anyone who chooses to live life a slightly different way than they do.

Get a life people, if you feel the need to dispense advice, hit the
"Dr. Phil" website and pontificate all you want. On this site, I only
want to know how to lay a better bead of caulk, not how good parents
were "back in the day"


Usenet postings reflect life in general. People who are nice still are.
Helpful people still are.

An ASS is an ASS. A Religious nut is still a nut. Zealots of any kind don't

The difference is you don't associate with ASS's or nuts in the real world.
You most likely go out of your way to avoid them.

Enjoy the good and delete or killfile the bad.


  #10   Report Post  
Robert Allison
Posts: n/a

Colbyt wrote:

wrote in message

In my puny little world, I think this group is a highlight of the
internet. I can instantly get my house problems analyzed by dozens of
like minded folks, expert to hacks like me, it is just a great place
however--- WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE - about the group is this:

Quite often someone posts a benign problem, and a core group of
judgemental fools jump in berating the poster. Some examples:

How do I soundproof a room?
Learn to control your kid

How do I get nicotine stain off the ceiling?
Stop Smoking

I developed a new, simple device to lock the tv
learn to control your kid

Etc etc--

It really is naseating that this minority of pompous self-rightous
gasbags feel the need in interject their redneck view of the world onto
anyone who chooses to live life a slightly different way than they do.

Get a life people, if you feel the need to dispense advice, hit the
"Dr. Phil" website and pontificate all you want. On this site, I only
want to know how to lay a better bead of caulk, not how good parents
were "back in the day"


Usenet postings reflect life in general. People who are nice still are.
Helpful people still are.

An ASS is an ASS. A Religious nut is still a nut. Zealots of any kind don't

The difference is you don't associate with ASS's or nuts in the real world.
You most likely go out of your way to avoid them.

Enjoy the good and delete or killfile the bad.


I have found that just answering the question that the OP put
forth highlights the idiocy of the fanatics. The
juxtaposition of the correct answer and the moral braying
makes it easy to see which is more welcome and helpful.

Robert Allison
Rimshot, Inc.
Georgetown, TX

  #11   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

My gripe is not about the internet, it is about the great minority on
this board who act like fools and love to be moralists on this board.
I like this board... it is a shame that some losers spend time on it
bashing others lifestyles, rather than sharing their knowledge about

You're inferring moralism and bashing where none is implied.
It's simply that many people who actually fix real things that
have to actually work when they're done have developed a
habit of fixing the problem, not the symptom. And when the
problem is a child, that's where they advise you to direct
your effort.

If you've got special circumstances that make doing that
impossible, then it's your fault for not accurately describing
your constraints.
  #12   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

boo hoo hoo. What a crybaby you are.
  #13   Report Post  
Dan C
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:51:26 -0700, jackjohansson wrote:

My gripe is not about the internet, it is about the great minority on
this board who act like fools and love to be moralists on this board.

It's not a ****ing "board" you dimwit ****tard. It's a goddam newsgroup
on Usenet. Quit posting from ****ing Google and do things properly. Oh,
and quit your whining, you sound like a little punk bitch.

If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Linux Registered User #327951

  #14   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Lot a haters out there... your lives must be pitiful...

  #15   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Quit feeding the trolls & they'll go away.

Let someone else do it
I'm retired!
wrote in message
In my puny little world, I think this group is a highlight of the
internet. I can instantly get my house problems analyzed by dozens of
like minded folks, expert to hacks like me, it is just a great place
however--- WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE - about the group is this:

Quite often someone posts a benign problem, and a core group of
judgemental fools jump in berating the poster. Some examples:

How do I soundproof a room?
Learn to control your kid

How do I get nicotine stain off the ceiling?
Stop Smoking

I developed a new, simple device to lock the tv
learn to control your kid

Etc etc--

It really is naseating that this minority of pompous self-rightous
gasbags feel the need in interject their redneck view of the world onto
anyone who chooses to live life a slightly different way than they do.

Get a life people, if you feel the need to dispense advice, hit the
"Dr. Phil" website and pontificate all you want. On this site, I only
want to know how to lay a better bead of caulk, not how good parents
were "back in the day"


  #17   Report Post  
Dr. Hardcrab
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
My gripe is not about the internet, it is about the great minority on
this board who act like fools and love to be moralists on this board.
I like this board... it is a shame that some losers spend time on it
bashing others lifestyles, rather than sharing their knowledge about
home.repair it is just kind of sad.. to have such a great resource
poluted with the peabrains.

I was just "funning" with you.

I know what you mean, but you have to realize:

Every now and then someone will post a question that has been asked a
THOUSAND times and it gets tiresome to answer them over and over again when
they could just do 30 seconds of research and find the answer.

I love to help people but every now and then I will post an answer that is
really a lame attempt at humor.

You'll live longer (from less stress) if you just ignore the answers you
don't like. You are gonna get plenty of them.....

  #18   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

My gripe is not about the internet, it is about the great minority on
this board who act like fools and love to be moralists on this board.
I like this board... it is a shame that some losers spend time on it
bashing others lifestyles, rather than sharing their knowledge about
home.repair it is just kind of sad.. to have such a great resource
poluted with the peabrains.

Eternal Laws of Usenet

1. If you post and pretend to be a fool, people will believe that
you are a fool.

Corollary: If you then post and explain that you were only
pretending, nobody will change their mind.

2. The Net-Nature is very simple. Usenet is *not* dominated by
the smartest people, the most interesting people, or the most
learned people. It is dominated by the people who want to tell
other people their opinions. To expect anything else is absurd.

3. Similarly, the topics that dominate any given newsgroup are
not the most interesting, the most helpful, or the most useful.
They're the most acrimonious and the most dissent-laden. How else
could things possibly turn out?

4. A person who says, "Sorry, I had to point that out to you" is
always telling two lies. Ditto for "Sorry, I couldn't pass this
up." "I see your point but...." usually means the opposite.

5. When a fool posts deliberate flame bait, he/she has absolutely
no influence over whether he/she succeeds. You do.

6. It is easy to patronize the author of the post in which you
agree. It is equally as easy for the author to patronize you back.
This can go on for weeks on end.

Corollary: You will look clever to the people who already agree
with you and like a fool to the rest.

Second Corollary: If you post to a newsgroup to which you are new
and someone patronizes you, that can also go on for weeks on end.

7. If you feel you know something funny or clever or wise, you
may decide to post it here. Please keep in mind, you are the
4,000th person to do so.

8. If you hate or love something, there is a newsgroup where
people are discussing it. Abortion, Republicans, eating meat,
tattooing, worship, bondage, whatever. You will be tempted to
appear on that newsgroup and point out to everyone the error of
their ways. Please keep in mind that you are the 4,000th person to
do so.

9. Every newsgroup has a 'hall monitor' who senses it is his/her
job to monitor what goes on in the newsgroup. Bear in mind that
Usenet has survived all these attempts of censorship and control.

10. You, personally, are a unique, exciting, vibrant,
intelligent, wise, and self effacing individual with a great deal
to contribute to the newsgroups you select on the Net. So is every
other schmuck who posts. Get over it.

11. The demise of this newsgroup and the Net is imminent--and
always will be.

12. Internet gurus on a specific topic are a dime a dozen. It is
the people who don't know much who are rare.

  #19   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

I think this group is tame compared to some.
And the putdowns are usually gentle and/or funny.
What I do hate is the OT people but then they are everywhere. It is not a
forum for politics, purveyors of porn or the Jesus jockies.
And I find that it has some of the worst spelling on any newsgroup.
But hey, it's more good than bad. I've had problems solved and solved a few
myself. I've found people to be friendly, knowledgeable, prompt and they
often don't just post a reply but e-mail me directly.

wrote in message
In my puny little world, I think this group is a highlight of the
internet. I can instantly get my house problems analyzed by dozens of
like minded folks, expert to hacks like me, it is just a great place
however--- WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE - about the group is this:

Quite often someone posts a benign problem, and a core group of
judgemental fools jump in berating the poster. Some examples:

How do I soundproof a room?
Learn to control your kid

How do I get nicotine stain off the ceiling?
Stop Smoking

I developed a new, simple device to lock the tv
learn to control your kid

Etc etc--

It really is naseating that this minority of pompous self-rightous
gasbags feel the need in interject their redneck view of the world onto
anyone who chooses to live life a slightly different way than they do.

Get a life people, if you feel the need to dispense advice, hit the
"Dr. Phil" website and pontificate all you want. On this site, I only
want to know how to lay a better bead of caulk, not how good parents
were "back in the day"


  #20   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
In my puny little world, I think this group is a highlight of the
internet. I can instantly get my house problems analyzed by dozens of
like minded folks, expert to hacks like me, it is just a great place
however--- WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE - about the group is this:

Quite often someone posts a benign problem, and a core group of
judgemental fools jump in berating the poster. Some examples:

How do I soundproof a room?
Learn to control your kid

How do I get nicotine stain off the ceiling?
Stop Smoking

I developed a new, simple device to lock the tv
learn to control your kid

Etc etc--

It really is naseating that this minority of pompous self-rightous
gasbags feel the need in interject their redneck view of the world onto
anyone who chooses to live life a slightly different way than they do.

Get a life people, if you feel the need to dispense advice, hit the
"Dr. Phil" website and pontificate all you want. On this site, I only
want to know how to lay a better bead of caulk, not how good parents
were "back in the day"


Learn how to use your "Block Sender" feature. When someone chimes in with
useless criticism, just block them.

It is not rocket surgery.


  #21   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"PrecisionMachinisT" wrote in message

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message

What I really hate is poster that bitch and moan about the


Posted from Google, too......


yeah since you cant just whip it out and have a measuring contest, the next
best thing is to compare isp's, newsgroup servers used, etc. all those who
dont 'measure up' will be immediately flogged, flamed, and told 'figures'


  #22   Report Post  
Dr. Hardcrab
Posts: n/a


This is NOT spam. This is here to assist those of you who suffer with
a small penis, a small mind, a lack of personality, or who have no
love life. Unfortunately you fit all of these categories, so I am
here to help. I want to help you be the man of your dreams.


From the looks of my inbox every day, I STILL cannot figure out why there
are so many people out there worried about the size of my penis......

  #23   Report Post  
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

"Dan C" wrote in message
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:51:26 -0700, jackjohansson wrote:

My gripe is not about the internet, it is about the great minority on
this board who act like fools and love to be moralists on this board.

It's not a ****ing "board" you dimwit ****tard. It's a goddam newsgroup
on Usenet. Quit posting from ****ing Google and do things properly. Oh,
and quit your whining, you sound like a little punk bitch.

I'm not defending his whining, but what the hell's the difference how his
message got here? It's here. It's legible.

  #24   Report Post  
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message


This is NOT spam. This is here to assist those of you who suffer with
a small penis, a small mind, a lack of personality, or who have no
love life. Unfortunately you fit all of these categories, so I am
here to help. I want to help you be the man of your dreams.


From the looks of my inbox every day, I STILL cannot figure out why there
are so many people out there worried about the size of my penis......

I'm starting to get e-mails similar to those described in a recent Dilbert
comic strip: "Miracle pill turns body fat into Rolex watches!"

  #25   Report Post  
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message

wrote in message
My gripe is not about the internet, it is about the great minority on
this board who act like fools and love to be moralists on this board.
I like this board... it is a shame that some losers spend time on it
bashing others lifestyles, rather than sharing their knowledge about
home.repair it is just kind of sad.. to have such a great resource
poluted with the peabrains.

I was just "funning" with you.

I know what you mean, but you have to realize:

Every now and then someone will post a question that has been asked a
THOUSAND times and it gets tiresome to answer them over and over again
when they could just do 30 seconds of research and find the answer.

Or, someone asks a question which, if they stood still, got quiet, and used
their heads for a moment, they'd realize MUST require a very intricate
response (soundproofing, for example). Then, they might realize that there
are entire books written on the subject, and that they'd should get to the
library, book store, or the book section at Home Depot.

Since the person posted the question, it's clear that they did NOT think
first. That suggests they might be lazy. Or, maybe they actually expect
someone to type up a 20 or 300 page response for them about soundproofing.
Depending on the mood of the person reading the question, it could be
interpreted as "I type before I think, and I like to get beat up in
response." :-)

  #26   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"xrongor" wrote in message

"PrecisionMachinisT" wrote in message

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message

What I really hate is poster that bitch and moan about the


Posted from Google, too......


yeah since you cant just whip it out and have a measuring contest, the

best thing is to compare isp's, newsgroup servers used, etc. all those

dont 'measure up' will be immediately flogged, flamed, and told 'figures'


Googlegroups is simply the most common place for the whiners, clueless noobs
and spammers to post to usenet from is all...

( Though webtv is rapidly catching up with Google lately )

Pay attention, look into it a bit, and you will see I'm correct....



  #27   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

its like dealing with people in the real world, you find truly careing
techs whose purpose in life is to help you out,,,,ones that think you
shouldnt learn anything from them or anyone else that knows,,, those who
joke about everything ,and those who try to antagonize and or insult,
play jokes on everyone. take them with a grain of salt and youll be
ok.but i must say, the intent of these groups is to help people with
subject related problems , not to antagonize others.so it baffles me why
people come here intent not to help. but its open to everyone so like
everything else in life youll have to put up with them of just leave...

  #28   Report Post  
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

"Dan C" wrote in message
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:51:26 -0700, jackjohansson wrote:

My gripe is not about the internet, it is about the great minority on
this board who act like fools and love to be moralists on this board.

It's not a ****ing "board" you dimwit ****tard. It's a goddam newsgroup
on Usenet. Quit posting from ****ing Google and do things properly. Oh,
and quit your whining, you sound like a little punk bitch.

I'm not defending his whining, but what the hell's the difference how his
message got here? It's here. It's legible.

  #29   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"PrecisionMachinisT" wrote in message

"xrongor" wrote in message

"PrecisionMachinisT" wrote in message

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message

What I really hate is poster that bitch and moan about the

Posted from Google, too......


yeah since you cant just whip it out and have a measuring contest, the

best thing is to compare isp's, newsgroup servers used, etc. all those

dont 'measure up' will be immediately flogged, flamed, and told 'figures'


Googlegroups is simply the most common place for the whiners, clueless
and spammers to post to usenet from is all...

( Though webtv is rapidly catching up with Google lately )

Pay attention, look into it a bit, and you will see I'm correct....

all bow down before the commander of the internet. he has spoken. by
decree, henceforth all google posters will be attacked without quarter.
what they actually say is irrelevant.

since i have better things to do with my time im glad i have someone like
you to tell me who to look down upon.


  #30   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

xrongor wrote:
"PrecisionMachinisT" wrote in message

"xrongor" wrote in message

"PrecisionMachinisT" wrote in message

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message

What I really hate is poster that bitch and moan about the


Posted from Google, too......


yeah since you cant just whip it out and have a measuring contest, the


best thing is to compare isp's, newsgroup servers used, etc. all those


dont 'measure up' will be immediately flogged, flamed, and told 'figures'


Googlegroups is simply the most common place for the whiners, clueless
and spammers to post to usenet from is all...

( Though webtv is rapidly catching up with Google lately )

Pay attention, look into it a bit, and you will see I'm correct....

all bow down before the commander of the internet. he has spoken. by
decree, henceforth all google posters will be attacked without quarter.
what they actually say is irrelevant.

since i have better things to do with my time im glad i have someone like
you to tell me who to look down upon.


You missed the point. When it comes to measuring things, trust the
machinist, (unless he's bragging about you know what).

  #31   Report Post  
Dan C
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 12:34:20 -0600, xrongor wrote:

Googlegroups is simply the most common place for the whiners, clueless
noobs and spammers to post to usenet from is all...

decree, henceforth all google posters will be attacked without quarter.

Roger that.

what they actually say is irrelevant.


since i have better things to do with my time im glad i have someone like
you to tell me who to look down upon.

Well, we all look down on you, so it's only fair that you have some other
moron to look down upon.

If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Linux Registered User #327951

  #32   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

(*stooping now to level which I shouldn't, but I am only human*)

Hmmm... registered Linux user... shouldn't you be standing in line for
next Star Wars movie instead of sitting in your mom's basement where
you live posting trolls on this group.

  #33   Report Post  
Dan C
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 13:18:17 -0700, jackjohansson wrote:

Hmmm... registered Linux user... shouldn't you be standing in line for
next Star Wars movie

Huh? I couldn't care less about any Star Wars movie. What are you
talking about?

instead of sitting in your mom's basement where

I'm certainly not in my mom's basement, as she is not alive. Where do you
come up with these ideas of yours?

you live posting trolls on this group.

I'm not the one trolling, if you'll go back and read a little. I am
simply answering the idiots who are.

Run along to bed now, little boy.

If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Linux Registered User #327951

  #34   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"F.H." wrote in message

You missed the point. When it comes to measuring things, trust the
machinist, (unless he's bragging about you know what).

Hi, Frank.

It's just that I kinda enjoy shooting fish in a barrel sometimes is all.



  #35   Report Post  
Dr. Hardcrab
Posts: n/a

"Doug Kanter" wrote in message

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message


This is NOT spam. This is here to assist those of you who suffer with
a small penis, a small mind, a lack of personality, or who have no
love life. Unfortunately you fit all of these categories, so I am
here to help. I want to help you be the man of your dreams.


From the looks of my inbox every day, I STILL cannot figure out why there
are so many people out there worried about the size of my penis......

I'm starting to get e-mails similar to those described in a recent Dilbert
comic strip: "Miracle pill turns body fat into Rolex watches!"


I forgot about those!

What IS with the lot of them spamming the Rolexes??????

I get about as many as them at the Viagra ones!

Oh, well. Maybe some day I might NEED a watch for my penis.......


  #36   Report Post  
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message

"Doug Kanter" wrote in message

"Dr. Hardcrab" wrote in message


This is NOT spam. This is here to assist those of you who suffer with
a small penis, a small mind, a lack of personality, or who have no
love life. Unfortunately you fit all of these categories, so I am
here to help. I want to help you be the man of your dreams.


From the looks of my inbox every day, I STILL cannot figure out why
there are so many people out there worried about the size of my

I'm starting to get e-mails similar to those described in a recent
Dilbert comic strip: "Miracle pill turns body fat into Rolex watches!"


I forgot about those!

What IS with the lot of them spamming the Rolexes??????

I get about as many as them at the Viagra ones!

Oh, well. Maybe some day I might NEED a watch for my penis.......

It simply points out how many stupid customers there are in this world. The
spam would stop if nobody was buying, but someone is. Probably the same
people who say "I don't care what the window sticker says - my Cadillac
Escalade get 40 mpg on the highway. Them thar tree huggers is all wrong".

  #37   Report Post  
Craven Morehead
Posts: n/a

Your words..."your puny little world"

wrote in message
In my puny little world, I think this group is a highlight of the
internet. I can instantly get my house problems analyzed by dozens of
like minded folks, expert to hacks like me, it is just a great place
however--- WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE - about the group is this:

Quite often someone posts a benign problem, and a core group of
judgemental fools jump in berating the poster. Some examples:

How do I soundproof a room?
Learn to control your kid

How do I get nicotine stain off the ceiling?
Stop Smoking

I developed a new, simple device to lock the tv
learn to control your kid

Etc etc--

It really is naseating that this minority of pompous self-rightous
gasbags feel the need in interject their redneck view of the world onto
anyone who chooses to live life a slightly different way than they do.

Get a life people, if you feel the need to dispense advice, hit the
"Dr. Phil" website and pontificate all you want. On this site, I only
want to know how to lay a better bead of caulk, not how good parents
were "back in the day"


  #38   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

I think this group has a lot of great knowledge and insight. And
usually the anwers are pretty good. Some answers are questionable but
for free advice, it probably equlivelant to asking the guy standing
next to you at HD.

The good natured ribbing and jokes have to be taken in humor. And some
critisim is deserved. If you post do some research and make your posts
with detail, you will usually get reasonable answers.

Also, post follow-up's - People like seeing the outcome of their


  #39   Report Post  
Dr. Hardcrab
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
I think this group has a lot of great knowledge and insight. And
usually the anwers are pretty good. Some answers are questionable but
for free advice, it probably equlivelant to asking the guy standing
next to you at HD.

The good natured ribbing and jokes have to be taken in humor. And some
critisim is deserved. If you post do some research and make your posts
with detail, you will usually get reasonable answers.

Also, post follow-up's - People like seeing the outcome of their

Nice post!!!

This should be permanently "stapled" to all newsgroups for newbies to

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