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  #1   Report Post  
Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
external usenet poster
Posts: 48
Default Took some photos in the shop today....

Thanks for posting that.
What fraction of the time are you working on hobby stuff in the shop and what fraction are you on the computer?

I was 50/50 until 2012 hunting season. Since I am just on the computer
  #2   Report Post  
Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
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Default Took some photos in the shop today....

On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 11:26:28 -0800 (PST), clark

Thanks for posting that.
What fraction of the time are you working on hobby stuff in the shop and what fraction are you on the computer?

I was 50/50 until 2012 hunting season. Since I am just on the computer

Probably 35% computer, 45% shop, the remaining time is either spend
reading, or working in my reloading/electronics shop 0252690 1305954 0995266

Now that winter is here that is. During the summer months...its
mostly out in the outside shop or in the hills or out at the lake on
one of the sail boats.

I do post a lot from a laptop out in the shop. Ill take a break from
puttering, read the messages, post and then go back to puttering.

In fact..Im out here right now. Im working on a 1891 Argentine
Engineers Carbine, Its missing the rear sight leaf and Im trying
various peep sights to see if I should put on a peep, or simply
manufacture a new rear replacement sight. Ive had it for at least 4
yrs..but cant remember where or when I got it. That stroke

I found a LOT of bullet moulds and Stuff that I cant remember where
or when I got em. There is a hole from about 2007-2009 that is
"spongey" in my memory. Kinda like a jig saw puzzle with the odd
missing piece or 3.

I had a newsgroup reader on my cell phone..and decided to delete it.
It was taking far too much of my time.

Keep in mind..that I had heart surgery and then followed it up with a
nice stroke in 2009. And I didnt do anything at all except work or lay
around at home for over a year and a half while the brain was healing
up. My energy levels were very small, had no endurance and didnt
trust myself in many physical tasks. Thats has mostly..mostly changed
back to nearly normal. Im now 59 and dont have the stones I had 5 yrs
ago. Shrug.

I didnt reload a single round of ammo in those nearly 4 yrs and the
family used the reloading shop for "storage". I kinda zoned it..knew
I wasnt capable of doing serious load development for the first 2 yrs
and was more worried about trying to keep bread on the table than
spending time out there. Now that work has turned to utter ****..Ive
had more than enough time to get my ducks back in a row and have been
spending a fair amount of time doing exactly that.

Hell..Ive got machinery and a 1 ton van down in the LA area that I
need to get home as well. No money to get tags on the van, no money to
fix the forklift, etc etc. I can load the machines into my trailer
down there..but getting them out here at the an issue.
Which is why Ive got a Hardinge DSM-59 sitting on the engine hoist at
the moment. I HAD to get it out of the going out of business shop 2
weeks ago. Now its sitting in the middle of the yard, in the

And Ive got another complete Feeler DSM-50 with all the accessories
out in the cargo container that I cant get out without the forklift..

Oh..and Ive forgotten this one.. I need some Turcite to finish
it...damnit. Its been pinned and welded and machined back to proper
working order..just need to get some turcite to do it right..

Hell..Id forgotten that I even owned the van for a year after the
stroke. Ive mentioned before that I went into my buddies shop and he
asked me if he could move it.

Van? What van?
The van you parked out back.
I dont have a van
Sure you do
I had a van, but I gave it away to a friend a year ago.
No you didnt.
Yes I did!
Come with me
(sound of roll up door opening)

Ooooooh...I do own a van dont I?


This is what that Larios horizontal mill looked like when I found it.

Only took me 5 yrs to get around to fixing it up. Shrug

Working away from home 20-25 days a month for years..I didnt have a
lot of energy to get stuff done when I got home..or had family
responsiblities that got in the way. Or little money..shrug again.

Which reminds me..Ive got this 5x10 Brunswick snooker table that needs
to be sold to someone...early 20th century table....but cant move the
slate without the forklift.....



The methodology of the left has always been:

1. Lie
2. Repeat the lie as many times as possible
3. Have as many people repeat the lie as often as possible
4. Eventually, the uninformed believe the lie
5. The lie will then be made into some form oflaw
6. Then everyone must conform to the lie
  #3   Report Post  
Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
external usenet poster
Posts: 755
Default Took some photos in the shop today....

On 12/29/2012 6:20 PM, Gunner wrote:
On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 11:26:28 -0800 (PST), clark

Thanks for posting that.
What fraction of the time are you working on hobby stuff in the shop and what fraction are you on the computer?

I was 50/50 until 2012 hunting season. Since I am just on the computer

Probably 35% computer, 45% shop, the remaining time is either spend
reading, or working in my reloading/electronics shop 0252690 1305954 0995266

Now that winter is here that is. During the summer months...its
mostly out in the outside shop or in the hills or out at the lake on
one of the sail boats.

I do post a lot from a laptop out in the shop. Ill take a break from
puttering, read the messages, post and then go back to puttering.

In fact..Im out here right now. Im working on a 1891 Argentine
Engineers Carbine, Its missing the rear sight leaf and Im trying
various peep sights to see if I should put on a peep, or simply
manufacture a new rear replacement sight. Ive had it for at least 4
yrs..but cant remember where or when I got it. That stroke

Did you check out that contact info I sent about the '91 carbine rear sight?

I found a LOT of bullet moulds and Stuff that I cant remember where
or when I got em. There is a hole from about 2007-2009 that is
"spongey" in my memory. Kinda like a jig saw puzzle with the odd
missing piece or 3.

I had a newsgroup reader on my cell phone..and decided to delete it.
It was taking far too much of my time.

Keep in mind..that I had heart surgery and then followed it up with a
nice stroke in 2009. And I didnt do anything at all except work or lay
around at home for over a year and a half while the brain was healing
up. My energy levels were very small, had no endurance and didnt
trust myself in many physical tasks. Thats has mostly..mostly changed
back to nearly normal. Im now 59 and dont have the stones I had 5 yrs
ago. Shrug.

Have you checked out Strokenet?

My best buddy (since 4th grade) upstairs celebrated his 5th year since
his stroke on 12/27. To celebrate, he bought a Star Model S .380. He's
now a southpaw, as not much on the right side works well.

DAMN!! I put a lot of hours a long time ago pounding out parts on one of
those. Turn off your mind, pound parts.

Working away from home 20-25 days a month for years..I didnt have a
lot of energy to get stuff done when I got home..or had family
responsiblities that got in the way. Or little money..shrug again.

Which reminds me..Ive got this 5x10 Brunswick snooker table that needs
to be sold to someone...early 20th century table....but cant move the
slate without the forklift.....

None of those companies had a clapped out forklift you could cobble back


  #4   Report Post  
Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,346
Default Took some photos in the shop today....

On Sun, 30 Dec 2012 00:41:25 -0600, "David R. Birch"

On 12/29/2012 6:20 PM, Gunner wrote:
On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 11:26:28 -0800 (PST), clark

Thanks for posting that.
What fraction of the time are you working on hobby stuff in the shop and what fraction are you on the computer?

I was 50/50 until 2012 hunting season. Since I am just on the computer

Probably 35% computer, 45% shop, the remaining time is either spend
reading, or working in my reloading/electronics shop 0252690 1305954 0995266

Now that winter is here that is. During the summer months...its
mostly out in the outside shop or in the hills or out at the lake on
one of the sail boats.

I do post a lot from a laptop out in the shop. Ill take a break from
puttering, read the messages, post and then go back to puttering.

In fact..Im out here right now. Im working on a 1891 Argentine
Engineers Carbine, Its missing the rear sight leaf and Im trying
various peep sights to see if I should put on a peep, or simply
manufacture a new rear replacement sight. Ive had it for at least 4
yrs..but cant remember where or when I got it. That stroke

Did you check out that contact info I sent about the '91 carbine rear sight?

No I didnt, but thank you very much just the same. I got counting my
pennies and I didnt have the money to buy a rear sight and probably
wont for a while. Until either I take different employment or the
economy changes. Cringe... So Im simply going to have to make or
install something I may have on hand.

But I saved the contact information and many thanks again!!

I found a LOT of bullet moulds and Stuff that I cant remember where
or when I got em. There is a hole from about 2007-2009 that is
"spongey" in my memory. Kinda like a jig saw puzzle with the odd
missing piece or 3.

I had a newsgroup reader on my cell phone..and decided to delete it.
It was taking far too much of my time.

Keep in mind..that I had heart surgery and then followed it up with a
nice stroke in 2009. And I didnt do anything at all except work or lay
around at home for over a year and a half while the brain was healing
up. My energy levels were very small, had no endurance and didnt
trust myself in many physical tasks. Thats has mostly..mostly changed
back to nearly normal. Im now 59 and dont have the stones I had 5 yrs
ago. Shrug.

Have you checked out Strokenet?

My best buddy (since 4th grade) upstairs celebrated his 5th year since
his stroke on 12/27. To celebrate, he bought a Star Model S .380. He's
now a southpaw, as not much on the right side works well.

No! Many many thanks again!

I was VERY lucky. Ive got full use of both sides, with no residual
damage whatsoever. Just some dings in the memory for the most part.
Im not as fast with a handgun as I used to be, nor as good with a
sword or knife,..probably a 25% change ... and my endurance is about
50% of that it used to be. Nor am I as fast in wit or thinking
processes. I still crack one liners..but it takes me a couple seconds
longer now to form one. Before..they simply popped up in my head.

How much of this is much of this is the result of much
smaller blood vessels feeding the heart., and the stroke.I dont have a
clue. Crom knows they butchered my leg pretty well getting the veins

Ive not been back to a doctor since the day I walked out of the
hospital after the stroke..and have been treating myself with herbal
and OTC meds for blood pressure, etc etc. I passed a heart
/blood/chlorestiral screen at the local cardiac center a month or two
ago with flying Im doing something right. Shrug

No insurance, the doctors want cash I dont have, just to get a
checkup...shrug. But Ive had a pretty decent medical
check my BP etc etc, regularly..every couple days..the wife is a
cardiac care patient so we have all the tools...shrug.

DAMN!! I put a lot of hours a long time ago pounding out parts on one of
those. Turn off your mind, pound parts.

Need another one? G

Working away from home 20-25 days a month for years..I didnt have a
lot of energy to get stuff done when I got home..or had family
responsiblities that got in the way. Or little money..shrug again.

Which reminds me..Ive got this 5x10 Brunswick snooker table that needs
to be sold to someone...early 20th century table....but cant move the
slate without the forklift.....

None of those companies had a clapped out forklift you could cobble back


Nope. They all went to new owners. To repair my fork lift is only
about $250 max. 5 yrs ago..that would have been pocket change.

But today..Im feeding 6 adults and 2 grandchildren. As Im the sole

My total gross income this year was $26, 275. Gross. Before fuel,
before food, before utilities etc etc. And Ive been feeding 4 until 4
months ago..when I moved the kids back in from Utah..which was another
4 mouths.

The DIL is going to be getting food stamps for her that
will help a bit.

But Ill sell a gun or a machine and hopefuly a bill wont come in and
snatch the bucks like it has the last 4 times Id saved the cash, and
Ill be able to order the new parts for the carby and its computer.


At least Im alive and everything generally works well enough. Ive
been my own worst critic for years and Ive had to ease up on kicking
my own ass somewhat.


The methodology of the left has always been:

1. Lie
2. Repeat the lie as many times as possible
3. Have as many people repeat the lie as often as possible
4. Eventually, the uninformed believe the lie
5. The lie will then be made into some form oflaw
6. Then everyone must conform to the lie
  #5   Report Post  
Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
external usenet poster
Posts: 88
Default Took some photos in the shop today....

On Sun, 30 Dec 2012 00:41:25 -0600, "David R. Birch"

On 12/29/2012 6:20 PM, Gunner wrote:

DAMN!! I put a lot of hours a long time ago pounding out parts on one of
those. Turn off your mind, pound parts.

It's a distance thing. His keyboard is closer and it calls to him...
"poundddd out morrrrre horseshiiiiiiiiit... poundddd out morrrrre
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