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  #1   Report Post  
Joe Fleming
Posts: n/a
Default Lyn Mangiameli

Has anyone heard from Lyn Mangiameli lately? I haven't seen a post by
him is quite some time.

Joe Fleming - San Diego

  #2   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Joe Fleming wrote:
Has anyone heard from Lyn Mangiameli lately? I haven't seen a post by
him is quite some time.

Joe Fleming - San Diego

Hi Joe,
I was wondering the same thing. The last time I saw his name was in
a "poll" over on the elite WoW site but there was no date so don't know
when he posted it. *note: I threw in the "elite" for George (kidding,
George, just kidding) : )

I'm sure Lyn is just very busy with writing turning articles and,
more importantly, medical articles.

By the way, Joe, I think about you almost everyday.....when I move
that black wood you got for me to make the clam box; I did get it cut
in half! Maybe I'll have the clam box done when next we meet. : )


  #3   Report Post  
Ken Moon
Posts: n/a

"Joe Fleming" wrote in message
Has anyone heard from Lyn Mangiameli lately? I haven't seen a post by
him is quite some time.

Joe Fleming - San Diego

I remember Lyn having a problem with someone on this group several months
back and he said he was leaving us. I guess he did. I miss his product
comparisons and tool evaluations. Maybe Fred Holder knows what Lyn's doing

Ken Moon
Webberville, TX.

  #4   Report Post  
Barry N. Turner
Posts: n/a

I've seen Lyn over on Wood Central..........though not lately. He does have
a collection of his articles posted on Fred Holder's site.


"Joe Fleming" wrote in message
Has anyone heard from Lyn Mangiameli lately? I haven't seen a post by
him is quite some time.

Joe Fleming - San Diego

  #5   Report Post  
Fred Holder
Posts: n/a

Hello All,

I last heard from Lyn on May 18 with this message:

"I've been very ill, the lung stuff just about got me this time. I'm back home
again, and hope I get to stay here this time. It's going to be a while before I
get back up to speed."

I haven't heard anything more, but did just e-mail for an update of his health.
I feel we should all wish him well and speedy recovery. If I hear anything more,
I will post an update.

Fred Holder

In article .com, Joe Fleming

Has anyone heard from Lyn Mangiameli lately? I haven't seen a post by
him is quite some time.

Joe Fleming - San Diego

  #6   Report Post  
Joe Fleming
Posts: n/a


Ditto. My block is setting on the corner of my workbench right where I
put it when I got home. I use it as a coaster for soda mostly. One of
these days............

African Blackwood, if I recall correctly.

Thanks for the update Fred.


  #7   Report Post  
Fred Holder
Posts: n/a

Hello All,

I just received an e-mail from Lyn. He is recovering and graining strength
daily, but is still not strong enough to answer all of the e-mails asking where
he is. Please give Lyn time to recover and perhaps say a prayer for his speedy
recovery. He is hoping to be back with up soon. It the meantime you can read his
articles at my web site.

Fred Holder

In article .com, Joe Fleming


Ditto. My block is setting on the corner of my workbench right where I
put it when I got home. I use it as a coaster for soda mostly. One of
these days............

African Blackwood, if I recall correctly.

Thanks for the update Fred.


  #8   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

ok, it's time - for those who are new here - I have a few used vacuum pumps
for wood turning availalbe on my site, and a reasonably thourough article on
the issues involved in setting up a vacuum chuck and choosing a suitable

I also make inexpensive (maybe "low precision" is a better word?) faceplates

you can find this stuff at www.wbnoble.com along with any other miscellany
I've choosen to put out there.

now back to our show that was previously in progress......

  #9   Report Post  
mac davis
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 9 Jul 2005 08:24:12 -0700, "william_b_noble" wrote:

ok, it's time - for those who are new here - I have a few used vacuum pumps
for wood turning availalbe on my site, and a reasonably thourough article on
the issues involved in setting up a vacuum chuck and choosing a suitable

I also make inexpensive (maybe "low precision" is a better word?) faceplates

you can find this stuff at www.wbnoble.com along with any other miscellany
I've choosen to put out there.

now back to our show that was previously in progress......

I'll stick my nose in here and say that I go to Bill's site often and have
learned a lot there... I also used his pictures and suggestions for making a
static bowl sander, which fueled an investment in power sanding... (always seems
to lead to more bucks, doesn't it?)

IMHO, I like the fact that a lot of the group here have related commercial
endeavors and remind us about them once in a while..
If Bill Grumbine hadn't reminded the group about his bowl turning DVD, I not
only wouldn't have known about his great web site,
but I wouldn't of bought his DVD and found out that I have a highly developed
turning muscle..
I got a rise in self confidence, knowing that I WAS in good shape.. round IS a
shape, right?


Please remove splinters before emailing
  #10   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

You go to Bill Noble's site, or to Bill Grumbines?

I can't agree with you more about being reminded of commercial
endeavors. Good stuff.

While I usally don't mind them, I think they are particularly offensive
when posted off topic, in the middle of a thread, and especially a
thread concerning the welfare of one of the best posting members this
group has seen.

It thrills me to no end to find this thread and anxiously go to it to
see how Lyn is doing, and thankfully, find out that someone has
something for sale, and someone else has been builiding a muscle.

I feel so proud.


  #12   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Owen Lowe wrote:


Robert, when new subject messages are posted within other messages and
don't have anything to do with the main thread, I usually attribute it
to operator error. I think that's what happened here with Bill Noble's
post - I don't think there was any intention to take attention away from
the concern over Lyn's health.


Maybe so. I might be a little sensitive to the subject as Lyn has has
been around on this and other venues for years now, furiously typing
away his findings and opinions in a very lucid and detailed fashion.

He has helped a great deal of people, myself included, by posting
actual qualitative research he has performed for himself on many
different subjects related to woodturning.

Best of all as most here know, due to the clarity and confidence of his
tone when writing, he had the ability to engender some truly "inspired"
and "spirited" threads. All with no profanity or personal shots at

I will go with you on this one. Operator error. Lord knows I have
been guilty of that many a time myself.


  #13   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"operator error" - apparently the NG engine uses something other than the
title to determine if a post is part of a thread or not - you will notice
that I changed the title - I hit the "reply" button by accident and just
changed the title - some day I'll read the NTTP protocol document and maybe
know exactly what happened - on my browser this shows up as a new thread,
but apparently not on some others - sigh ..... such is life
happy turning
wrote in message

Owen Lowe wrote:


Robert, when new subject messages are posted within other messages and
don't have anything to do with the main thread, I usually attribute it
to operator error. I think that's what happened here with Bill Noble's
post - I don't think there was any intention to take attention away from
the concern over Lyn's health.


Maybe so. I might be a little sensitive to the subject as Lyn has has
been around on this and other venues for years now, furiously typing
away his findings and opinions in a very lucid and detailed fashion.

He has helped a great deal of people, myself included, by posting
actual qualitative research he has performed for himself on many
different subjects related to woodturning.

Best of all as most here know, due to the clarity and confidence of his
tone when writing, he had the ability to engender some truly "inspired"
and "spirited" threads. All with no profanity or personal shots at

I will go with you on this one. Operator error. Lord knows I have
been guilty of that many a time myself.


  #14   Report Post  
Dave Peebles
Posts: n/a

Hi Bill,

It also showed up as a new thread on my machine. No problems on my end.

Best wishes,

David Peebles
Lyons, Ohio
Revolutions Woodturning

"william_b_noble" wrote in message
news:1121018828.786c39b8aa5ead88d0e6b81bef06f6c5@t eranews...
"operator error" - apparently the NG engine uses something other than the
title to determine if a post is part of a thread or not - you will notice
that I changed the title - I hit the "reply" button by accident and just
changed the title - some day I'll read the NTTP protocol document and
maybe know exactly what happened - on my browser this shows up as a new
thread, but apparently not on some others - sigh ..... such is life
happy turning

  #17   Report Post  
Woodcut tools 2000 Ltd sales
Posts: n/a

Isnt it great to know that Woodturners care about people
We are not just numbers but flesh & bones living breathing humam beings with
Wonderful stuff folks

Ken Port

"Fred Holder" wrote in message
Hello All,

I just received an e-mail from Lyn. He is recovering and graining strength
daily, but is still not strong enough to answer all of the e-mails asking

he is. Please give Lyn time to recover and perhaps say a prayer for his

recovery. He is hoping to be back with up soon. It the meantime you can

read his
articles at my web site.

Fred Holder

In article .com, Joe



Ditto. My block is setting on the corner of my workbench right where I
put it when I got home. I use it as a coaster for soda mostly. One of
these days............

African Blackwood, if I recall correctly.

Thanks for the update Fred.


  #18   Report Post  
Ken Moon
Posts: n/a

"william_b_noble" wrote in message
news:1121018828.786c39b8aa5ead88d0e6b81bef06f6c5@t eranews...
"operator error" - apparently the NG engine uses something other than the
title to determine if a post is part of a thread or not - you will notice
that I changed the title - I hit the "reply" button by accident and just
changed the title - some day I'll read the NTTP protocol document and
maybe know exactly what happened - on my browser this shows up as a new
thread, but apparently not on some others - sigh ..... such is life
happy turning


On my system, your thread showed up as part of the Lyn thread, but with a
new subject name. If you hit the "Reply" instead on "New post", then it goes
into the last thread you were reading. (At least that's how mine works.... I
think! (:-) )

Ken Moon
Webberville, TX.

  #19   Report Post  
Leo Lichtman
Posts: n/a

"william_b_noble" wrote: "operator error" - (clip)
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

Bill, as one who has made my share of operator errors, I slid into your
errant post, thinking, "I must have goofed, but who cares."

  #20   Report Post  
mac davis
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 17:15:03 GMT, (Chuck) wrote:

On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 08:47:22 -0700, mac davis

While I usally don't mind them, I think they are particularly offensive
when posted off topic, in the middle of a thread, and especially a
thread concerning the welfare of one of the best posting members this
group has seen.

You guys are going off the deep end here. Bill's commercial post was
a completely different thread.....on MY news reader. (See what I

Just the same way you can't ASSume that everybody drives a 3 hp.
Stubby with a complete selection of Glaser tools, you can't ASSume
that everybody uses the same news reader you do, or that other people
are even useing a news reader. Many, many people use Google or a
browser or some Frankenstinian combobulation like Internet Exploder
that pretends to be a browsernewsreaderemail and Gates-only-knows
_how_ stuff shows up on that or any other piece of software.

Point being, he very likely _didn't_ interrupt a thread on _his_
newsreader, which he posted from.

And, since I'm on a roll here ... apropos of nothing specific:

There is a distinctly different tone here than there was a year or so
ago. Not necessarily in reference to this thread, but there _is_ a
small but short-fused, ill-tempered and occasionally foul-mouthed
minority (and if you are reading _your_ name here, remember who's
putting it there) here now that has put a decided edge on this once
very family-friendly newsgroup. Now, I'm not casting any stones, but
the tone is decidedly similar to that often found on rec.woodworking,
and in fact, can be found on posts and in threads that are crossposted
with msgs from that particular forum.

Many people have bemoaned the departure of sundry luminaries from our
midst over the past year, and yet few have managed to tie these two
events together. I can remember half a dozen people who used to post
here in great volume and through their efforts, insight and humor
taught us much and made us laugh a lot. Yet most have departed for
greener and friendlier pastures, all because a few blowhards think
it's okay to treat total strangers worse than they treat their dog, or
that just because someone doesn't excoriate them for it, their gutter
language is acceptable here.

Personally, it's no skin off my nose who comes or goes. I've been
here almost since Day 1, and on UseNet since well before that, so
nothing is a surprise to me. This isn't "my" newsgroup, and I'm not
the self-appointed NetCop for it....just making observations gleaned
from years of watching and reading. Besides, most people ignore my
posts and I've often said, the quickest way to end a thread is to have
me respond to it, so I'm used to being ignored.

So, digest it or spit it out, as you will. Just some food for

Chaz.. Though I agree with most of the above, I really wish that you hadn't of
snipped it the way you did... it makes it appear that I was the one
complaining.. (there was noting in your post that I typed)
03 Tahoe Widelite 26GT Travel Trailer
replaced 1958 Hilite tent trailer
99 Dodge Ram QQ 2wd - 5.9L, auto, 3:55 gears

  #21   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 08:47:22 -0700, mac davis

While I usally don't mind them, I think they are particularly offensive
when posted off topic, in the middle of a thread, and especially a
thread concerning the welfare of one of the best posting members this
group has seen.

You guys are going off the deep end here. Bill's commercial post was
a completely different thread.....on MY news reader. (See what I

Just the same way you can't ASSume that everybody drives a 3 hp.
Stubby with a complete selection of Glaser tools, you can't ASSume
that everybody uses the same news reader you do, or that other people
are even useing a news reader. Many, many people use Google or a
browser or some Frankenstinian combobulation like Internet Exploder
that pretends to be a browsernewsreaderemail and Gates-only-knows
_how_ stuff shows up on that or any other piece of software.

Point being, he very likely _didn't_ interrupt a thread on _his_
newsreader, which he posted from.

And, since I'm on a roll here ... apropos of nothing specific:

There is a distinctly different tone here than there was a year or so
ago. Not necessarily in reference to this thread, but there _is_ a
small but short-fused, ill-tempered and occasionally foul-mouthed
minority (and if you are reading _your_ name here, remember who's
putting it there) here now that has put a decided edge on this once
very family-friendly newsgroup. Now, I'm not casting any stones, but
the tone is decidedly similar to that often found on rec.woodworking,
and in fact, can be found on posts and in threads that are crossposted
with msgs from that particular forum.

Many people have bemoaned the departure of sundry luminaries from our
midst over the past year, and yet few have managed to tie these two
events together. I can remember half a dozen people who used to post
here in great volume and through their efforts, insight and humor
taught us much and made us laugh a lot. Yet most have departed for
greener and friendlier pastures, all because a few blowhards think
it's okay to treat total strangers worse than they treat their dog, or
that just because someone doesn't excoriate them for it, their gutter
language is acceptable here.

Personally, it's no skin off my nose who comes or goes. I've been
here almost since Day 1, and on UseNet since well before that, so
nothing is a surprise to me. This isn't "my" newsgroup, and I'm not
the self-appointed NetCop for it....just making observations gleaned
from years of watching and reading. Besides, most people ignore my
posts and I've often said, the quickest way to end a thread is to have
me respond to it, so I'm used to being ignored.

So, digest it or spit it out, as you will. Just some food for

Chuck *#:^)
Anti-spam sig: please remove "NO SPAM" from e-mail address to reply.

September 11, 2001 - Never Forget

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  #22   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 08:45:33 -0700, mac davis

Chaz.. Though I agree with most of the above, I really wish that you hadn't of
snipped it the way you did... it makes it appear that I was the one
complaining.. (there was noting in your post that I typed)


I had already deleted his msg, and yours was the last one I had with
the pertinent text in it. I see what you mean, though.

It wasn't directed at anyone in particular anyhow, just that thread in

Chuck *#:^)
Anti-spam sig: please remove "NO SPAM" from e-mail address to reply.

September 11, 2001 - Never Forget

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