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  #1   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 47
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Sun, 07 Aug 2011 19:44:24 -0500, "

On Sun, 07 Aug 2011 11:17:43 -0700, Square Peg wrote:

On Sun, 07 Aug 2011 11:19:43 -0500, "

On Sun, 07 Aug 2011 08:48:42 -0700, Square Peg wrote:

On Sun, 7 Aug 2011 08:50:47 -0500, Michael Dobony

On Sun, 7 Aug 2011 09:15:57 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

"harryagain" wrote in message
Yep. A very peculiar one too. I thought they'd have shot this one Texas.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?pageOffset=&pageSize=&orderBy=relevDes c&searchPhrase=warren+jeffs&_channelshortname=on&_ channelshortname=on&_channelshortname=on&_channels hortname=on&_channelshortname=on&_channelshortname =on&_channelshortname=on&_channelshortname=on&_cha nnelshortname=on&_channelshortname=on&_channelshor tname=on&_channelshortname=on&button=Clear+all&_co ntenttype=on&button=Clear+all&dateupdated=&dateFro m=&dateTo=&_authornamef=on&button=Clear+all&_perso nnames=on&_personnames=on&_personnames=on&_personn ames=on&_personnames=on&_personnames=on&_personnam es=on&_personnames=on&button=Clear+all

I always wonder how this can happen in the 20th and 21st centuries. Sure,
the kids born into this are victims that think it is normal because they've
never seen anything else. But the older ones get into this stuff and they
have seen other parts of life in the world. Must be a "need for approval"
by someone and this guy gives it.

These children are more than exposed to this mindset, they are actively
trained to accept abuse as normal. And then they twist Scripture to endorse
their abuse, "reject me and my actions and you are rejecting and condemning
God!" They love to quote 1 Chronicles 16:22 and Psalms 105:15 "touch not
my anointed and do my prophet no harm." They also ignore plain teachings
and proper application. David refused to kill Saul and executed the man who
claimed to have killed him. On the other hand, Nathaniel rebuked David in
his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah. They misuse Scripture as a weapon to
destroy. This guy is a simple pervert with a complex abuse system.

These children will need lots of counseling and proper modeling. They will
need to be taught that they can say "NO!" and that any attempt to press on
is abuse and illegal and immoral and NOT a rejection of God. Quite the

This case, along with People's Temple, Heaven's Gate, the Branch
Davidians, and many others, is just the sad extreme of a very common
phenomenon resulting from a basic human need for control and an
existential fear. We are basically powerless in the universe and we know
it. This is intolerable, so we concoct belief systems to soothe the
fear. Certain charismatic people (Jesus, Muhammad, Hitler, Castro,
Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Joseph Smith, etc.) are able to tap into this
need either consciously or instinctively.

It happens on a less extreme scale in politics (JFK, Reagan, Limbaugh,
Obama, Palin).

The only defense is critical thinking, something that is generally
unpopular -- probably because it bring back the uncertainty and touches
that visceral existential fear.

The followers of Rush Limbaugh actually pride themselves on being

You do know that "dittohead" doesn't mean that the person agrees with
everything RL says?

As I understand it, it was originally used to indicate concurrence with
whatever was just said, but since Limbaugh takes very few calls and has
very few guests (wonder why that is), callers were mostly dittoing what
*he* said. I never said they agreed with *everything* he said, but I bet
most do. Easier than having any independent thoughts.

You're wrong, but don't let that stop you.

No, I suppose you're just in the fear business.

Where was I peddling fear?

Again, right in the paragraph above. You use lies as a tactic, a common
leftist's tool.

Well, perhaps I am wrong about dittoheads, but I wasn't lying. I said
what I believe to be true, and still do. Perhaps you are projecting.
True believers are prone to stretch the truth to make their indefensible
positions less illogical and their contradictory doctrine less so.

And right here on this NG, we have the Stormin' Mormon proudly saying
that he has found peace and comfort in the absolute answers provided by
the Mormon Church and accusing those who question or are uncertain of
being uncomfortable and wishy washy. It's a powerful urge.

That doesn't make it any less true.

What "it"?

That SM (odd the way that works out), as well as many Christians, feel more at
peace after a conversion (or "acceptance").

No doubt. Druggies are more at peace when high. Lobotomies also had that
effect. See, that's a fiundamental problem. If tyou are looking to be at
peace, just turn off your mind. Asking questions, especially questions
with no or difficult answers, can be upsetting. I suggest you avoid

CNN did an interview with some of the members of the FLDS. They were
adamant in their belief that Jeffs is a prophet. There were similar
interviews with members of other cults.

Critical thinking: use it or lose it.

...and you're not subject to the same emotions as normal humans. Figures.

And where did I say that?

You constantly tell us how much better a person, you are.

There you go again. Find one place where I said *I* was better than
someone else.
  #2   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,055
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

"Square Peg" wrote

Well, perhaps I am wrong about dittoheads, but I wasn't lying. I said
what I believe to be true, and still do. Perhaps you are projecting.
True believers are prone to stretch the truth to make their indefensible
positions less illogical and their contradictory doctrine less so.

The above seems to say to me that you are right and everyone else is wrong.
Yours is the only defensible position. Yours is the ONLY way things can be.
And in stating this, it makes you superior in position to any other

There you go again. Find one place where I said *I* was better than
someone else.

Please see above paragraph.

Truth is, Peggy, none of us will know the actual real truth until we close
our eyes for the last time. If at that time, all goes to black, all goes to
black. If not, I suspect there are going to be a lot of "OH, ****" moments
among those who bet the wrong horse.

I feel comfortable with my bet. You apparently do not, as you vehemently
defend your position to the degradation of others.

You're even typical of some religions: LOVE ME OR I WILL KILL YOU!



  #3   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
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Posts: 2,144
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

"Square Peg" wrote in message

And where did I say that?

You constantly tell us how much better a person, you are.

There you go again. Find one place where I said *I* was better than
someone else.

People like KRW hear what they want to hear, so when you criticized Rush
Limbaugh's listeners he heard you claiming to be better than him--that makes
it easy for him to dismiss you as one of those lying "leftists" who haunt
his dreams. Yeah, I know, it doesn't make much sense. But as you
suggested, some people are happier not thinking too much.

  #4   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
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Posts: 3,055
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

CNN did an interview with some of the members of the FLDS. They were
adamant in their belief that Jeffs is a prophet. There were similar
interviews with members of other cults.

The FLDS are following the prophecies of the original prophet. Those after
Joseph Smith are following political correctness du jour statehood vs.
polygamy, blacks in the church, etc.


  #5   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 8,589
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Mon, 08 Aug 2011 09:08:16 -0700, Square Peg wrote:

On Sun, 07 Aug 2011 19:44:24 -0500, "

On Sun, 07 Aug 2011 11:17:43 -0700, Square Peg wrote:

On Sun, 07 Aug 2011 11:19:43 -0500, "

On Sun, 07 Aug 2011 08:48:42 -0700, Square Peg wrote:

On Sun, 7 Aug 2011 08:50:47 -0500, Michael Dobony

On Sun, 7 Aug 2011 09:15:57 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

"harryagain" wrote in message
Yep. A very peculiar one too. I thought they'd have shot this one Texas.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?pageOffset=&pageSize=&orderBy=relevDes c&searchPhrase=warren+jeffs&_channelshortname=on&_ channelshortname=on&_channelshortname=on&_channels hortname=on&_channelshortname=on&_channelshortname =on&_channelshortname=on&_channelshortname=on&_cha nnelshortname=on&_channelshortname=on&_channelshor tname=on&_channelshortname=on&button=Clear+all&_co ntenttype=on&button=Clear+all&dateupdated=&dateFro m=&dateTo=&_authornamef=on&button=Clear+all&_perso nnames=on&_personnames=on&_personnames=on&_personn ames=on&_personnames=on&_personnames=on&_personnam es=on&_personnames=on&button=Clear+all

I always wonder how this can happen in the 20th and 21st centuries. Sure,
the kids born into this are victims that think it is normal because they've
never seen anything else. But the older ones get into this stuff and they
have seen other parts of life in the world. Must be a "need for approval"
by someone and this guy gives it.

These children are more than exposed to this mindset, they are actively
trained to accept abuse as normal. And then they twist Scripture to endorse
their abuse, "reject me and my actions and you are rejecting and condemning
God!" They love to quote 1 Chronicles 16:22 and Psalms 105:15 "touch not
my anointed and do my prophet no harm." They also ignore plain teachings
and proper application. David refused to kill Saul and executed the man who
claimed to have killed him. On the other hand, Nathaniel rebuked David in
his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah. They misuse Scripture as a weapon to
destroy. This guy is a simple pervert with a complex abuse system.

These children will need lots of counseling and proper modeling. They will
need to be taught that they can say "NO!" and that any attempt to press on
is abuse and illegal and immoral and NOT a rejection of God. Quite the

This case, along with People's Temple, Heaven's Gate, the Branch
Davidians, and many others, is just the sad extreme of a very common
phenomenon resulting from a basic human need for control and an
existential fear. We are basically powerless in the universe and we know
it. This is intolerable, so we concoct belief systems to soothe the
fear. Certain charismatic people (Jesus, Muhammad, Hitler, Castro,
Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Joseph Smith, etc.) are able to tap into this
need either consciously or instinctively.

It happens on a less extreme scale in politics (JFK, Reagan, Limbaugh,
Obama, Palin).

The only defense is critical thinking, something that is generally
unpopular -- probably because it bring back the uncertainty and touches
that visceral existential fear.

The followers of Rush Limbaugh actually pride themselves on being

You do know that "dittohead" doesn't mean that the person agrees with
everything RL says?

As I understand it, it was originally used to indicate concurrence with
whatever was just said, but since Limbaugh takes very few calls and has
very few guests (wonder why that is), callers were mostly dittoing what
*he* said. I never said they agreed with *everything* he said, but I bet
most do. Easier than having any independent thoughts.

You're wrong, but don't let that stop you.

No, I suppose you're just in the fear business.

Where was I peddling fear?

Again, right in the paragraph above. You use lies as a tactic, a common
leftist's tool.

Well, perhaps I am wrong about dittoheads, but I wasn't lying. I said
what I believe to be true, and still do. Perhaps you are projecting.
True believers are prone to stretch the truth to make their indefensible
positions less illogical and their contradictory doctrine less so.

You do try hard to cover your lies. ...with more lies, of course.

And right here on this NG, we have the Stormin' Mormon proudly saying
that he has found peace and comfort in the absolute answers provided by
the Mormon Church and accusing those who question or are uncertain of
being uncomfortable and wishy washy. It's a powerful urge.

That doesn't make it any less true.

What "it"?

That SM (odd the way that works out), as well as many Christians, feel more at
peace after a conversion (or "acceptance").

No doubt.

That's what was stated and you seemed to disagree.

Druggies are more at peace when high. Lobotomies also had that
effect. See, that's a fiundamental problem. If tyou are looking to be at
peace, just turn off your mind. Asking questions, especially questions
with no or difficult answers, can be upsetting. I suggest you avoid

Now you're back to your lies (strawmen).

CNN did an interview with some of the members of the FLDS. They were
adamant in their belief that Jeffs is a prophet. There were similar
interviews with members of other cults.

Critical thinking: use it or lose it.

...and you're not subject to the same emotions as normal humans. Figures.

And where did I say that?

You constantly tell us how much better a person, you are.

There you go again. Find one place where I said *I* was better than
someone else.

Your first person is a constant.

  #6   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 8,589
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 12:27:19 -0700, "DGDevin" wrote:

"Square Peg" wrote in message
.. .

And where did I say that?

You constantly tell us how much better a person, you are.

There you go again. Find one place where I said *I* was better than
someone else.

People like KRW hear what they want to hear, so when you criticized Rush
Limbaugh's listeners he heard you claiming to be better than him--that makes
it easy for him to dismiss you as one of those lying "leftists" who haunt
his dreams. Yeah, I know, it doesn't make much sense. But as you
suggested, some people are happier not thinking too much.

Leftists like Devin always lie about others. You two are meant for each
  #7   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,144
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

wrote in message ...

Leftists like Devin always lie about others. You two are meant for each

I'm a leftist like you're a ballet dancer.

I'm a *real* conservative, i.e. someone who believes in fiscal
responsibility (the federal debt doubled under Bush 43, the debt ceiling was
raised 7 times), an avoidance of military adventurism (Bush invaded a
country that didn't attack us) and respect for individual rights (the Bush
admin decided the Constitution prohibiting unreasonable searches doesn't
apply to warrantless wiretaps). And then there's goofs like you who *claim*
to be conservative but happily sat on your hands while all the above was
going on, but once the Dems were back in power you suddenly realized
reckless govt. spending was a bad idea. Saddam wasn't building WMDs, but
who do we hear you whining about on the subject of lying? "Leftists". You
crack me up, you're so detached from reality it's amazing if you know what
month it is. It's ill-informed dogmatic clowns like you who have reduced
American politics to something like the Jerry Springer Show. I look forward
to the day when the Republican Party regains its sanity and stops catering
to ignorant halfwits, religious nutballs and Tea Baggers, until then I'm
forced to hold my nose and support the Democrats who despite their
historical incompetence and corruption are the lesser of two evils at the

Ever see this magazine cover before? It says it all, a once proud movement
reduced to Limbaugh and Beck and Hannity leading a pack of ignorant
yahoos--the Know Nothing party rides again.


"But everything that Reagan said in 1985 about "the other side" could easily
apply to the conservatives of 2007. They are handcuffed to a political party
that looks unsettlingly like the Democrats did in the 1980s, one that is
more a collection of interest groups than ideas, recognizable more by its
campaign tactics than its philosophy. The principles that propelled the
movement have either run their course, or run aground, or been abandoned by
Reagan's legatees. Government is not only bigger and more expensive than it
was when George W. Bush took office, but its reach is also longer, thanks to
the broad new powers it has claimed as necessary to protect the homeland.
It's true that Reagan didn't live up to everything he promised: he
campaigned on smaller government, fiscal discipline and religious values,
while his presidency brought us a larger government and a soaring deficit.
But Bush's apostasies are more extravagant by just about any measure you

  #8   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 8,589
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 16:46:04 -0700, "DGDevin" wrote:

wrote in message ...

Leftists like Devin always lie about others. You two are meant for each

I'm a leftist like you're a ballet dancer.

You tell the truth like I'm a ballet dancer.

I'm a *real* conservative,


i.e. someone who believes in fiscal
responsibility (the federal debt doubled under Bush 43, the debt ceiling was
raised 7 times), an avoidance of military adventurism (Bush invaded a
country that didn't attack us) and respect for individual rights (the Bush
admin decided the Constitution prohibiting unreasonable searches doesn't
apply to warrantless wiretaps). And then there's goofs like you who *claim*
to be conservative but happily sat on your hands while all the above was
going on, but once the Dems were back in power you suddenly realized
reckless govt. spending was a bad idea. Saddam wasn't building WMDs, but
who do we hear you whining about on the subject of lying? "Leftists". You
crack me up, you're so detached from reality it's amazing if you know what
month it is. It's ill-informed dogmatic clowns like you who have reduced
American politics to something like the Jerry Springer Show. I look forward
to the day when the Republican Party regains its sanity and stops catering
to ignorant halfwits, religious nutballs and Tea Baggers, until then I'm
forced to hold my nose and support the Democrats who despite their
historical incompetence and corruption are the lesser of two evils at the

Ever see this magazine cover before? It says it all, a once proud movement
reduced to Limbaugh and Beck and Hannity leading a pack of ignorant
yahoos--the Know Nothing party rides again.

I care about this, because?


"But everything that Reagan said in 1985 about "the other side" could easily
apply to the conservatives of 2007. They are handcuffed to a political party
that looks unsettlingly like the Democrats did in the 1980s, one that is
more a collection of interest groups than ideas, recognizable more by its
campaign tactics than its philosophy. The principles that propelled the
movement have either run their course, or run aground, or been abandoned by
Reagan's legatees. Government is not only bigger and more expensive than it
was when George W. Bush took office, but its reach is also longer, thanks to
the broad new powers it has claimed as necessary to protect the homeland.
It's true that Reagan didn't live up to everything he promised: he
campaigned on smaller government, fiscal discipline and religious values,
while his presidency brought us a larger government and a soaring deficit.
But Bush's apostasies are more extravagant by just about any measure you

What a loser.
  #9   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 735
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 16:46:04 -0700, "DGDevin"
wrote in message ...

Leftists like Devin always lie about others. You two are meant for each

I'm a leftist like you're a ballet dancer.

I'm a *real* conservative, i.e. someone who believes in fiscal
responsibility (the federal debt doubled under Bush 43, the debt ceiling was
raised 7 times), an avoidance of military adventurism (Bush invaded a
country that didn't attack us) and respect for individual rights (the Bush
admin decided the Constitution prohibiting unreasonable searches doesn't
apply to warrantless wiretaps). And then there's goofs like you who *claim*
to be conservative but happily sat on your hands while all the above was
going on, but once the Dems were back in power you suddenly realized
reckless govt. spending was a bad idea. Saddam wasn't building WMDs, but
who do we hear you whining about on the subject of lying? "Leftists". You
crack me up, you're so detached from reality it's amazing if you know what
month it is. It's ill-informed dogmatic clowns like you who have reduced
American politics to something like the Jerry Springer Show. I look forward
to the day when the Republican Party regains its sanity and stops catering
to ignorant halfwits, religious nutballs and Tea Baggers, until then I'm
forced to hold my nose and support the Democrats who despite their
historical incompetence and corruption are the lesser of two evils at the


- gpsman
  #10   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
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Posts: 47
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 12:27:19 -0700, "DGDevin"

"Square Peg" wrote in message
.. .

And where did I say that?

You constantly tell us how much better a person, you are.

There you go again. Find one place where I said *I* was better than
someone else.

People like KRW hear what they want to hear, so when you criticized Rush
Limbaugh's listeners he heard you claiming to be better than him--that makes
it easy for him to dismiss you as one of those lying "leftists" who haunt
his dreams. Yeah, I know, it doesn't make much sense. But as you
suggested, some people are happier not thinking too much.

Oh, well. (sigh)

  #11   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
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Posts: 47
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Mon, 08 Aug 2011 18:01:22 -0500, "

On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 12:27:19 -0700, "DGDevin" wrote:

"Square Peg" wrote in message
. ..

And where did I say that?

You constantly tell us how much better a person, you are.

There you go again. Find one place where I said *I* was better than
someone else.

People like KRW hear what they want to hear, so when you criticized Rush
Limbaugh's listeners he heard you claiming to be better than him--that makes
it easy for him to dismiss you as one of those lying "leftists" who haunt
his dreams. Yeah, I know, it doesn't make much sense. But as you
suggested, some people are happier not thinking too much.

Leftists like Devin always lie about others. You two are meant for each

  #12   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,144
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

wrote in message ...

You tell the truth like I'm a ballet dancer.


I care about this, because?

What a loser.

*Brilliant* comebacks, yet more proof of how much thought you put into your

  #13   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
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Posts: 8,589
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Tue, 09 Aug 2011 00:07:05 -0700, Square Peg wrote:

On Mon, 08 Aug 2011 18:01:22 -0500, "

On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 12:27:19 -0700, "DGDevin" wrote:

"Square Peg" wrote in message

And where did I say that?

You constantly tell us how much better a person, you are.

There you go again. Find one place where I said *I* was better than
someone else.

People like KRW hear what they want to hear, so when you criticized Rush
Limbaugh's listeners he heard you claiming to be better than him--that makes
it easy for him to dismiss you as one of those lying "leftists" who haunt
his dreams. Yeah, I know, it doesn't make much sense. But as you
suggested, some people are happier not thinking too much.

Leftists like Devin always lie about others. You two are meant for each


....and wipe Devans lipstick off your ass. It's unseemly.
  #14   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 47
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:00:11 -0500, "

On Tue, 09 Aug 2011 00:07:05 -0700, Square Peg wrote:

On Mon, 08 Aug 2011 18:01:22 -0500, "

On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 12:27:19 -0700, "DGDevin" wrote:

"Square Peg" wrote in message

And where did I say that?

You constantly tell us how much better a person, you are.

There you go again. Find one place where I said *I* was better than
someone else.

People like KRW hear what they want to hear, so when you criticized Rush
Limbaugh's listeners he heard you claiming to be better than him--that makes
it easy for him to dismiss you as one of those lying "leftists" who haunt
his dreams. Yeah, I know, it doesn't make much sense. But as you
suggested, some people are happier not thinking too much.

Leftists like Devin always lie about others. You two are meant for each


...and wipe Devans lipstick off your ass. It's unseemly.

Classy, very classy. At least now I know the level of discourse you are
familiar with.
  #15   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
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Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

wrote in message ...

...and wipe Devans lipstick off your ass. It's unseemly.

The thing about people like you is you are incapable of going very long
without showing your true nature. In your case you cannot conceal that you
have the mind of an adolescent in an adult body, you could no more hide that
than a duck can pretend it doesn't have feathers.

  #16   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
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Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 23:15:41 -0700, "DGDevin" wrote:

wrote in message ...

...and wipe Devans lipstick off your ass. It's unseemly.

The thing about people like you is you are incapable of going very long
without showing your true nature. In your case you cannot conceal that you
have the mind of an adolescent in an adult body, you could no more hide that
than a duck can pretend it doesn't have feathers.

Yep, I was right about both of you.
  #17   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
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Posts: 2,144
Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

wrote in message ...

...and wipe Devans lipstick off your ass. It's unseemly.

Yep, I was right about both of you.

Case closed.
  #18   Report Post  
Posted to alt.home.repair
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Default OT Are mormons a cult? continued.

On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:22:54 -0700, "DGDevin" wrote:

wrote in message ...

...and wipe Devans lipstick off your ass. It's unseemly.

Yep, I was right about both of you.

Case closed.

Can't stand not having the last word, eh?
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