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Which is why all the nearby Socialists come to the US for treatment.

Except for the people I know that had to move to Canada to get treatment
they couldn't afford here in the U.S. Only the richest or poorest people
come here for medical treatment. For most people this country doesn't

the best health care, or the many who can't afford any. Or else why are

many Americans traveling to Asia for operations and treatments they can't
afford here?

You know only the British? On the other needs only to stand
at the Detroit border crossing to watch hordes of Canadians entering
the US every day for medical care they cannot get, or get in a timely
manner before they die.

Have you seen the hordes of Americans going the other way to get their drugs
there? As usual you can't see both sides of the issue. All you see is
America is the best whether it is or not. All Canadians are covered by at
least some health care, 50 million Americans have none whatsoever. That
alone out to make a dent in your thick skull that something is wrong when
the richest country in the world doesn't have a good enough system for all
it's people to get health care without going bankrupt. You of all people
should see the flaws in this system. But then you have to have two good eyes
to see and you obviously are impaired. In more ways than one.

Communism gives you stainless steel teeth and a bullet to the back of
the skull.

No, that's not Communism, that's a ruthless dictatorship that does that.
Masquerading as Communism was the way Stalin, the dictator, did business.
Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao et al., all did the same thing. Pretended to be
Communists when in reality they were simply despots. You can call

anything you want but none of the countries that were supposedly

were ever that in reality.

Communism ALWAYS winds up in totalitarianism and genocide. Its
inherent with the Manifesto.

Your denial is pitiful.

Not a denial but a simple recitation of fact. Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin
were all dictators, which makes their political systems dictatorships.
Communism is not a dictatorship except by the proletariat, that means the
common people. Did the common people run the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany? I
don't think so. So, none of your examples of "Communism" hold up. They were
dictatorships. That's not an opinion. One man rule isn't Communism. The same
is true for Cuba, that's a dictatorship too. Check the book.
