Thread: Hornets
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This may or may not work for you.
Last month I had yellow jackets in my soffits. I mounted a 6 inch muffin
(high speed) fan (Radio Shack) on a 2X4 and propped it up 6 inches from
their entrance.

That's awesome! Great idea! In theory, if they all get chopped up,
won't the larvae in the nest starve, and then the poison is

A farmer i knew once swore by hosing their nests with gasoline. Dunno
bout y'all but spraying your house with volatile fuel doesn't sound
good to me. My gf says that soapy water is the best thing for japanese
beetle infestations- the soap sticks to their bodies and smothers them.
Never tried it on wasps.

You know, it's too bad they like to bite n sting, because wasps are
amazing little creatures. Fascinating organic builder robots.