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I like to bring back manufacturing
to America as much as the next guy but how do you complete when our labor
rates are so much higher and our quality control, pride and workmanship are
not what is used to be and on top of all this stifled by laws, regulations,
politicians and corporate greed to save a buck or two?

We can start by spending within our mean.

If US government insists on spending a lot of money and refuses to
increase tax, they will have to borrow a lot of money from aboard. And
keeping the US dollar very strong is a way to attract foreigners to buy
US government debt (then they don't need to increase the interest rate
very high). Unfortunately, strong US dollars mean high cost of anything
produced in US that has any labor content in it, and this results with
losing a lot of manufacturing jobs. This strong US dollars strategy is
a sword that cuts two ways. This means we need to get off from this
strong US dollar train, and this means foreigners will less likely to
buy US government debts, and this also means we need to cut spending or
raise tax or both.

Of course, I don't like high tax rate just as much as anyone else. This
means we need to cut a lot of spending and cut it very deeply and
across the board. And for doing this, we don't need to beg foreign
countries to do this and that; this is totally under US control to cut
OUR OWN spending.

Jay Chan