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Uno Hoo! wrote:
"Doctor Evil" wrote in message

"Uno Hoo!" wrote in message

"Doctor Evil" wrote in message

"Dave" wrote in message

Can't resist with the big day tomorrow!

they've not done too
badly at home. (this is where I duck!)

They have done brilliantly!!! People forget too easily and have short
memories. I'm voting for Labour. It is a no brainer.

Education is in a mess.

This is not what I see. Any evidence for this article of faith?

You don't see it because you don't read the sensible press and don't talk to
people in education. It is in a mess because a third of primary school
children are leaving school unable to properly read and write. It is in a
mess because GCSEs have be dumbed down to such an extent that they are
worthless. Universities are having to provide remedial classes to bring
'highly qualified' school leavers up to the standard they should be for
university entry. I received a letter last week from a nephew who has an 'A'
pass in English language - it was barely literate. Discipline in schools is
at rock bottom with newly qualified teachers leaving in droves because they
cannot put up with the appalling behaviour of their pupils and because the
government have removed any useful sanctions for dealing with such
disruption. My next door neighbour is a head-teacher - he tells me that the
only staff he can hang onto for more than a few months are long-termers
within a few years of retirement - and they are only hanging on for their
pensions. Once they are gone he fears for the future of education because
newly qualified teachers are barely literate themselves, being products of
today's abysmal education system - and because they only stick out for a few
months before realising that it is next to impossible to educate feral
children who have never been taught how to behave.

NHS is in a mess,

This is not what I see. Any evidence for this article of faith?

It is in a mess because you stand a high chance of leaving hospital with a
more serious illness than before you went in. It is in a mess because of
Labour targets which mean that you doctor will not permit you to make an
appointment more than 48 hours in advance (24 hours in the case of my
surgery) - so you spend hours on the phone each morning tying to book an
app't for that day only to find, when you eventually get through, that there
are no appt's left. It is in a mess because the treatment time targets for
casualty dept's means that ambulances are queueing up outside, not being
allowed to discharge their patients, because the 'target times' only begin
when the patient is in through the door. It is in a mess because people are
still being told their operations are cancelled because there are
insufficient staff to man theatres and wards. It is in a mess because more
uk nurses are leaving the profession than are joining.

law and order is in a mess,

This is not what I see. Any evidence for this article of faith?

As a retired police inspector I have ample evidence for this. Some crimes
(such as burglary) are showing good reductions for the simple reason that
Labour targets have ensured that maximum effort (and resources) are being
thrown at them. The problem is that in striving to meet these targets,
officers are diverted away from other police duties. When did you last see a
patrolling police officer? Low level crimes such as vandalism and
anti-social behaviour are rocketing - because there are no officers out
there to create a deterrent. Labour are fond of saying that since they came
to power the numbers of police officers have increased. What they fail to
point out is that demands upon police officers have increased by hundreds of
per cent over and above the additional resources provided. This is why, when
you phone the police, you will often be told 'we will send someone as soon
as possible, we have no-one available at the moment.'

taxation is high,

Lowest in Europe apparently.

You can make statistics say anything. Are our fuel taxes lower than
elsewhere in Europe for example?

illegal immigration is out of control.

This is not what I see. Any evidence for this article of faith?

Oh dear - just which rag do you read? Do you not see almost daily photos of
illegals climbing out of the back of trucks? Do you not read about dozens of
bogus colleges set up simply to provide a means for overseas 'students' to
get into the country illegally? Do you not read about the 'people
smugglers' paid thousands to smuggle illegals into the country? Do you not
read about the fact that most of our ports do not even have 24 hour
immigration control staff on duty? Do you not read about the majority of
illegals who, having had their asylum applications turned down are,
nonetheless, given 'leave to remain'? etc. etc. etc.

'Tone' tells lies

This is not what I see. Any evidence for this article of faith?

He stated that he would not introduce top-up fees - and he did. He stated
that he would not increase NI - and he did. He stated that Saddam had
WMD's - and he didn't. He stated that Saddam was a threat to the west - and
he wasn't.

and employs and
re-employs scoundrels.

This is not what I see. Any evidence for this article of faith?

Mandelson? Cambell?

Still, it's too much to hope that
labour voters who read the Sun
and Mirror comics will be aware of any of this.

The Daily Mail hasn't even got the election on the front page. I wonder

Perhaps because it realises that trying to get our uneducated masses to
realise that they have been lied to and duped for the last eight years is

The strongest economy in the western world (9/11 made no difference to the
UK economy, while most of the western world went into recession)

Almost entirely due to Gordon Brown placing the responsibility for interest
rates out of gov't hands. He should be applauded for that but cannot keep
taking credit for the the results of that decision for ever. Latest expert
opinion is that the UK economy is heading for recession.

The strongest currency in the world

See above.

The longest sustained economic growth in history.

See above - although largely illusory. Manufacturing growth is falling
dramatically. The only real growth is in the public sector - paid for via
our taxes.

All major services have high investment

But without the radical overhaul that is desperately needed. All the experts
state, for example, that the improvements in the NHS are tiny compared with
the massive funds pumped in - largely because the money is wasted on
bureaucracy and administration and does not go to where it is needed.

More school leavers into higher education than ever before

And more leaving that higher education than ever before when they realise
that their massed 'A' levels are not worth the paper they are written on and
have not equipped them for the rigours of university education. There are
also vast numbers undertaking degrees in useless disciplines such as 'media
studies' when the country is crying out for scientists and engineers.

Much needed constitutional change

Oh - you refer to the 'cronying' of the Lords in an attempt to remove any
vestige of control over 'president' Bliar?


Get your head out of your bum and look around. Anyone who doesn't vote
Labour needs professional attention.

And anyone who falls for the lies and duplicity of this gang of morons in
power isn't fit to have the vote!


you blew it, matey. your right wing propaganda /may/ have been simply regarded as
the tired old right wing rant that it is, but attempting to qualify your jaded opinion with
"anyone who falls for the lies and duplicity of this gang of morons in power isn't fit to
have the vote" shows you up for the right wing fascist you undoubtedly are.

and, of course, everyone knows that howard would be a better PM. *NOT* remember
the poll tax ? CJB ? being opposed to the minimum wage ? ERM fiasco ? as home
secretary failing to order inquiries into police murders, lied about standing for the
leadership of the tory party then stabbed major in the back to stand and subsequently
come 5th (that's john major of the 'back to basics' campaign who was shagging edwina
currie whils lecturing us on morals) etc, etc, etc.

And theres Ollie Letwin who we all know would be better at running the economy. The
same ollie letwin that let a robber into his house 'to use the phone' and who stole his
credit cards !

Thankfully, it seems that the tories are going to have to spend a deservedly long time in
the wilderness. deservedly for being the main cause of most of the problems experienced
today with the feral children of the dole fodder generation of 20 years ago, the dole fodder
that the tories created with the squandered North Sea oil and gas revenues, used to prop
up social security and simultaneously drive down wage expectations.

thankfully, some of us remember what the tories are like. Labour aren't perfect by a
long chalk but politics isn't about perfection, it's about doing the best with what you
have so I'll leave the wishful thinking about 'halcyon days .. old maids on bikes' to
your lot and I'll vote for labour /this time/ and if charlie kennedy lays off the pop and
the social democrats get their act together for the next election I'll vote for them.