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Dave Hinz
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On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 16:15:27 -0500, George george@least wrote:

"Dave Hinz" wrote in message

Heh...we had a guy faint during a (not so bad) portion of a film
in EMT class. He didn't finish the course, decided that blood and
guts wasn't his idea of a good time. Nothing like going to a
convention where they schedule "traumatic amputations" for
right before lunch.

Sadly, a lot of freshly minted EMTs leave the field early after a
particularly gruesome event. Can't argue with their choice, but a lot of
them could row the boat and let the other shoot the ducks.

Thing is, the rates of people quitting for that reason go _way_ down
with a post-incident stress debriefing program. But, even with that,
there are some that stick with you more than others, eh?

We have a 12-year veteran on our squad who cannot stand vomit. Which is
pretty much everywhere when you think about it. I just let her drive and
make sure there's a towel (deflector) loaded after remaking the cot.

Heh. Maybe ten years ago, we had a guy with an upper-GI bleed.
Crew capatain was interviewing him, I was the new guy so I was
hauling equipment. Bill asked the patient a question, he turned
to answer, and projectile-vomited full square into Bill's chest.
Didn't miss a beat, kept up the interview, "...and how long have
you been vomiting today?".

Puke, I don't mind so much. Grey matter just oogs me out, though.