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J. Clarke
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WoodMangler wrote:

Steve Knight did say:
well this was yesterday. I am not as sore as I thought I would be more
sore. my leg was not as sore as I thought it would be. knee feels a bit
funny but I could walk just fine. my shoulders are what hurt. I never hit
them (I landed face down) but I think trying to stop myself stressed
them. every time I sit for a hour or so they kill me when I move (G)
I took my bike into my favorite mechanic. I will get the results Monday.
I know
the forts are toast as they were spread apart a fair amount. the front
detailer is toast and maybe the cranks.

Glad you're OK Steve. As for the shoulder pain, after having hit head
first, you may very well have a bit of a neck injury. Might be smart to
visit your doc and get him to look at it. At the least, take it very easy
on your neck for a little while.
Cycling in traffic AND making your living with woodworking tools... Hope
you've got at least one safe activity in your life. I've tasted the
fenders of a couple of trucks myself, as well as my share of asphalt.
As all of us cyclists know, it's the inattentive four wheel
operators that are the real danger out there. We're far more vulnerable
than those wrapped in steel and airbags.

Preach Mode
For those of you who don't ride, next time you see a motorcycle or bicycle
on the road, take a moment to notice how people in cars get MUCH closer to
them than they would to another car. They should really give two wheelers
more room than normal for safety's sake.
I guess people don't feel threatened by the smaller vehicle, and feel safe
themselves. Give us a little more room, please.

When I encounter a bicycle I assume that the guy is going to fall off in
front of me--the way a lot of folks ride it's not that risky a bet. But
it's frustrating to have to trundle along at bicycle speed because giving
the guy adequate clearance would mean going into oncoming traffic.
Especially when the bicyclist is usually oblivious to the laws in most
states that require slow moving vehicles to move aside at the earliest
opportunity when there is a line of traffic blocked up behind them.

But, I'm going to add another preach--TEACH YOUR KIDS TO RIDE _WITH_ TRAFFIC
not _AGAINST_ it. If somebody's on a bicycle in the wrong lane you don't
always have lot of time to react. One of the scariest things I ever saw
was four kids on bicycles, southbound in the northbound right hand lane of
an Interstate highway, in moderately heavy traffic, back when the speed
limit was 70. I got off at the next exit and called the Highway Patrol who
I had the distinct impression thought I was crazy. Didn't hear anything
about them on the news so presumably they got caught before they got hit.
If ever I've seen a miracle, their survival was it. If I'd been in the
right lane instead of the left when I saw them, I don't know that I'd have
been able to stop or dodge before I hit one of them.

/Preach Mode

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)