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Jeffrey McCann
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"Strider" wrote in message

"Jeffrey McCann" wrote in message

"Strider" wrote in message

"Jeffrey McCann" wrote in message

She wasn't being "mocked" for being poor, only for her jailhouse

Don't be disingenuous. Bush mocked her for not wanting to be

was boorish, childish and un-Christian of him to do so. It just

how fast you guys will tap-dance all over the place to avoid the

What fools you are. What difference does it make whether her

sincere or not? None at all, at least in terms of Bush's

behavior and your pitiful attempt to justify it.

Just as I am amazed at the lame attempts of you leftwing loons to make

issue where none exists, as if anyone really gives a rat's ass that

mocked a convicted murderer.

You wingnuts on the Right only trot out that "compassionate

stuff about once every for years to manipulate the gullible. Thinking
people already know there are is a very long list of things and people

NeoMorons don't give "a rat's ass" about, but should, starting with the
character of your leading puppet. You buy into whatever you are told,

line and sinker. How gullible and irresponsible can you be? At least

do your master's bidding well, slavishly ignoring all the things they'd
rather no one think or ask about.

Bull****! There is a war on, the US is under attack, and dumb **** morons
like you are concerned about Bush mocking a convicted killer way in the

No. There's a war AND an election on, and I am concerned with our
President's overall fitness for office, in which his personal character
figures to a rather large degree. I don't think a Governer (as Bush was at
the time) should publicly mock a person who's death warrant required and
received his signature.

You leftwing jerks have now and always did have your priorities screwed up
to the max.

You're not one of those "there's a war on, so the President is immune from
criticism" useful idiots of the Right, are you? Our priority is getting a
better man than Bush in office. We consider it our patriotic duty, for the
good of the nation. Others will honestly and for very good reasons of their
own, disagree. Yet others will disagree because they simply don't know any

P.S. I'm actually a moderate. I only look "leftwing" to statist,
authoritarion, NeoCon nut jobs.
