A solid state replacement for the lowly 2D21 Thyratron tube...(sorryfor the On-Topic post!)
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A solid state replacement for the lowly 2D21 Thyratrontube...(sorry for the On-Topic post!)
On 4/21/2021 10:42 PM, Fox's Mercantile wrote:
On 4/21/21 8:31 PM,
110 VAC went away at the beginning of the 20th century.Â* By 1950
120 Volts was the standard.Â* The MONIKER remained, but the voltage
has been 120 VAC for a VERY long time.
We go through this over and over again on the antique radio news
110, 117, 120 = 120 vac
I'm hearing that DLUNU would like to take responsibility for this
project and I think he's the best qualified based on his rebuttal. I
mean it's in his name. "NumeroUno"
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