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Scion[_2_] Scion[_2_] is offline
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Default OT: Very, very short term car insurance

On Wed, 21 Apr 2021 09:01:35 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:

In message , Scion
On Tue, 20 Apr 2021 15:59:07 -0700, Scribbles wrote:

On Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 9:22:00 PM UTC+1, Steve Walker wrote:
On 20/04/2021 19:27, Clive Arthur wrote:
On 20/04/2021 19:02, GB wrote:
My son has an old banger sitting on the driveway. He wants to
insure it, take it for an mot, then stick it back on the driveway
and cancel the insurance.

There'd be a cancellation charge, but it's cheaper than a
temporary policy.

Any thoughts? Will they blacklist him?

Just a thought for the OP: I've been told by two insurance companies
that there is now a legal requirement for a vehicle to be insured even
if it's parked on your own property and doesn't move from one year's
end to the next.

That is not true.

The owner would still be liable if the vehicle causes damage or injury,
e.g. it catches fire or rolls down a hill and hits something.

If you don't want to insure it, the only alternative is to SORN it
(Statutory Off Road Notification).

SORN is the alternative to taxing a vehicle, not insuring it.

As with many of the government's regulations, is rather
ambiguous. It says

Uninsured vehicles Rules in England, Wales and Scotland You must have
motor insurance for your vehicle if you use it on roads and in public

If the requirement was to insure it at all times it would not have the
'if' clause.

You do not need to insure your vehicle if it is kept off the road and
declared as off the road (SORN). This rule is called €˜continuous
insurance enforcement.

The car must either be taxed or SORNed. Continuous insurance enforcement
simply means that if the car is taxed you must insure it as well. If it's
permanently kept off the road you must SORN it (or continue to tax and
insure it, which would only apply in limited circumstances, valuable cars
in storage for example).

It cunningly fails to say whether it needs insurance if it's not on the
road or in public place, but not SORNed.

It does.