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Posted to uk.d-i-y
Spike[_6_] Spike[_6_] is offline
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Posts: 756
Default OT: Objectifying animals. (Inc using their bodies as seats).

On 02/03/2021 17:15, T i m wrote:

Really? Are you really asking this? (The irony though is if we weren't
feeding crops to the livestock but were consuming it ourselves there
would be a *surplus* crops).

Ah, the simple-minded view of things.

In fact there might not be a surplus of crops but rather a shortage.

What your naive approach fails to take into account is the massive
amount of land that would have to given over to growing the plants that
would be needed to supply 7 billion people with B12 supplementation
*every* *day*, a huge logistical exercise involving the crops
themselves, their gathering, transportation, processing, packaging,
storage, and distribution. For *7* *billion* *people*. *Every* *single*
*day*. While animals can graze on otherwise-useless grass, in places
where crops can't be grown, to provide *concentrated* B12.
