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Rod Speed Rod Speed is offline
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Default OT: Objectifying animals. (Inc using their bodies as seats).

"T i m" wrote in message
On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 13:45:44 -0000 (UTC), jon wrote:


Much of it is simply speciesism, people who have been indoctrinated
(historically) or brainwashed and certainly marketed to to accept that
they *need* to cause the suffering to innocent and often sentient
animals to survive or even enjoy themselves (taste / texture) when they
only do so at the cost to other species (and potentially ourselves with
health, resource use and the environment etc).

I think this explains speciesism fairly well:

but what can you do .....

Like the child abuse of removing foreskins off little boys without their
permission....just ban it.

Quite ... and we are, all be it slowly, with many things that were
once considered perfectly acceptable re our treatment / use of animals
over the years.

Bet it doesn't happen because the jewish lobby
is so ferocious when ever that is proposed and
is surprisingly influential for some reason.