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tim...[_2_] tim...[_2_] is offline
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Default OT

"Andrew" wrote in message
On 27/02/2021 11:03, John Towill wrote:
Sad to say the scammers have won, they have made it incredibly difficult
to operate a savings account on line, blast and damn them all.

Why ?.

If you use strong passwords and/or 2FA and you aren't using
a hotmail account as part of your login I don't see what the
issue is. Surely everyone now knows about these scams and is
or should be suspicious of anyone phoning and claiming to be
from your bank.

I have a suspicion that those Santander accounts where you
got an economically impossible rate of interest on your
current account are the ones that the fraudsters with inside
bank information preyed on.

Since base rate is 0.1% and 10 year gilts are about 0.7%
you might as well stick the whole lot in premium bonds

maximum 50,000!