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Commander Kinsey Commander Kinsey is offline
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Default Cheap Chinese rubbish

On Tue, 05 Jan 2021 21:11:56 -0000, Tekkieİ wrote:

On Sat, 02 Jan 2021 16:42:39 -0500, Clare Snyder posted for all of us to

On Sat, 2 Jan 2021 15:38:08 -0500, Witherspoon wrote:

On 1/2/21 11:55 AM, Commander Kinsey wrote:
An LED striplight. After 1 month, BANG! A puff of smoke and a hole
blown in the side of it. What I think used to be an inductor has
exploded with enough force to rupture the casing. Funny thing is, it
continued to work for a day, and now works if I tap it.

I no longer trust anything Chinese that has to have power running
through it. I ordered six so-called "20 amp" 12-24 VDC LED dimmers a
month ago. Out of the two I tried, one burned up within minutes at only
5 amps at 12VDC, and the other burned after several days running the
same. The latter actually went without warning, but at least the first
one was running hot so I actually didn't leave the area for fear it was
going to burn. Good thing I have a strong fan to evacuate the fumes,
which would surely be toxic in short order!

None of this Chinese crap is UL listed and thus just about anything can
happen. The ONLY thing I might take a chance on are older ATX power
supplies. At least those have a listing and, although still not UL, it
is better than nothing plus US PC manufacturers don't want to be sued
for their computer burning down a house.

You buy electical or electronic goods from China and they ask "what
stickers do you want on them".
"We need CSA" we reply
"Can you send us a sample?" they reply.

"No thank you, we'll buy somewhere else"
So you find a supplier that knows what CSA is and has the stickers -
and find out the same CSA number ia on 5 different products you order
from them - - -

That has always been a bug for me when ordering on Amazon. No listing as to
country of origin. No listing as to compliance of anything.

I use Ebay since I can't tell on Amazon if it's from Amazon or a private seller. Also they don't say how much the postage is until you buy, so you can't easily compare the real price.

Computers used to have meet FCC requirements. Wonder if the *clear* sided ones
meet the mark?

I wonder if my two dual xeon systems do? No case at all, the motherboards are on a wooden bookshelf. I wonder if that's why my neighbour has fitted some kind of wifi or mobile phone signal emitter in his garden.

The only emissions I'm concerned about are ones that annoy my other equipment, and they don't seem to be doing that.

Anyway, to be affected, the other equipment would have to fail the test too, since to pass FCC legislation a device must be able to accept interference aswell as not produce it.