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Commander Kinsey Commander Kinsey is offline
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Default Cheap Chinese rubbish

On Sat, 02 Jan 2021 17:24:37 -0000, Jim GM4DHJ ... wrote:

On 02/01/2021 17:13, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sat, 02 Jan 2021 17:08:34 -0000, Jim Stewart ...

On 02/01/2021 16:55, Commander Kinsey wrote:
An LED striplight. After 1 month, BANG! A puff of smoke and a hole
blown in the side of it. What I think used to be an inductor has
exploded with enough force to rupture the casing. Funny thing is, it
continued to work for a day, and now works if I tap it.
Chyyyyna...squandering the worlds resources.....

What makes you say they're doing that?

I have never thrown away so much chinese junk....never did that with jap

But you can recycle it. And they use less materials to make it.

Sometimes it's ok, sometimes it isn't.
Their battery chargers work but may need sellotaping together.
Their LED lights usually work but can give you an electric shock or explode.
Their cameras are 10 times lower resolution than advertised, but you moan and get them free.
Their Li Ion batteries are 8 times less capacity than advertised, but you moan and get them free.
Their meat infects the entire world with a deadly virus.

I do take great delight in seeing how many of their Ebay accounts I can have deleted. So much of my purchase history says "no longer a registered user".