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alan_m alan_m is offline
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Default Electronic components requirement.

On 04/07/2020 08:55, Arthur Ravenscroft wrote:

When the stock is only ever 2mm thick what would be suitable speed for a fine tooth blade 2- 3" diameter?

The ready made one previously listed says approx 8000 rpm (no load)
dropping to 5000 rpm for a 58mm (2 inch) blade.

You originally indicated that you were going to use a 30mm diameter
blade so for the same cutting speed at the edge of the blade you would
have needed approx 16,000 rpm (no load) dropping to 10,000 rpm, hence
the comment that maybe 3500 rpm was too slow.

I also note that the motors used in the commercially available products
and those shown in the DIY Youtube videos take 60W to 80W under load
while your selected motor is rated closer to a maximum of 3W. Your
get-out maybe is that you are not trying to cut 9mm plywood etc. However
I would recommend that you rig up your chosen motor with blade and power
supply and see what it can cut before committing to an enclosures. You
may discover that you need a bigger battery and your unit morphs from a
micro table saw into something larger.

Remember also that a child feeding in a piece of wood though a slot is
not necessarily going to keep it consistently square to the blade and
could easily stall the motor.

For comparison a Dremel type tool can be 80W+ and with their (smaller)
cutting blades on plastic they recommend around 10,000 rpm and closer to
25,000 rpm for soft woods.

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