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Brian Gaff \(Sofa\) Brian Gaff \(Sofa\) is offline
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Posts: 2,699
Default Windoze 10, laptops dropping WiFi connections

Interference due to so many people having wifi. I get this with amazon
echos. If the laptops have network sockets try to connect via direct
connections, its far more reliable in my experience.
I'd have thought the higher band would be less congested locally since it
is affected more by walls, so fewer interfering routers.

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"Jimk" wrote in message
We have a couple of Lenovo laptops running win10 mostly used by my
sons to do school work, gaming & occasionally by

Annoyingly they both regularly but intermittently drop their
connection to the house wifi, then reconnect. Then "some time"
later they do it again, sometines it's minutes sometimes it's
hours, so I'm pretty sure it's not the router lease expiring &

The house WiFi is a Plusnet hub one with both 2.4 & 5ghz WiFi
networks (different SSIDs), I wondered if they were chopping &
changing networks bit I told one m/c to forget the 5ghz network,
& it still drops the 2.4ghz connection... Grrrr...

any pointers where to start?

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