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Scott[_17_] Scott[_17_] is offline
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Default Windows 10 question (login)

On Wed, 1 Jan 2020 08:07:54 -0800 (PST), polygonum_on_google

On Wednesday, 1 January 2020 14:48:33 UTC, Scott wrote:
On Wed, 1 Jan 2020 06:18:51 -0800 (PST), Cynic

I don't follow the logic that a pin is more secure than a password. If each character of a pin has ten options and each character of a password has 26 or more, unless you are particularly foolish in selecting a password how do you arrive at your conclusion?

1. It's Microsoft's logic not mine. They say the 'PIN' is unique to
the individual computer while the Password is stored online. The show
the PIN method as 'recommended'.

2. Despite being called a PIN, if you tick a box you can use letters
as well as numbers.

3. My concern is that having set up a PIN (as recommended by
Microsoft) the former password still works, meaning there are two
opportunities to gain access not just the one.

However, you can more reasonably use a fiendishly long and complex password that you'd want to use as your daily login password. And use the PIN for everyday access on that one machine.

Might not be a good idea, but you also have the choice of using the same PIN for your Windows 10 PC and your Apple IOS or Android phone - despite the accounts having no relation to each other. Some might think it would make life easier but would be still secured with a copmplex password - which could (and should) be different for each account.

As far as I can see PIN is a misnomer. It looks as though the PIN can
be as complex as a password. The difference seems to be local or
central storage.
I certainly don't want the old password to co-exist with the new PIN
as this defeats the object.