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abelard abelard is offline
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Posts: 262
Default Brexit: What would 'no deal' mean for food and medicine? [Pre-EU times?]

On Fri, 03 Aug 2018 13:20:16 +0100, "p-0''0-h the cat (coder)"

On Fri, 03 Aug 2018 12:42:36 +0200, abelard

On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 11:16:51 +0100, Ian Jackson

In message , A. Filip writes
"p-0''0-h the cat (coder)" wrote:

Personally I'm going to eat Davis and Boris.

Sent from my iFurryUnderbelly.

UK somehow survived before joining EU.

Is 'survival' your ambition for the UK?


It had to be MIRACLE! :-)

Brexit will not be "nice & pleasant (only)" anyway. At least a few
"bumps" on the road is guaranteed.

Bumps? More likely our much-more-familiar potholes. Let's hope there
aren't any sink-holes.


Do you want to be frightened and
intimidated by EU?

I'm more frightened by having a Government which has no idea how to deal
with the EU.

i have no idea how to deal with idiots...perhaps you could offer
some serious, civilised and useful suggestions

Was Brexit sold in a serious, civilised and useful way?

no...nor was remaining

No change then.
Bit of a forlorn hope that it's going to change now but I respect you
trying. All those people standing around with vacant looks on their
faces express the way I feel watching this farce unwind. I know, I
should research every aspect of it so I can be super clever like you but
I see no profit in it. Call me shallow.

how tempting!
but imv you are more lacking data than you are shallow

"No deal" Brexit should be avoided *but* avoiding "no deal Brexit"
_at any cost_ is plain stupid.

Some Brexiteers simply want Brexit 'at any cost'.

some remoaners want the eussr as their mummy at any cost...
idiots are always in copious supply
