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Martin Brown[_2_] Martin Brown[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,449
Default Virgin Media - disabled priority repair

Help! I have a housebound relative whose Virgin media landline has been
cut by cowboy builders working next door. Fastest repair the Virgin
support dalek can offer is Thursday - which is no good for someone so
reliant on the phone/internet to function. House is in a mobile phone
blackspot so that only just works when clamped to the kitchen window
which isn't ideal for someone with limited mobility.

I have tried and failed to see if Virgin implement any kind of priority
repair for the disabled but have drawn a blank. BT do have such a
scheme. Any ideas how to speed the repair time up on Virgin?

I am having to report the problem and I don't know my way round Virgin
phone support so I couldn't figure out any way to talk to a human

Given that the neighbours are so awful I am inclined to insist on making
a claim against them for the repair of this damage. Suggestions?

Martin Brown