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Brian Gaff Brian Gaff is offline
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Default OT Unreported nuclear accident in Russia?

Some Russian Piky pinched some lead containers and opened them?

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"harry" wrote in message
On Saturday, 11 November 2017 09:14:45 UTC, Nightjar wrote:
On 11-Nov-17 8:19 AM, Brian Gaff wrote:
Sounds like a bit of a non event to me. They did not say what this
is normally used for so what might have released it is hard to

It is commonly used for medical purposes. It may also be released during
nuclear fuel reprocessing. It is not absorbed by the body and is a beta
emitter, so you would need to ingest it for it to have any effect. Harry
should be a lot more worried about eating a banana.

Colin Bignell


Colin Bignell

It's presence indicates an unreported nuclear incident.
So, what else is there?