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Charles Bishop[_2_] Charles Bishop[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 156
Default Decking Material

In article , Ed Pawlowski

On 1/17/2017 4:54 PM, Charles Bishop wrote:
I have a small deck (10 by 12) that is going to be up for 2-5 years.
I've priced composite decking, and even 2 by 6, but they are "costly",
and the 2 by 6 is poor quality.

I was wondering about 4 by 8 panels, 5/8 or 3/4 inch (joists are 16" oc)
as a "temporary" surface. Maybe chipboard or outside plywood. What could
I do to it to have it last that long?

Pressure treated plywood should get you five years. What happens after
five years? Tearing it down? Replacing? There are woods that will
last 50 years.

If you are planning to move in that time a cheap deck will bring down
the ptice. If you are planning to rebuild bigger and better, cheap may
be good.

No long term plans but want something for now that I can take apart and
replace if necessary. Also kind of a test to see what happens.

Would sealing the top and sides protect large sheets, that kind of
thing. I'm guessing not or others would already be doing it.
