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Default Early Voters From Amarillo Are Saying Their Votes Were Changed On the Ballot

On Wed, 26 Oct 2016 11:11:40 -0600, (Neill
Massello) wrote:

dvus wrote:

Isn't it odd that you seldom, if ever, see where a Democrat vote was
changed to Republican?

Except in Florida in 2000, when there was great wailing and gnashing of
dentures about votes supposedly intended for Gore going to Buchanan

But nobody alleged any fraud. This was the ballot design of a democrat
election commission and the supposed ignorance of democrat voters, not
reading before they voted. That also assumes Buchanan did not get
those votes intentionally. They ignore how well he did in the
primaries and if as few as 5% of those voters punched his "hole", it
would account for the 3204 votes he got.
People were told these are all old jews living in Palm Beach who would
never vote for Buchanan but the fact remains that Palm Beach county
has plenty of conservatives west of the bay. The far western reaches
are more like Texas.