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Default OT Scaremongering EUSSR

Nightjar cpb wrote:
On 12/04/2016 20:55, harry wrote:
The latest scaremongering from "Project Fear" is that if we leave the
EU women will lose many of their rights, health and safety will
vanish from factories and paid leave to workers as a right will
disappear. They cite the EU's paid holiday directive 75/457/EEC,
which came into force in 1975, as their justification for the claim.

If we look into the facts however we discover that Britain had a
Factory Act as early as 1802 covering the health and safety of the
workers, limits on working hours came into force as early as 1850,
many workers had paid holidays from 1871 and in 1939 it became law
that all employees were allowed paid leave, initially one week then
two in the 1950s. This later became up to four weeks per year.

So far as I am aware all of this was achieved without the
intervention of the EU!

Other things they say we only got because of the EU, such as
'maternity leave' and so on, would have followed without the
requirements of directive 75/457/EEC as our society became more
'enlightened' just as these earlier improvements in the 'lot' of
workers had come about. They have been driven by public demand and so
long as we remain a free society will continue to be...

So, you agree with me that we would end up with much the same
legislation, whether we are inside the EU or outside, negating the
argument that the EU is imposing its will on us.

No, if we are outside, our judges and parliament determine the
outcome of legislation. Not am appointed court in Europe. The British
legal system is incompatible with the Napoleonic code used in Europe.