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Capitol Capitol is offline
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Default Gas Detector recs please

NY wrote:
"Capitol" wrote in message
Martin Brown wrote:

The only time it might be sensible to have a combustible gas
detector is if the householder has absolutely no sense of smell.

Very few people are unable to smell mercaptans at the level they are
added to mains gas so I don't think it is worth worrying about.

I am unable to smell household gas, so it's not that uncommon.

I do wonder whether the guy who sadly died in the Haxby explosion (I
heard the bang from about 10 miles away) may have had the same problem
as you and hence not realised that there was a gas leak... I imagine
that the central heating kicked in at 7:30 after gas had been building
up all night to the explosive gas/air concentration. Worrying that one
of the comments on the York Press web site story was from someone else
in Haxby who had discovered gas leaking from the underground pipes
outside her new house when she first moved in a year or so ago. Is
there a problem in the area?

Interesting, if her house was new it would have a plastic feed pipe
I believe. I wonder if it was connected to a plastic or iron gas main?