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OFWW[_2_] OFWW[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 351
Default Drawer & Cabinet Guys:! Opinions Needed!

On Wed, 3 Feb 2016 21:44:23 -0800 (PST), "

On Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 6:41:31 PM UTC-6, Swingman wrote:

Boy howdy, did they have to pay through the nose

LOL... no wonder we get along so well. A man truly after my own heart.

I don't like it when I get beat on a job, but I really don't like it if I get beat because someone used lesser quality materials, lesser build quality, and inferior design. Still... it happens, certainly part of the business.

But one should be aware of consequences if they call me to "fix" the work of a contractor that got the job. Pricing on repairs of that type isn't pretty, but depending on the client's attitude, it can be downright ugly.


Boy Howdy if this scenario didn't remind me of some past HVAC jobs.
Beat out by low ballers who were depending on change orders to make a
profit. One case in particular they bid the job for less than the
equipment cost me, and I knew I was getting a better price for the
equipment than they could.

Got a call from the customer, the contractor went belly up, they
wanted us to come finish the job. T&M, I won't even go into all the
details but we made more money off that job than if we had gotten the
contract in the first place. After the job was completed and signed
off, we threw a big party for all our guys for making a really crappy
job good.