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Fredxxx Fredxxx is offline
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Default Screwfix Website

On 30/12/2015 19:21, polygonum wrote:
On 30/12/2015 15:19, Turnip Watch wrote:
Looking for some odd size woodscrews - pozis with the
thread running all the way down - 2 1/4 x 12 in old
money or 60 x 6 ; near enough anyway.
Checked on my first port of call Toolstation.
Their ranges are all listed is size order and as
expected from memory anyway - 2 1/4 only go up
to x 10 or 60 up to 5.
Tried the Screwfix site.

Unless I'm doing something very, very, wrong -

It seems the numpties who designed the Screwfix site
and the morons who signed it off decided it would be
a good idea to list screws - not in size order -
but instead give the customer the choice of sorting

Top Sellers, Price High to Low, Price Low to High"
Product Brand A-toZ, product Brand Z to A, Average Star
Rating. None of which bring up a size sorted list
but a mixture of individual sizes.

Which is total ********. You chose your sort
categories according to the characteristics of
what you're selling. Without checking maybe this
is a straight port of the B&Q abortion. The only
surprise is that they didn't include "sort
by colour" as well.

michael adams


Truly awful. Recently (at least months) I have been finding it is
entirely unusable unless I regularly force a page refresh. For example,
put "skyhook" in search box, hit the go and look for it button. Nothing
happens. Refresh, try again, it might work. Similarly with the filter
options. Might be due to using ad blocker - but it is a foolish thing to
make a website so bad that customers go elsewhere.

I'm simply amazed. Apart from the search engine issues with limited key
words, I currently don't have any problems with the site, and I
generally use Firefox with uBlock to block adverts.

Some time ago I used some alternative adblock plugin which was quite
aggressive, that rendered the website virtually useless. Screwfix seem
to have numerous photos and scripts from a wide number of different but
related domains.