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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Insulate Walls or Floors?

On 12/29/2015 8:33 AM, trader_4 wrote:


But there are diminishing returns and he's in SF, which has a
moderate climate. Between unfinished basements and the living
space typically isn't insulated. My basement is probably ~55F
all year long, in SF I wouldn't be surprised if a crawlspace,
with some limited vents, is not too much different.

Some places now require the floor to be insulated'

Someone else pointed out that some more info on what the real
objective is would be helpful. He said that after replacing
carpet with wood flooring, it takes a lot longer to heat the
house. I don't think that makes much sense. I can see carpet
feeling warmer, but from a heat transfer perspective, I doubt
carpet vs wood is going to make much difference.

Carpet and pad can be R2 to R6 depending on material and thickness.
Could make a noticeable difference if the heating system is marginal.