Thread: wall tiling ?
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Stuart Noble Stuart Noble is offline
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Default wall tiling ?

On 27/12/2015 16:29, ss wrote:
On 27/12/2015 16:39, Phil L wrote:
ss wrote:
Having measured the height of the wall to be tiled it looks like I
will have a gap of 34mm at either the top or bottom of the wall.
How would you best deal with this?

A narrow cut of tile or some other method?
If a narrow cut of tile then at the bottom or top?

I could use 5mm spacers to lessen it but would prefer using 3mm

Half a tile + 17mm at the bottom and the same at the top.

EG, if the tiles are 150mm square, set your row of bottom tiles (full
92mm up from the floor / skirt, then when you get up to the ceiling,
got another 92mm piece.
Bigger pieces always look better than small slivers of tile wedged in.

OK thanks, that makes sense.

I'd probably go for 34mm at the top although, by the time you get up
there, that measurement might change if the walls are less than perfect.
Best to keep an eye on that and skip a spacer here and there on the way
up to maintain a uniform gap at the top. Basically a question of taste.
I like to see full tiles at floor level