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micky micky is offline
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Default Advertised prices or not?

On 19 Dec 2015 16:47:42 GMT, KenK wrote:

I often see full- or half=page ads for products, which once in a while look
interesting. But most such half-or full-page newspaper or magazine ads have
no price, not even a hint. My feeling is, if there's no price I probably
can't or don't want to afford it. Not worth going to web sites, make phone
calls, etc. How about you?

You're right.

One time I really did need something, before the web, and I called two
or three places and one guy wouldn't give me a price, and I said,
calmly, "It must be expensive if you won't give me a price. " and he
gave me the price.

IIRC it was sort of high but certainly not outrageous. I forget the
rest of the story.