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[email protected] Paintedcow@unlisted.moc is offline
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Default Just bought house with 1,000 gallon propane tank (is this normal?)

On Thu, 17 Dec 2015 17:08:36 -0700, Tony Hwang wrote:

I never had propane before.
I don't begrudge them anything.

But, I also don't know what's normal.
Is this normal stuff?

Asking questions after the fact? Funny!

I once lived in a city and just paid my gas bill for Natural Gas. When I
moved to the country, I also was confused and somewhat intimidated by
the propane company. I called and thought they would just install a tank
and fill it. I quickly learned about the tank lease fee, other fees, and
I had to buy a regulator (on the house), and other costs that I did not
expect. And I was not allowed to install my own underground pipes, which
would have saved me quite a bit.

I was also not aware that each and every time I let the tank get
completely empty, that I would be charged for an inspection. I quickly
learned to never let the tank go below 2%. Then I learned something
else.... If the tank does go empty, DONT TELL THEM THAT AT THE OFFICE.
The same guy always fills my tank, and he told me that if I dont tell
them, he's not going to report me, or charge me for an inspection.... (A
nice guy). However, they will fill the tank faster if I DO tell them
it's empty. The BEST solution is to get it filled BEFORE it goes empty.
Especially when it's very cold outdoors.