Thread: P&D quote
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charles charles is offline
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Default P&D quote

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Tim Streater wrote:
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newshound wrote:

On 15/12/2015 21:15, David Lang wrote:
On 15/12/2015 19:07, tim..... wrote:

Unless you're already an expert, its very bad practice to consider
a single quote for any job. You need to get as many quotes as you
can - both for the cost and time taken, which should give you
a better idea and then play them off against one another.

If I get a caller saying "I've had a few quotes and I'm looking for the
best price" I usually hang up.

No such thing as a free quote - if you're a tradesman.

I *do* have some sympathy with that, particularly for your type of
business. But for something like central heating I would typically look
for three quotes and would certainly recommend that to anyone more
vulnerable or less experienced. I'd try to be very straight with the
tradesmen, also I would try to give them some sort of written spec or
other details to make estimating easier. And if it is a job where there
might be more under the surface I would be clear that I wanted an
estimate, not a fixed price quote.

Nothing wrong with charging a small fee for a quote, possibly
refundable if awarded the work.

I'd also be looking for what the work quality is like and what the
tradesman's particular prejudices might be such as "I always/never use
copper/plastic pipework and here's why".

When you're involved with something semi-public, like a village hall, 3
quotes are always needed.

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