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Default Home Depot return policy w/out receipt

On Monday, March 3, 2008 at 4:17:53 PM UTC-8, Walter Cohen wrote:
Anyone know what HD's return policy is if you do not have a receipt? I know
they take your drivers license number but is there a cap as to how much
stuff ($) you can return without a receipt before they disallow it?
I know Walmart puts you on a 'black' list and after a while (not sure how
you define 'a while') they disallow you returning items.

Anyway, I purchased a small $ item last year ($13.96 door closer) and didn't
need it. I looked far and wide for the receipt and couldn't locate it so I
took the item back to HD and got a gift card (which is ok because I'm always
in their store).
Wouldn't you know it the next day I was cleaning off my desk and came across
the receipt!
Of course the receipt was 9 months old(!) and the receipt states they would
take the receipt items back for 90 days so it is doubtful if I could have
used the receipt to return the item. Too bad I can't go back (or call HQ)
and give them the receipt and have them take me off their 'list'.


What people's past experience are doesn't count any more. HD has a NEW Policy as of 2015. And it doesn't matter if the No receipt value was only 1 Penny or a 100 dollars. It's all counted as the same. Further and listen closely. If you bought say 200 dollars worth of 10 items and it includes just 1 Penny you applied to that 200 dollars worth of purchases where that 1 Penny was applied from a No-Receipt store credit, then the whole receipt of 200 becomes non-returnable. In other words none of the 10 items you purchased are returnable.
In order to get a refund (even thou you have a receipt for those 10 items) you must write HH Corporate Office in Irvine, Attention TRE POBox 51373, Irvine, CA 92619-3133. There won't be anyone to talk to, it must be in writing requesting the refund credit. If you want more information you must call 1-866-550-3133 but they will tell the same as I just did above, nothing more. They'll just hang up on you if you try to explain your reasons.

My suggestion is never never use a Store Credit to pay partial of a greater amount due, as will affect all items (even if bought by cash or Credit Card)as non-refundable "Return Declined".
Quote: "HD also suggest not to use other people Store Credit as it will impact your ability to make returns."

What people experiences have been in the past, you can throw out the window..