Thread: Roof and bees
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michael adams[_8_] michael adams[_8_] is offline
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Posts: 769
Default Roof and bees

"DerbyBorn" wrote in message
I have a recently built extension and have seen bees getting between the
sarking membrane and the Marley concrete roof tiles. I am concerned they
may find their way through an overlap and get into the void.

The main house has a black plastic comb like strip to prevent insect

I am wondering if I should try sliding the bottom row of tiles up and
fitting some. Should the tiles normally just slide up? What is the strip
called? Any alternatives without disturbing the tiles - or are they easy to
move without damage?

Masonry bees which do the damage are solitary insects, and so
presumably these are honey bees. Which do no structural damage to

Clearly they've already got in somewhere, and even if you
succeed in evicting or destroying this lot, unless you're
a lot more patient and relentless than your average insect
in closing up any gaps, its possible something else more
a bit more harmful may move in.

In any case honey bees are beneficial insects which pollinate
many food crops, fruit etc. And in the opinion of many people
at least, they're under enough pressure as it is.

michael adams
