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Posted to uk.d-i-y
Muddymike[_2_] Muddymike[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 688
Default Loft water tank size

I'll start off by saying please DO NOT reply saying rip it all out and fit a
combi, because that just isn't going to happen.

This is not an emergency yet but by fortunate chance I've just spotted that
the steel water tank I currently have has a very low frequency drip from a
corrosion point. Bucket is now in place - not that that will help much if
it goes through in a oner mind you !

There are height and possible weight constraints on where I can fit the
tank. My problem is that the current tank is 35 gallons and so far all the
loft tanks I can find are either 25 or 50 gallons. A 25 gallon tank will
go in fairly easily - 50 gallon one will add 150lb to the structure and be
significantly more of a pain to fit.

Baths are popular in our house so do I have to go for the 50 size and
shoe-horn it in ?

Definitely go with the new tank, combi systems are the work of the devil!

Id go with the 50 gallon job but set it to only fill to your required 35
gallons. 2 x 25 could be linked if that makes space easier.
