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Chris French Chris French is offline
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Default Loft water tank size

In message , Fredxxx
On 21/02/2015 20:04, Scott M wrote:
robgraham wrote:

There are height and possible weight constraints on where I can fit
the tank. My problem is that the current tank is 35 gallons and so
far all the loft tanks I can find are either 25 or 50 gallons. A 25
gallon tank will go in fairly easily - 50 gallon one will add 150lb
to the structure and be significantly more of a pain to fit.

Unless you've got a particularly good bath tap flow and low mains flow &
pressure then any old size tank ought to do as, when the inlet is at
full chat, it'll fill faster than it'll empty.

That does depend on the cold supply being sufficient. I have known an
instance where this was not the case and regularly caused airlocks in
the hot water supply.

Yup, ours fills slower than it empties. There is a pump shifting a fair
bit through the shower, or when filling the bath though.

I keep meaning to fit a new ball cock which might speeds things up - it
leaks slowly and overflows when we are away as well (though I think it
will still struggle to keep up). But it's never a problem, I've got
about 1000L (200 gal?) up there :-)
Chris French