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alan_m alan_m is offline
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Default Loft water tank size

On 21/02/2015 18:39, robgraham wrote:

There are height and possible weight constraints on where I can fit the tank. My problem is that the current tank is 35 gallons and so far all the loft tanks I can find are either 25 or 50 gallons. A 25 gallon tank will go in fairly easily - 50 gallon one will add 150lb to the structure and be significantly more of a pain to fit.

Baths are popular in our house so do I have to go for the 50 size and shoe-horn it in ?

Make sure it goes through the loft hatch - the original may have been
fitted before the roof went on.

Size = Fit two smaller tanks

Weight = fit larger tank but only 2/3rd fill it.

You can also get coffin tanks of 100 gallons - long and thin to fit the
hatch opening and to spread the load

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