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Default Photo negatives, slides copier recommendations?

Bill wrote:
In message , John

It is my late fathers lifetime collection, starting from about 1935,
some are on glass plates, the later are 35mm. Plus some other glass ones
will be earlier they belong to my grandfather and date from goodness
knows when. I hate to think of the quantity, but there are a lot!

A mix quite like my collection started back in the 1960s with a 116
folding camera, then a 12 on 120 camera, then a 16 on 120 and finally
a series of 35mm SLRs. I also had a few glass plates.

I scanned all of these (something like 15000 pictures in all) uisng my
Epson V700 scanner, it takes time but the V700 does a pretty good job
of managing the gross imperfections so I just left it on its default
settings most of the time. I just did a bit of manual tuning on some
especially important images. The V700 will scan (if I remember right)
12 35mm slides at a time, it takes several minutes but at least you
can do something else while it thinks.

The later ones come complete with prints, so I can see what they are
easily, but a lot of the earlier ones are just the negatives. Much as I
would love to let someone else convert them I think the cost would be
rather high, plus, not having started to do it yet, I think that it may
be quite enjoyable. Thoughts may change over time of course :-)

It is quite enjoyable but you need to allow lots of time, I found it
quite interesting remembering where and when I had taken the pictures,
getting exact (or approximate) dates, etc.

Chris Green