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trader_4 trader_4 is offline
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Default How old is too old for a smoke detector ?

On Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 10:53:11 PM UTC-5, Tony Hwang wrote:
G. Morgan wrote:
trader_4 wrote:

He can do what he wants, however there is no requirement that
it be brought up to current code for new construction, at least
here in NJ, which is pretty tough when it comes to code.
Here a smoke detector inspection is required for a
certifcate of occupancy and what is required is far more basic. For
example, a smoke detector immediately outside a bedroom, as was
code years ago, is still compliant. As is using one for two bedrooms, if
those bedrooms are next to each other. etc.

I'd suggest he check what's required in his state and then decide.

That is true, he does not have to bring it up to new construction code.
Its a good opportunity to exercise best practice though.

Just do things just to get by code? Family life is depend on it.
There is no such things as over safety as far as I am concerned.
smoke/flame detectors, CO detectors, gas detecter hard wired with
battery back up. Diligent annual check up and testing like a ritual.
Here often local government is talking about sprinklers in residential
new construction. Today's vinyl sidding clad house is very bad in fire.

You can put 50 of them in your house, if you like. I don't see it doing
much to improve safety. Code 30 years ago was one on each level, one
in the hall outside bedroom areas. That works for me. Every house fire
death report in the news that I've ever seen, there were either no
smoke detectors, they had no batteries, etc.