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Default (OT) Welcome back the Newspaper boy

On Mon, 19 Nov 2012 06:55:49 -0600, Doug

On Mon, 19 Nov 2012 04:34:34 -0600, wrote:

Back in the late 90's it appeared that the daily newspaper was a dying
thing. People could go online and read the news on multiple sites.

Maybe the old ways were better.......

If you only use the computer to read news I might at least consider
your opinion, otherwise not. I do several things on mine and while
it does require upkeep on occasion and can be a pain (sounds like my
wife too), I prefer to read my news on the net. I only get a Sunday
newspaper because of my wife but she is starting to read on the net

I use my computer for other stuff besides the news, but I'm only
speaking of using the internet, not the computer itself.

I only use the internet to do email and occasionally look up a subject,
for example, when I'm fixing my car and want to look up how to do the
repair, or what type of fluid goes in the gear case, etc. Occasionally
there may be another subject. Other than that, I read a few newsgroups,
and bring up the local weather radar maps. That's it.

Back in the 90's I had fun on the internet. It's not fun anymore. It's
downright aggravating most of the time, trying to find some useful
content in a pile of rubbish. Even trying to do some research on a car
repair or something like that is a huge struggle to find sites that
actually have information, reather than those fake sites that try to
lure a person there and are filled with nothing but ads, or want me to
pay for the info, or register to read it. I refuse to pay, and refuse
to register to read a damn article.

Af for social interaction with others, it seems that it's all about
facebook these days, and that is nothing but a bunch of immature punks,
while FB itself is monitoring everything we do and say. I wouldn't use
FB even if they offerred to pay me for it.

As for upgrading, my oldest computer with Windows98 and my newest one
with XP, both do everything else (non-internet) perfectly. I can watch
movies, play music, edit photos, do accounting, type letters, and much
more. It's just the internet stuff that keeps demanding upgrades.

Once usenet is dead, which wont be long, I'll probably cancel my
internet service. I can get email and weather radar maps on my
cellphone, and in the rare occasion that I need repair info for my car,
I can go to a WIFI spot with my laptop. The internet overall is a dying
thing except that horrid facebook.