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Wolfgang Allinger[_2_] Wolfgang Allinger[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 33
Default OT - Computing question!

On 07 Jan 12 at group /sci/electronics/repair in article
(~BD~) wrote:

Wolfgang Allinger wrote:
Same with me from Paraguay WinXPprof SP3, Firefox 9.0.1

How does this work, guys?

Don`t know either.

Thanks for responding.

Your computer clock appears to be wrong!

Your message is shown here as being posted at 11:27 am - but at the
moments it's only around 10:30!! (GMT)

uups, posted it 06:27 PYST (Paraguay Summer Time) that`s UTC/GMT-3

the header says ...S-5 Grrrrr. Seems that my emailer and/or WinXP or the
connection didn`t work correct for DST on the southern hemisphere.
Don`t know if I can debug that.

I will ship this approx at 08:30 Local time, after trying to manipulate
the header time offset. Hopfully in the right direction.

Saludos Wolfgang

Wolfgang Allinger 15h00..21h00 MEZ: SKYPE:wolfgang.allinger
Paraguay mailer: CrossPoint XP 3.20 (XP2) in WinXPprof DOSbox
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